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song of the chapter
by melanie martinez

Averys POV

Everything was already out to the public. I mean it only took a week for the video of him saying 'Fuck Avery' to be posted on lots of social media pages. It doesn't really phase me though, I've taught myself over the past few months to just let things be and go on.

I've been doing so much better and glowing more after I learned to let things be rather than to just let them go.

Right now I was scrolling through Twitter and reading all my mentions. I've been tagged in a recording of Mattia's live that I haven't watched yet.

I wasn't really talking about everything that happened because 1. it's not their business and 2. I don't want to.

"You realize your silence is making people think you're upset about everything?" Mariano popped in and sat next to me.

"I don't care. It's entertaining to me that he thinks it's affecting me. I've been through a lot that I just taught myself to be numb to all this shit. I really don't care anymore."

Deep down I do. I thought we were forgetting everything and finally moving on together. But he just had to call me that day and say what he said.

"Yeah I see how unbothered you are but at least post something. My friend just got a new camera and wants to shoot some pics and you're coming with me so get ready." He left my room and I immediately got up. Having a photo shoot always made me feel good.

It's like 50° out so I put on jeans and a cute sweatshirt. My hair was wavy and going just past my shoulders. My makeup wasn't dramatic either. Just some concealer and mascara.

We left and made it there quick since his friend lives nearby.

His friend, Jackson, took us to his beautifully decorated backyard. He took out these colorful smoke things to have in the pictures so they would look cool.

I sat down with my feet crossed and hands on my legs almost like when you go to a friends house for the first time and you're shy. Mariano took his sweet ass time taking pictures and I was just watching.

This backyard had a little pond in the back but it was frozen. I walked up to it but slipped on the ice near it. I felt a pair of hands grab me and help me up.

"Oh my god are you okay?" It's Jenna. I quickly turned around and gave her a small smile.

"Oh it's you." She rolled her eyes and walked away. I tried being nice to her but she's always gonna be a little kid.

"I've never done anything to you, Jenna, and I honestly don't know why you have such hatred towards me." She stopped walking and turned around.

"It's not even that, I have to admit I was a little jealous of your life and all the friends you have." Excuse me.

"What's there to be jealous about? I'm just like you." I said. I know I'm not but I'm trying to ease things between us. It's senior year, why go out having bad blood with someone I used to be close with?

"I'm not rich and famous like you, I didn't have a beautiful love story with Mattia, I don't have amazing friends like you, and my family isn't perfect like yours." I was very shocked hearing this come from her. I did not have a beautiful love story. Well maybe it was but it didn't end right.

"If you felt that way then why did you start spreading rumors about me and my family last year?" I walked up to her and saw her get frustrated.

senior year p2 (sequel to the new girl) Where stories live. Discover now