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you little stupid ass bitch
i ain't fuckin with you

flashback to creatorcon day 1

We've been up all night, the only sleep we got was on the plane coming here. Since we were the first ones to get here, the person who made this whole thing happen took us out for dinner.

"I'm very thankful you guys are here and are making this happen. Not only are you making other people's dreams come true, you're also turning yours into a reality. Avery, Roshaun, Taylor, Victoria, and Alvaro, you guys will all do big things." We did a cheers then started eating.

"You wanna sleep with me and Taylor tonight or you wanna see how it plays out with Cynthia?" Vic asked. I don't know if she might start something but maybe she won't. Maybe she'll be mature about it and stay in her lane.

"I guess I'll see how it goes.."

The night was full of talk about tomorrow's day and what's going to happen. Apparently due to last minute changes, I'll be dance battling some people on just dance.

This just reminded me of when I had to do the chicken dance at school in front of the whole cafeteria.

"Goodnight guys wake up early and dress nice!" We all got in the elevator and went up to our rooms.

I walked into mine and heard someone walking around. There was bags on top of the bed by a wall. Next to that bed was one by the window with a nice garden view.


There was quick shuffling until a person walked out. She was very pretty and dressed nice.

"Hey! I'm Emily." She smiled.

"Oh my god xanax barbie!"

I went to the corner of the room and grabbed my bags to put it next to hers. I felt bad leaving Aileen to sleep in the bed next to Cynthia but I know she'll understand.

"Oh my god I watch your youtube videos and I think you have an amazing voice. I'm like deep deep down fangirling right now." I felt touched.

"Aw thank you! It means a lot, and same to you!"

We set everything aside and got to know each other.

"So everything that went down with you and.."She pointed to the names on the list that was taped on the wall.


"Yeah sorry to bring it up so soon but I never really understood what happened between you guys." She sat down like she was ready for a story time but since we're the only ones here I might as well just spill.

I explained everything that happened months ago and all the stupid comments she's made directed to me.

"Wow she's such a bitch! I can't believe we're rooming with her." She rolled her eyes.

"Same but I think they did it on purpose."

"Oh of course. I wish we could-" We both jumped up and looked at each other with scared looks. The door was slammed open and we knew exactly who it was.

"She's here." I whispered. We sat there and ignored her until she came into our sight. She looked us up and down and rolled her eyes speaking under her breath.

"Say it louder we can't hear you" Emily said turning her body towards Cynthia.

"What?" She questioned giving us dirty looks. I turned around too and gave her the same dirty look she was giving us.

senior year p2 (sequel to the new girl) Where stories live. Discover now