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Averys POV

I was still trying to process what just happened a couple hours ago. I felt like I was being lied to my whole life.

"Has she texted you?" I asked Mattia. He looked up at me and nodded his head.

"She asked if you wanted to take a dna test, just to make sure."

I was pacing in his hotel room. Starting to think about what my answer should be.

"You know, I don't think we need a test."

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because...how can you explain everything that we have in common? We literally have the same beauty mark on the same ear, she has a picture of my dad that I've never seen before, and I've seen all of them."

"She is pale like Mariano." He chuckled. I smiled and rolled my eyes at him. Mattia got up from his spot and went to lay down in his bed.

"Come here." He pat the spot next to him and I got in. "Tell me about tour. Is it different without me?". I'm sure he's just trying to get my mind off of this and onto something else.

"Yeah. I miss having you with me for every show and exploring new places with you but I guess having time away from you is good too." I turned my body to face his and wrapped a leg around him.

He didn't say anything but I could slightly hear him laughing a little. I looked up at him and saw he was smiling very hard.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"I was just thinking about the video of you falling off your prop."

"I hate you." I laughed.

"I also think about the videos you send me." He said. His voice drives me crazy. It was almost a little too deep right now but there was nothing wrong with it.

Mattia was wearing a zip up sweater and grey sweatpants. I unzipped his sweater and started tracing his abs. They've gotten clearer ever since he joined the team.

"You tryna fuck?" He said sitting up. I sat there laughing a little while he looked at me with red cheeks.

"Not tonight. I just want to relax."

"Let's go out." He insisted. "It'll be fun."

"I don't know..I'm kinda tired. Maybe tomorrow."

"Fine. We could go on a two hour sunset cruise and I could feed you strawberries and we could drink champagne."

"I love it." I said.

"And I love you." He kissed me then turned on his other side to fall asleep. But I couldn't.

Something was keeping me up and I just think I need to talk to someone about this. I checked to make sure he was asleep and grabbed my phone then left his room.

I carefully closed the door then started walking down the hallway.

"Avery." I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Lucia. Her makeup was messed up and I could tell she was drunk. Her red lipstick was all over her chin and her mascara ran down her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I asked walking up to her. She shook her head no.

"It's true." She cried. "I am your sister my mom just told me."

"It's okay. Why did you come here?" I asked her.

"I wanted to see you. I hope you're not mad at me."

"There's no reason I should be mad at you, Lucia." She calmed down and I wiped her tears away. I looked into her eyes again and this time I felt comfortable.

"My family calls me Lucy." She half smiled. I found it a little weird because that's my dogs name.

"Do you want to come in the room?" I gestured to the door. She shook her head and started walking to the elevators. I found myself following her and getting in one with her.

I have this burning question in me and it won't leave me alone.

"This is so crazy to me. Who would've thought I'd be related to Avery Castano." She slurred.

"I want to apologize for how I acted back there and leaving you. It's just that, growing up without him was hard. My mom always told me their love stories so hearing that he has another daughter really pissed me off because that means he cheated on my mom."

"Wow it must be a lot to handle, at least he got to hold you. My mom told me after he knocked her up he never came back. No matter how many times she called him and told him that she was pregnant, he never came."

"I thought your mom said he was a sweet guy?" I asked. The elevator doors opened and we walked out together.

"Well yeah she said they went on a couple dates in the week that he was in Spain that year and he made her feel like she was the only woman in the world. Momma always told me when I was younger that there are two sides to men."

"This feels like something straight out of a movie." We laughed.

"I have to tell you something." I said.

"What's up?"

"I hated you at first. When I came here for my date with Mattia and you were our waitress, I couldn't help but notice you were going to put your hand on his shoulder. I thought you and him were fucking each other so I hated you."

"Ew oh my god, no!" She laughed. Well I know sometimes he could look rough but damn...

"I'm bi." She said. It felt like a weight was lifted off my chest. "I come off as a flirt with everyone. But I respect relationships."

"Oh." I didn't know what to say. At least she thinks Mattia is ew.

"It's getting late you should go back to your room before you get noticed by people." She said. For some reason I wanted to spend more time with her.

Everything was closed around us except for the clubs and restaurants.

"Yeah I gotta wake up early in the morning, but do you need a ride back home? I'll take Mattias car and take you."

"No it's fine, I'll just walk. Goodnight.." She said. I smiled and waved her off then started walking down the block back to the hotel.

Lucia is not so bad.

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