36) Family Stories and Awakening

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Peso's POV: I jolted awake. My wrists were attached above me to a bolt on the wall, forcing me to stand on my tiptoes to even hold some of my own weight. The shackles around my hands were large and heavy, and I squeaked with the effort to move them. My feet were already attached to the floor by another pair of shackles. I had about an inch to shuffle them about, but in short, I was helpless.

I looked around, hoping both to see Kate here or that she wasn't here, that she had escaped. Next to me I saw the lolled head of Shellington, his body in a similar position to mine. He was still unconscious. On the other side of him was Tweak, but she had a iron ring around her neck and waist too, forcing her head up high and pinning her even more completely to the wall. I wondered why. I had a feeling whoever had us felt Shellington and I were sidelines to Tweak's ...

Torture. Why had that word popped into my head? I forced it out again, willing myself not to think like that. As I looked at Tweak I saw her eyes were open, but unfocused. She was unconscious. I remembered her wound and looked down at her waist. What I saw filled even my logical medic brain with horror.

It had infected. And Tweak's heavy breathing and pale clammy skin signified my worst fears. Fever.


Kwazii's POV: The answer came to me before I was fully consious. Damien. Fiona. Lupo. "Not funny. Not remotely funny." I muttered. I opened my eyes, and tried to move around.

No luck. I was bolted to a wall as well as the floor by large iron shackles. I wriggled my fingers and toes to see if I could feel them. I could. The effect of the tranquilizer had worn off then. But was that a good thing? I scanned my suroundings. I appeared to be in a cell of some sort. A barred door was a few feet in front of me, tauntingly out of reach. There were empty shackles all around me, except for one, which had my sisters' limp form in it. I growled inwardly. Damien would pay for this! I should've realized that it was a trap.

Speaking of Damien, I could see him approaching the door and unlocking it. He opened the barred door, entered, and closed it behind him. He studied Kate with curiosity. "She should be awake by now..." He muttered. I watched him closely. If he dared try to hurt her, I would defend her as best as I could while chained up. He came closer and closer to Kate's limp form, until he cried out in half shock and half pain.

Kate had kneed him in the groin. "Damien! I should've known you had something to do with this. So, now that you have me, why am I not dead yet?" She demanded.

Damien growled, gently taking a knife from his belt and slashing her cheek with it. Blood seeped through the gash, turning silver fur red. "Well, where would be the fun in that?" He asked her.

She hissed at him. He growled and stabbed his knife into her arm. Kate cried out in pain. "Stop this!" I shouted. "Leave my sister alone!"

Damien snarled and pushed the knife deeper. "I'd keep my mouth shut, Kwazii Cat, if I knew what was good for me." He muttered, before leaving.

Soon, Kate and I were alone again. I wanted to help her. But I was chained up. I was useless.


Christian's POV: "So what now?" Eelean asked sort of shyly.

I shrugged. I didn't know. "Wait for the others to come back, I guess."

There was a silence, apart from the other Vegimals chattering in soft tones beside me. Finally, Eelean broke the silence. "Tell me about your life. The other Christian. The family one."

I pondered. This Vegimal obviously had a bond with me, and there was a lot to learn about the power of our bond yet. I could understand her language - what else could we have?

"I have a wife. And two beautiful children. My wife, she's called Elena, she's a grey raccoon. My oldest child is a boy, he's six years old and he's called Brendan. Then my other daughter is only two years old called Sophia. I love them more than anything."

Eelean had tears in her eyes, but she was smiling. "They sound adorable. Tell me more."

She was obviously in need of a distraction. I carried on talking, feeling i could tell this girl anything right now. "Elena and I met in a cafe. I was sitting alone studying for my degree, and she sat at a table with me. Fairly boring, people might say, but we saw each other every afternoon at three o clock. Then I bought her a coffee one day, and, well -"

"It's easier than meeting in a cage," Eelean cut in, reminding me of her experience. I felt guilty about that.

"I'm sorry. I hate that I was the one to capture you. I hate that -"

Eelean put a hand on my mouth. "You let us go. You risked our life to let us go. That means more than anything."


Shellington's POV: A cry of pain awoke me, and I found myself chained and bolted in what appeared to be a dungeon. I heard Peso shouting Kate's name. Tweak was chained up next to me, and Peso was chained up next to her.

Frantically, I looked around for Dashi. She wasn't in here. I wasn't sure whether to be relieved or worried. If she wasn't here, then where was she? I tried to run towards the barred door, to go and look for her, but I had forgotten about the stupid bolts and chains keeping me in place. I groaned, which seemed to distract Peso from whatever he was thinking about.

"Shellington! You're awake!" He said frantically. "What are they doing to Kate? They have to stop!" He shouted.

I saw Tweak next to me. Her eyes were open, but she clearly couldn't see anything. "Where are we?" I asked no one in particular.

Peso sighed. "I'm not sure. I'm guessing we're still on the island, but I wouldn't know either way. But those three captured us. All of us. They split us up, from what I can tell. They must have a method, but I'm not sure what. But either way, we need to get out of here." He breathed.

I nodded. "What about Dashi? Is she alright?"

Peso shook his head. "I haven't seen or heard any sign from her. She might have escaped." He reasoned, trying to be optimistic.

I nodded. "Yeah, maybe..." I tried to agree. I had to hope that she was alright.

"If anyone hurts her, they better look out." I muttered.

"We'll get through this Peso." I murmured. I just wished I could believe it myself. "We'll get through this."

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