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Averys POV

"I'm having a baby?" I asked the doctor. She smiled big and spun around in her chair.

"You are having a baby. I just have a couple questions then you can be on your way."

I sat there in disbelief. After my facetime call with Kai last night, he told me get legit results in the morning and obviously it's what I'm doing.

There were chills all over my body and I felt every hair stand up. I felt like I could see my heart beat out of my chest and I couldn't drop the smile on my face.

The doctor began asking me all types of questions and I didn't even know how to answer half of them. I just nodded and hoped I didn't mess anything up.

I had my hands over my stomach and kept them there. I can't believe me and Mattia are gonna have a child together. I guess my dream of spending the rest of my life with my high school sweetheart is coming true.

"Are there twins in your family or in the fathers family?" She asked. I quickly looked up and stared at her.

"I'm having twins?" I got nervous again.

"No, well it's too early to tell, but it's just a question I like to ask my patients. You don't have to worry." She put a hand on my shoulder and left it there for a couple seconds.

"I know you're young and very well known. We don't want a lot of stress on you because that can cause you to miscarry and we definitely don't want that. I'll have someone in the front desk schedule your monthly appointment and I'll see you then." She got up and left me in the room alone.

I wanted to get up and walk out of there but my legs wouldn't move. I'm having a baby...

I started imagining Mattias reaction for when I tell him. It has to be special and since theres more people living with us I guess I'll just tell them altogether.

There's nothing much I could do. I forced myself off the bed and grabbed my things. My car was right outside the double glass doors.

My next appointment was on New year's eve. I'm bringing Mattia with me to that appointment. I put the ultrasound picture in my purse and drove off.

While driving home I couldn't help but stop at a store. I bought one bottle, medium sized boxes and a whole bunch of confetti to fill up the box.

message from
was it a false positive or am i an uncle 🥳

tio kairi 🥺🥺

I sent him a picture of the ultrasound, which he probably couldn't read because I couldn't even do it. You can see a tiny bean in there though but I don't know if he'll point it out.

The whole way to the house I was in such a good mood blasting my music and singing in my car like no one was around. I got honked at a couple of times and noticed phones being taken out a some red lights to record me. I didn't care.

I was actually happy despite having a small argument with Mattia the other day about having kids. Even though we're both very young, I know we're gonna have a lot of support. I have my friends and family who I know will help me.

The gates to my house slowly rolled to one side as I pulled into my usual parking spot. I grabbed everything out of the backseat and headed inside. The only car I saw out there was Mattias and Vics.

"Hey where have you been?" Lucia said as soon as I opened the door.

"Some personal business." I gave her an awkward smile and walked up the spiral stairs to my room. Mattia was on his side of the bed still sleeping.

senior year p2 (sequel to the new girl) Where stories live. Discover now