Frost - Chapter 77

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


I put on the nicest smile I could, but upon closing his door I dropped the act. Something was up, I wasn't dumb. I couldn't really feel his thoughts like I had been able to before he'd disappeared, but I knew enough to know something was wrong. I sighed and took slow steps away, eyes glued to the floor.

He doesn't... blame me, does he? He said he didn't... No, I trust Volt. He told me he didn't, and I have to trust that... right?

I paused for a bit and shook my head. I didn't need to be thinking of such things, but it was hard not to. It just didn't make sense to me. Maybe something had messed him out there, or actually, no doubt something had. Should I ask him, or should I wait and let him come to me? It was a hard decision to make, but I figured it might be best to just wait for the time being. I knew what I had to do now, though. I took my leave, wandering onto the shores of the island where I could be alone. Messy as it was, there were some days when I could never get enough of the sand between my paws. It made for a good happy place now and again.

I closed my eyes, digging for something, any kind of feeling I might've had after sleeping under the moon. I paused, picking up on just a spark. I channeled it, feeling my strength seep through the cracks of who I was. With the soft crash of the waves in the background, I could feel the pressure building, the cracks getting larger and larger, until all at once: it burst.

Crystals, not of ice, but solid gemstones, shattering the ground, bursts of light, and massive bangs, followed by weakness I couldn't combat. I collapsed, but even in my fainting, I could slightly smile. I'd finally found my own way to strength.

I woke up to pink paws flipping me around and then wrapping me in a hug. "I was so scared, what the heck happened to you?!" Ribbon cried, looking at both me and the sight I'd left behind.

I smiled and shook my head. "I... I finally found my own strength." She paused for a moment, but a slight smile appeared on her face. She pulled me up, letting me turn around to face exactly what I'd caused. Shattered crystals covered the beach, lacing it like tiny bits of glass that reflected in the sun. I knew it definitely wouldn't be a fun scene to accidentally stumble upon, it was still beautiful. "I'm... I can finally hold my own. I don't have to rely on them. I finally did it..!" I cried, tears starting to form in my eyes. It seemed like such a trivial thing, but it meant the world to me. I loved Volt, and I trusted Cinder, but I needed my own purpose as well.

A part of me decided to grab Ribbon and hold her as tight as I could, letting out all the emotions I was overwhelmed with. She didn't say anything, probably not fully understanding why I felt the way I did but still attempting to be there the best she could, and that was all I needed. When I finally let her go, I still had a feeling of joy so overwhelming that I wasn't sure how to deal with it. I couldn't believe I'd actually done it. Against all odds, against all I'd believed, I could do it.

I took a deep breath, attempting to get my feelings under control. It didn't work as well as I might've hoped it would, but it was good enough. I knew I needed to tell Volt, but I felt so strange about how he'd acted that I was strangely afraid of going to see him. Cinder needed to know as well, but I didn't feel comfortable telling him and not Volt. I then realized that Xerneas should probably know. I wasn't sure if Ribbon should see Xerneas, so I considered attempting to find a chance to sneak away, though I was quickly corrected.

Xerneas appeared almost instantly, like bits of flickering light coming together to reveal her form. I was at first stunned that she appeared, but I quickly released it probably wasn't something I should've been too surprised of. Ribbon froze at the sight, surely out of both shock and fear from seeing such a thing. I didn't blame her, but I'd pretty much gotten used to it.

"So, you've trodden a path unknown to unlock your own strength? I admire your ways, my child, even if blasphemous to my own power. However, you are a being of your own and the path is yours to carve, not mine to govern."

Blasphemy? Xerneas had some interesting words at times, and definitely not ones I was smart enough to understand. Eh, it was probably a good thing anyways. "Thank you for letting me decide on my own. I think I know what I have to do now, but thank you for starting me down my path. I'll be relying on you."

She nodded. "As will everyone be on you. I shall stand by your side, if only in spirit and blood."

I glanced over to Ribbon, who was still frozen. I slightly giggled and she tried to calm herself down. "Um... hi?" She whimpered, to which Xerneas gave a respectful nod, though said nothing. I figured she wasn't too experienced in talking to mortals other than the few to which she already had. I felt bad for Ribbon, though it was quite funny.

My gaze returned to Xerneas, who had once again locked eyes with me. "I have great hopes for you. I believe you are now even stronger than you know, but you must now turn to the others. They are in need of your help." I stared, a bit dumbfounded. The others, as in Volt and Cinder? I was sure Cinder was having trouble, but Volt? He had just been fighting with Zygarde, and I'm sure he was doing something awful, but what could I possibly do to help what was in the past? I questioned Xerneas on exactly what she meant.

"Cinder, his power is far too strong for his own, and he risks destroying himself in the process of learning it if he is not careful." She paused, seeming to take a moment to think, then began again. "And Volt, his case is rather... special. It appears that Zygarde has fused his entirety into Volt's form. I am unsure of why this occurred, though I am very sure it is an incredibly dangerous thing for his body to undergo."

I stared at her with what I could only describe as visible confusion. "Um... what?"

"His mortal body is now harboring the full power of a god. There is little chance he should be able to contain such power, though I do not know exactly what shall come of it. All I know is that he is in danger. I do not believe there is a way this can be cured, but you will need to help him. The process will be very painful for him."

I stared at the ground. That's why he had been acting that way. He had been hiding something from me, yeah, but I couldn't blame him. That sounded terrifying. My mind began working faster than I even knew it could, wondering exactly what had happened and how such a thing had come to be. "This... is serious? Is he gonna be okay? Please, please tell me he's gonna be okay!"

"I do not know, only time will tell. This is by no means a common occurrence, and I believe that it depends heavily on the two individuals involved. You need only wait, though it may be painful to see what he goes through, I can tell you nothing here."

I turned back to look towards home. I faced back at the two, feeling a deep concern. "I... need to go. I'm sorry, but I need to go see him." Ribbon, though less affected, also showed concern, but she seemed to know I needed to face him alone first. She nodded, while Xerneas turned away. I turned, my mind running faster than ever yet again. I couldn't lose him, I wouldn't. Xerneas may not know what will happen, but I will fight with all my being to make sure it doesn't, just like he would do for me.

My legs burst into overdrive as I began to make my way; no matter how much it hurt, they wouldn't stop pushing forward. I wouldn't let this happen, I couldn't. The trip felt like it was so much longer than usual even though I was going so much faster than I usually did. When I finally got to the door, I burst through it at near lightspeed. I dashed through the halls until I reached his room when I finally slowed down. I lightly pushed the door open, most worried for him but also partially afraid of what I might see inside.

Inside the room, Volt lay on his bed, curled up in what was clearly an uncomfortable position. It was quiet, but I could hear him faintly whimpering. He seemed strange but still hopefully okay, so I crept further into his room. As I approached him, though, I saw a sight that horrified me.

A couple of small patches on his skin, where his fur should've been, were instead an unnatural mix of blood and black scales.

He was transforming.

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