44) Doubts and Tricking Fiona

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Damien's POV: As Kate cried out one final time before going unconscious, I chuckled. "Goodnight, Kate Cat. Next time you go to sleep it'll be permanent!" I spoke softly.

She looked so much like her mother. It sickened me so much. I walked out of the cell, closing the door behind me. Now to find Kwazii, who looked so much like his father, which also sickened me. I still couldn't believe he had escaped. I smirked. He didn't need to know his sister was still alive. Neither of them would be alive long enough for it to make a difference. I saw a trail of blood on the floor, and followed it.

Soon, I came across Lupo, who seemed to be talking to Kwazii. "So then Kwazii. What's it to be? Your beloved sister, or the lovely engineer?"

I smirked. "Lupo. Your poison. It took a lot of it, but it finally did her in. She won't be of any trouble." I stated. All of these things were true, but they could be taken in a different manner, as though she was dead.

Sure enough, Kwazii's eyes widened.

"No..." He whispered.

I grinned. "Yes. Kate's spirit was strong, but one can only withstand pain for so long before their bodies give up on them.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, Kwazii shouted: "You killed my family! But I won't let you kill my friends!" With that, he ran the other way, trying to lose us. But I wasn't stupid.


Shellington's POV: My eyes were wide as I watched one of my best friends screaming in the hologram in front of me before going limp. Peso's eyes were terrified and furious all at once, as Fiona just smiled in mock kindness at him.

The hologram disappeared, evaporated out of the air and Fiona put the small box back in the pocket of her dress. Luckily I was very observant, being a scientist, and I managed to get a quick look in the briefly opened pocket before Fiona closed it. It had a gun in it, a small knife, a radio or walkie talkie of some kind, the box she had just put in it, and -

The controls. To our shackles. I hadn't seen any sort of keyhole on the strong metal around our wrists and ankles, so I assumed that they were opened electronically. And I saw something that might be that device in the fox's pocket.

I knew I had to get that device, whatever it took.

Whatever I had to do.

"Hey, Fiona," I said quietly in what I hoped was a seductive and attractive voice. I was basically the worst at romantic gestures you will ever see, I was amazed when Dashi responded. I never thought someone like me would ever get someone like her. She was so kind and perfect...

But thinking of Dashi wouldn't help me any right now.

"What is it?" Fiona took her attention off Peso for a moment, which I hoped was a good thing. The young medic's lips were caked with half-dried blood from where Fiona had traced them, and I fought back a cry of anger at the thought of having to just watch her do that to my best friend.

"Come closer and I'll tell you," I murmured, hoping beyond any wish that I'd ever had before that my voice sounded - gulp - interested in her. But her eyes were confused, yet intrigued.

"Yes? What do you want, sea otter? For me to torture you? Because it's your turn you know."

I had to make her come closer. But how?


Tunip's POV: I wasn't sure where I was, so I decided to take in my surroundings. I seemed to be in a workshop, almost like Tweak's workshop back on the Octopod, only much bigger. Blueprints were streamed out all over the place, tables were scattered with miscellaneous machine parts, there even seemed to be a engine of some sort. There was no one in here, though.

Carefully, as though not to make a sound, I jumped off the ledge I was standing on and landed on the ground. The room seemed much more massive now, that I was at ground level. Or underground level, since this whole place is subterranean. Not important. But from what I had seen from outside, the place was massive. It would be easy to get lost. I shifted through some stuff on one of the work tables, a lot of files covering this one.

Eventually, I found something of use. A map of the place. I grabbed it, and was about to head out and look for the Octonauts, when something else caught my eye. A diagram of something. I could read a little, and I was able to make out two words. Memory Flame. I wondered what that could mean. I also noticed a note in the margins, in a very untidy scrawl. But there was a name I recognized. Dashi.

"Could be important..." I whispered, and decided to take it with me before I prepared to go out into the corridor.


Peso's POV: I wasn't sure what Shellington was doing. At all. Fiona took her attention off me, which was a mercy. Blood was still seeping from the curved cuts on my lips, and I was afraid to move my mouth. It hurt like hell now I couldn't keep back my emotions, fear, pain and horror.

"You see, I'm kinda bored of being in these shackles," Shellington continued calmly. "And I'm guessing you're kinda bored of torturing us. Just standing around while we scream..."

"No actually. I love torturing you. Which reminds me - you haven't had your turn yet." Fiona moved towards Shellington, and the fear in his eyes was evident. But there was planning there too, a method. And if I knew the scientist well enough - which I was pretty sure I did - I knew that Shellington had a plan. But what was it?

"That's it. Come closer," Shellington murmured seductively and softly. Fiona stopped dead in her tracks.

"Are you flirting with me?!" she asked in sudden realisation. "I - am taken." She gestured to her swollen body with no small amount of pride.

"Damien, right?" Shellington asked quizzically. Before Fiona could reply he continued: "I'm guessing he doesn't pay much attention to you. Consumed by hatred and thoughts of revenge."

"Yeah..." I heard Fiona say wistfully, before jolting upright and saying sharply in her normal voice: "We're just fine. Damien will be a good father."

"Doubt," Shellington said immediately. "You're doubting him. Now me..."

"You?" Fiona asked sceptically, but she didn't sound as sharp as usual.

Shellington appeared to bite his tongue which only Peso could see, and said quietly. "A pretty girl like you deserves better than him. He only cares about hurting the cats who got him into prison."

"Pretty?" Fiona asked, and she sounded different somehow. More girlish, younger.

"Don't waste your life with him," Shellington advised. Fiona was very close to him now, less than a few inches away.

"Then what?"

"No!" I shouted in realisation.

Fiona flashed me a look and leant in quickly, closing the distance and pressing her lips to Shellington's.

And I saw amid my horror and supreme confusion, Shellington deftly move his hand into Fiona's front pocket which only now he could reach, and pull out a box and a knife.

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