Volt - Chapter 3

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


After hours of running around, Cinder and I finally stopped. We found a nice place to sit under a tree, and we decided to talk. He told me some about how he had lived on the island for around three years, and how he had decided to move here after he realized how much work he was for his single mother.

"So, what about you? What's your story?" Cinder asked, not knowing how painful the question would be to me.

"Oh, it's boring. You wouldn't want to hear it." I lied.

"Oh, of course I would! There's no way someone like you doesn't have a cool story!"

"No, it isn't cool. It's... boring." I lied again.

"V-Volt, you're crying... Please, tell me. I can help."

"No, you won't! You'll think I'm wierd or scary and run just like everyone else!" I yelled, running away as fast as I could.

"Volt, wait! Please!" He called, but I was gone. It was the first day I had met a friend, and I had already screwed it up. Maybe it wasn't my backstory... Maybe it was me.

I ran to my hut and closed the makeshift door, not caring if it didn't lock. If that Flareon had any brains, he would leave me alone and forget about me. I sat alone for a few minutes before I felt tears run down my face. "T-this... it's all my fault!" I yelled.

"No, it's not." Came another voice. I looked as the door was opened by Cinder.

"Why'd you follow me?!" I yelled.

"Because you need a friend. I can tell. Please, don't run. You don't have to tell me anything. Just... don't blame yourself."

I stared at him for a solid minute before I finally stood up. "Look, I'm more trouble than I'm worth. You should leave now before you get yourself into a situation you don't want to be in."

"I don't think you're that bad."

"H-huh..?" I quietly said.

"Y'know, it's not your past that matters. It's how you improve off of what's happened in the past that matters. If everyone went around judging everyone by their pasts, no one would have any friends. So, I want to help you get over whatever's going on."

"... You can't be serious. No one in my life has ever reacted like that. Ever. You're joking, right?"

"Not at all. And  about all the Pokemon that judged you like that, they're wrong. You seem pretty cool to me."

"N-no, no way. Are you really... trying to... help?" I studdered.

"That's what I've been trying to say." He said with a smile.

"Then... yeah. Yeah, I'll... let you help. No, that sounds wierd. Let's just keep being friends."

"Sounds good to me. C'mon, let's get you out of this shack. For now, you can stay with me. I live on that big house on the top of the hill." He explained, pointing to it.

"Wait, you live there?!" I cried, staring at the large mansion he claimed to live in.

"Yeah, it's the Champion's Mansion. When you win the Orkrum Championship, you can live there for the rest of the year. So, naturally, I took up the offer. It's gonna suck leaving, though. I really grew to love the place."

"Nah, we'll win this thing." I said.

"What'd mean 'we'?"

"I mean I'm gonna fight in these upcoming competitions, and I'm gonna win."

"Really? Great! Let's see... The next one is in a few days, so you should get ready! Oh, I've got a good idea! Let's battle!" He suggested.

I hesitated, but eventually decided that I should do it. He said my past didn't matter anyways, right? "Sure, we can do it. You really want me to go full force?"

"Yeah! You seem super strong, so let's see if I'm right about that!" He called, running off.

I laughed to myself and followed. Cinder really did seem to care, but he still didn't know what I'd really done. Maybe he wouldn't care, though? I doubted it, but he reacted so... differently. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance this friendship would last.

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