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Mattias POV
Averys 17th birthday

It's been a whole day since our kiss and I'm still thinking about it. I want to make today special for her. I was planning on taking her to my dads restaurant for dinner but I'm sure she wants to hang out with all of her friends and not just me.

It's Saturday and it was cold outside.


avery❤️: guess who's home🥺

*baby picture*

kairi🥢: she's so squishy

kai stfu


avery🤞🏻: thanksss💛💛

what are we doing tonight?

kairi🥢: i was gonna drop off a cake maiya made for you and let you two fuck

avery🤞🏻: 😳
but i'll take the cake

what..did you guys get together again? 👀

ale🤠: bro man are you schtwepid?

i might have something planned🤔

I was waiting to see her response to the text but instead she called me.

"What plans do you have for us?" She asked. I don't know why but she sounded so sexy.

"I'm- I was thinking we could get dinner at my dads restaurant. But if that's too much then we don't have to. It's your call anyway." Why was I so nervous?

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I could tell me she was smiling from the tone of her voice.

"Maybe. Oh wait I just thought of something better. We could bring the food to your house and eat in the hammocks by the lake or in the tree house."

"Anything is fine with me as long as I'm with you."

We talked for a little more then she had to go help with the baby.

This is so confusing to me. I need to talk to someone and all I could think about was Taylor. So I called her but there was no answer.

I didn't know if I should call Kairi considering we did fall off at some point but maybe he can help me. I always went to him back then.

k: yo wassup

m: i need your help

k: go on

m: so you know everything that's ever happened with me and avery. you've even seen it front row

k: okay? what are you getting at? are you confused about everything too? she told me she kissed you yesterday and i was so shocked.

m: i was too! like i never lost feelings for her even though i really tried to i just couldn't. i keep going back to her and she keeps going back to me

k: i see it and i always said you two would be high school sweethearts which would be a cute and very bumpy story to tell your future kids. then i changed my mind after you cheated and then got back together so i was like yay power couple then you hit her and i hated you but now we're cool and i'm still at yay power couple

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