Part 1 - 5 Winners!

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Part 1

Laurens POV-

It was an average year 11 school day, it was a Thursday (or in my world thursjay) morning me, Georgia and Rachel are all in form bored out of our minds - as always! Mr Carroll is moaning on and on (about stuff no one cares about) until he receives an email that me, Georgia and Rachal are needed in the head teachers office - shit, what had we done?! We all left the classroom and walked slowly towards the office, along the corridor we ran into Amber and Jess who were also going to the head teachers office. All of us were so nervous, we didn't know why we were being called to the heads office, we didn't know what to expect. We all walked in silently - expecting the worst.

We all stood in silence until Mrs Mullany (the head teacher) spoke to us, "Im sorry to pull you out of form time but i have some good news for all of you!" I let out a sigh of relief and looked at Rachel who was still pretty scared she was in some sort of trouble. Mrs Mullany then said "well at random, we picked 5 year 11 girls to go and meet a celebrity tomorrow as the school won a competition for 5 people to go and meet this celebrity." We all stood there with beaming smiles until Georgia's slowly faded as she asked "so who is this so called 'celebrity' and where and when are we meeting them?" Mrs Mullany looked at Georgia as she said "well this is a very, very well known celebrity and you girls ar to come to school normal time but in your own clothes and at 9:30am you are to come down to the main entrance where there will be a car to take you to Liverpool to meet this celebrity, right so anyway back to form." We all left the office still smiling and we thought/wondered the same thing - who was this celebrity?

Georgias POV-

So we get to spend the day with a celebrity...OMG what if its Olly Murs, Josh Hutcherson or even The Wanted, that would be amazing but what if its One Direction...eurghhh i will spit in their faces and walk out tbh. As we walked into form, everyone looked at us and sir immediatley said "what did Mrs Mullany need you for girls?" I didn't want to say and neither did Rach so we looked at Lauren, who then screamed with excitement and she told him and the rest of the form although no one believed her but we didn't care.


Still Georgias POV-

Its FRIDAYY!!! Ims so excited to meet this mysterious celebrity who could it be. As i got to school the bell went so i headed towards my form room, everyones was looking at me, Rach and Lauren as we were in our own clothes and they're all in their uniform. We had many people ask us why we where in our own clothes but we jut blanked them and walked away. Mr Carroll and all the other teachers knew why we were in our own clothes instead of uniform and didnt bother to stop us. As form ended and PSHE started my excitement started to kick in and i had a huge smile scross my face. The time it took until we could leave dragged on and on, it felt so long but as 9:30am did come around me, Rach and Lauren all packed away and walked to meet Amber and Jess to meet this celebrity.


*The girls arrive at the venue (echo arena) to meet the celebrity, as they all stepped out of the car a security guard showed us inside to what looked like a lounge, it was huge! Although little did they know that in the dressing room next door The Wanted were waiting to meet them!*

Maxs POV-

So 5 girls won a competition to spend the day with us, this should be fun as i love spending time with the fans, well thats if they are fans, i hope they are! "I wonder what these girls are like" Nathan asked as he fixed up his hair in the mirror, "I know mate, i wonder if we've ever met any of them before" i replied back to him. "Well even if we have, i bet none of them even compare to Lauren - the girl we met at our tour last year, she was amazing! Ive looked her up on twitter to contact her but i havent found her yet, i need to find her!!" Nathan insisted. I rolled my eyes at him as over the past year the only girl he's talked about is Lauren and what shes like! We tryed to help Nathan search for Lauren so we could track her down and Nath could see her but we've had no look. Even his phone screensaver is a picture of him with Lauren of when they first met last year, as he took a pic of them together as did she.

Kev came in and told us its time to meet the girls, so we all walked out of our dressing room and into the lounge next door. As we walked in, there was only 4 girls stood there, who we had never met before. They seemed nice though, but there was 1 girl there for me who stood out most of all. One of the girls, Amber i think her name is, burst into tears as we walked in, then as soon as she saw tom she wa full on sobbing. She was clearly a big fan of us and she clearly loved Tom most of all. 2 other girls, Jess and Rachel where just chatting away to Seev and Jay like they had know them for years and they where best friends, it was cute. Nathan was sat on the sofa, with his headphones in, his music playing whilst he still searched twitter for Lauren - the girl he met last year. I noticed Georgia was crying too so i walked up to her and pulled her into a max bear hug and gave her a cheeky kiss on the cheek. We both sat down on the same sofa as Nath ad we started talking. "So i thought 5 people won this competition?!" I asked her curiously, she looked at me and said "5 people did win, Lauren (our other friend and the other competition winner) should be back soon, she went the shop!" So her friends name is Lauren, funny howher name is the same as the girls Naths searching for!

15 minutes later, i noticted the door open and a girl with long brown hair walks in wearing a plain t-shirt, skinny jeans, white converse, a leather jacket with a snapback to top it all off. I assumed it was Lauren - their friend. As she came more into the lounge, i noticed her snapback had a black signature on it, which i recognised to be Nathans signature but the only girl i can remember asking Nathan to sign her hat was Lauren - the girl we met last year. Could it be her? "Georgia, has Lauren ever met us before?" i questioned Georgia, "Yeahh she has! About a year ago she met you on tour she got a pic with Nathan" she replied to me and showed me the same pic of Lauren and Nathan which i had seen before on Nathans screensaver. WOW! what a coincidence that is! Nathan looked up at Lauren who was still stood up, his mouth dropped...he turned his music off and stood up slowly and walked over to where she was stood, he knew who she was! Awww at last baby Nath has found his girl, hopefully! Now i just wish i could get the girl im interested in...Georgia!

Laurens POV-

I walked into the lounge, hoping for the best as i knew he celebrity was in there as i could hear crying. As i walked in, i definatley got the BEST! The Wanted were all sat there either talking, hugging or in Naths case on his phone. Tom and Amber were just cuddled up to each other whilst Tom was wispering in her ear, she was still crying. Jess, Rach, Seev and Jay were all chatting away and laughing with each other. Max had his arm around Georgia and her head was on his shoulder while they where chatting away. There was no where to sit so i just stood up and went on on my phone, when i looked up i seen a very happy Nathan stood right infront of me with a big smile across his face - why was he so happy?! I looked at him, his big green eyes staring at me, he pulled me into a Nathan hug (oh how i had missed his hugs) , kissed my forehead and spoke to me "Heyyy youu, how've you been? I've missed you so much yanno, its been nearly a year!!" OMG he remembered me, he actaully remembered me! Yay, happy times when the celebrity your crushing on remembers you.

"Ive missed you more Nath" i said to tease him, he raised his eyebrow and said "you missed me ehh?" he gave me his famous sykes wink, i loved it! "You'll never guess what pics on my phonescreen saver!" i said to him in pure excited, "ive got an idea, but show me and i will show you mine at the same time" he winked at me again making me laugh. i counted down from 3 so we could both show our screensavers at the same time. As i saw his phone light up, i instantly saw the pic of me and him from a year ago, why was that his screensaver? was there a reason? He laughed at my screensaver because it was the same as his - the pic of me and him - and he then said "aww, we've got the same pic on our phone arent we cute." I giggled before repling with "yes Nath, Yes we are!!" He sat back down in his seat and because there was no seats left i carried on standing, Nathan looked at me and patted his lap gesturing for me to sit on his knee. I looked at him, blushed and shook my head, he then said in his goodboy voice "Come on gorgeous you know you want to" he winked at me AGAIN, but i wasnt gonna complain, then i finally gave into him as he used puppy dog eyes which i could NOT ignore. I walked over to him as he pulled me onto his lap, he wrapped his arms around my waist and i asked him "Nathan, why did you have the pic of me and you as your screensaver out of every other one you've ever had with a fan, why choose that one?" He smiled softly, kissed my cheek and replied back with "because, ever since i met you last year, ive not stopped thinking about you! Me and the boys tried searching for you so i could contact you but i had no luck at all, as soon as you walked in here today i only wanted to ask you one simple question...

End of part 1 ;) Part 2 will be up soon...

I Found You - A Nathan Sykes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now