Cinder - Chapter 50

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


My eyes fluttered open as I slowly began to wake up. I noticed Volt sitting next to me, though he was still fast asleep. His ears twitched as I slowly crept out of my bedroom while trying to not wake him up, but I figured I probably would anyway. As I began walking my legs ached, causing me to flinch and the floor to creak under my weight, and I turned to see his head jerk up a bit. He slowly lifted his head to look at me, a concerned smile on his face.

"Hey..." He sleepily muttered, getting up to face me. "How's it going..?"

"Well, it would be better if my legs weren't killing me. What the heck happened to make them hurt this badly?"

He gave me a sad look, turning his eyes to the floor. "You... don't remember?"

I shook my head and slowly got back into my bed, now facing him directly. "I remember just going to bed, but that's it. I don't know how I got hurt this badly from that. Also, why're you in my room?" He didn't raise his eyes from the floor, and he looked as if he was trying to find the words to explain what had happened. I became really concerned after he spent quite a while trying to figure out what to say with no luck, but all I could do was wait and see.

"So... I'm sure you know that I'm fused with Zygarde and Frost has the blood of Xerneas, and well, you have something in common with Yveltal. I don't know exactly what, but it... really affected you last night. You kinda... went a bit berserk on Frost and me. I think you let that power get the best of you."

I stared at him in shock, beginning to be really worried. "I... what?! Did I attack you or something?!" Volt quietly nodded his head, making me sigh in disappointment. "I-I can't believe this... I really tried to hurt you guys..." I sighed and shook my head, turning my head to the ground as well.

"Look, that wasn't your fault. We can figure out what to do with that, but we need your cooperation. Will you agree?"

I nodded my head, looking back up at him. "I'm stuck with this power, so I might as well figure it out. What should we do?"

He stood up and paced for a moment, not saying a word. He continued this for quite a while, so I began thinking as well. "I'm afraid... our best option may be to just fight it out." Volt didn't seem happy about the conclusion he'd come to, but we both figured it was the best plan we had.

"I'll do whatever you say." I agreed. "You're the closest thing to a leader that we have, so I'm game with whatever you have to say."

A smile crept onto his face, and he nodded with approval. "Thank you. I may not be the best, but... I'm in this to win. I'm glad you're with me."

"Well, if we weren't in it to win, there'd be no point, right? We have to stick together on this. We have to get everyone to fight together, or we'll never succeed. That's why I'm willing to do whatever it takes."

Volt smiled and stepped out of my room, and I followed close behind. We left the house and sat together on some of the nearby hills, watching the waves roll by on the coast. We sat quietly for quite a while, yet eventually, we were joined by Psi.

"Volt!" She cried, running to us. "I'm so happy you're back." She clung to Volt as she sat down, causing him to awkwardly turn to me. He looked extremely confused, and I felt bad for him.

I knew he had something with Frost, but Psi was so clingy that I didn't know how it would work out. "I uh... I'm going to go inside. Do you... want to come?"

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