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Averys POV

"You're done with me?"

I stood there frozen not knowing where to go or what to do. I wasn't expecting him to be here let alone hear everything I said to Kairi.

"Avery, answer my question." He took us both and sat me on the bed. I tried getting up but he pushed me down.

"No I-" I choked on my own words. I felt my back and legs fill with pins and needles and they started feeling hot.

"No what?"

"Stop! Just give me space." I yelled not being able to take this anymore. I got up and started pacing around from corner to corner.

"I'm sorry about being mad but I don't think you have to breakup with me because of that."

"Mattia, just stop.." I tried calming myself down so I wouldn't cry again.

"Avery come on!" I heard being yelled from the other side of the door. I walked over and left him standing there alone.

Walking away from the room already felt like a breakup but I knew it wasn't over.

"Everyone wants a picture with you- Whats wrong?" Taylor asked me.

"I don't want to talk about it. Let's just get this over with. I wanna go to sleep." I lied. For some reason now I wanted to argue. I feel like I needed to let everything out and just let go. Again, it could just be the alcohol but Ima do it anyway.

We got up to the top floor and before everyone left, they all sang happy birthday to me and I took a bunch of pictures, and with people I didn't even know.

"Bye thanks for coming." I hugged the last person then helped clean up a bit.

"So you gonna tell me now?" Taylor asked picking up the last cup off the floor. I patted the spot next to me on the white couch and turned to face her.

"He heard everything I said.." My voice started to shake again.

"Why do you seem scared though? I thought you wanted to talk about it with him?"

"I did- I do want to. It was just the look on his face when I saw him. He looked so broken and I felt bad."

"Are you still buzzed?" She asked laughing.

"Yeah..but I'm good." I laughed too. I lied, I couldn't the even see straight or get my thoughts together.

"Okay then Ima let you go. Good luck Av, I love you." She put her hand on my shoulder and looked deep into my eyes. I felt like I got lost in hers.

"I love you more." I responded.

I took a deep breath in before going back down there. The door was still opened so I just walked in there. Mattia looked like he was sleeping so I thought I'd do the same. Like Kairi said, just sleep on it and I'll be fine in the morning.

My pjs tonight was a black silk shirt and small shorts.

I sat down on my side of the bed and Mattia turned around.

"Why you wearing that to walk out of my life?" He asked. He's clearly been crying and listening to One direction.

"What exactly did you hear?" I turned my full body to face him.

He sat up and crossed his legs. "All of it. As soon as Kairi picked up the phone to when you hung up."


"Avery, I don't know why you gotta talk about our relationship problems with other people before you talk about it with me. I don't want to be the last to know that you're done with me."

senior year p2 (sequel to the new girl) Where stories live. Discover now