Chapter 3) The Beginning of It All

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Kate's POV: Peso and I walked together in an awkward silence, me occasionally catching him looking at me, and him occasionally catching me looking at him. We were still holding hands, but I didn't want to pull away. It felt nice, his hand on mine.

Looking around, I then noticed something on a tree. It looked like a wooden sign of some sort. "Hang on a second, Peso." I said, walking toward the sign, glancing back every so often to make sure I didn't wander out of sight.

I was now close enough to read the sign, however most of it was faded. "Of course..." I muttered angrily under my breath. It was just our luck. I managed to make out one word though; WARNING. "Warning...?" I murmured. "That's odd."

I felt something move beneath my feet. The next thing I knew, I was  screaming in shock, falling through emptiness.

"KATE!" I heard Peso cry.


Barnacles POV: I was walking along with Selene at my side and Derek gurgling in the silence. Selene had taken back Derek and he was in her arms blinking in the darkness. I couldn't help but notice how her white fur was shining in the broken spots of sunlight that shone though the thick undergrowth. Her eyes were a deep chestnut colour that were able to see right through me in a second. Yet they were sad eyes, eyes that had seen great pain and betrayal. I reminded myself that she had just lost her husband to an evil wolf, his personality completely changed. My fur bristled and I growled unconsciously, letting my anger take over me for a moment. When I stopped Selene was staring at me, amusement in her coy smile. 

"You all right, Captain?"

"Y yeah. Of course. I shook myself furiously. Selene would obviously not be ready for a relationship yet, not with me or ... anyone. Not that it mattered.


Shellington's POV:

I kept my arms around Dashi as we trudged back the way we came, toward the beach. Dashi was shivering quite violently, and I just felt a need to warm her up. To take care of her. She was resting her head on my shoulder, and I enjoyed feeling needed. Then I felt guilty for enjoying it. I was worried about her.  After a while, we had walked the same distance that we had since the group split up. I looked around, and to my utter demise, I saw nothing that looked familiar. "Dashi? Do you have any idea where we are?" I asked, nervousness creeping into my voice. Dashi shook her head, still shivering. I looked for the volleyball, the sign that we were in fact in the right place. It wasn't here.

We were lost.


Kwazii' s POV: It was good to have some time alone with Tweak, even if it was in a rather creepy setting. Tweak didn't look scared or nervous at all, her face was determinedly set and I admired her for that. Every so often we heard a rustle in the bushes but we still said nothing. I was afraid to break the silence.

"Kwaz?" Tweak' s Southern American accent broke through the reverie I was in. 

"Yeah matey?"

"Why aren't we nearing the end of the forest? The island isn't that big, and..." Tweak suddenly paled as her eyes flicked upwards. I followed her gaze and saw ...

Nothing. There was nothing. Instead of the trees there should have been, there was just blackness. I could barely see Tweak' s face any more. And the darkness seemed to be coming down towards us...

The Island of Fear (complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon