extra chapter 3

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Averys POV
one week until the due date

My belly is starting to droop down and everyone is telling me I'm about to pop any minute now. I hope not. Me and Mattia don't even have her room ready. We've only painted and got organizers.

We've been looking at houses in New York and in New Jersey too. Mattia wants us to live in an apartment in the city where a couple of my musician friends live. I thought about it long and hard but I don't like the idea of living in an apartment. I want our daughter to have a backyard where she can run and play and where we can have our own pool and party without people complaining.

I had to roll out of bed this morning just to get up. Mattia leaves early now to open up his store. Aileen has amazing designs and I've even modeled their maternity clothes for them. I miss modeling.

I went to my kitchen and made myself a snack while I waited for Kairi and Taylor to get here with the food.

"Your ass is getting fatter." Vic walked in and slapped it. I poked it out for her, laughing.

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yes! And you never told me her name." She said resting a hand on the sides of my bump. "You look so cute pregnant."

"Mattia wants to keep it a secret until we bring her home for everyone to meet. But I've been dying to tell someone." I stressed. It's almost slipped out when I was talking to Taylor last week.

"I'm good at keeping secrets." She said putting a piece of hair behind her ear. I squint my eyes thinking if I should tell her. It would feel so good to let it out and see what others think.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me. She quietly squealed and put her face next to my mouth. I whispered the full name and she jumped up and down.

"That's beautiful!" She hugged me. "Ugh I cant wait to meet my niece."

"Yeah, Mattia picked the first name and I picked her middle name." I sat down at the table pulling out another chair to rest my feet on.

"Speaking of Mattia, where is he?"

I looked up from my small plate. "Working. I miss him."

We sat in silence until the front door swung open with Taylor and Kairi walking in with bags of food for us.

"I got you extra mozzarella sticks because I want that baby chubby." Kairi said taking out the boxes of food.

"Uh, do you want me to die giving birth to her?" I remembered in one of the birthing classes Mattias mom dragged me to they showed different videos of women giving birth. One was of a heavy baby and the screams that left that woman's lips never leave my head. I cringed just thinking about it.

Just as I was about to open my container, Mattia called me. I rolled my eyes and walked to the hallway. I wanted to eat...

m: hey beautiful how's your day been so far?

a: it's been fine. i was about to eat

m: oh sorry for interrupting. i just wanted to check in on you.

a: aw.. well, yeah, i'm doing fine. but my feet are hurting a lot though and this baby flipped over so her head is facing down like she's ready to come out *nervous laughter*

m: i'm almost home. i cut my day short. that's one of the perks of being my own boss

a: what did you get done today?

senior year p2 (sequel to the new girl) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat