Chapter 10) Last Condemned By This Island

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Barnacles' POV: We had... er... better get going," I murmured hastily, turning away from those reproachful eyes full of what I was sure would be pity. Selene, normally so sharp and cool, murmured a reply and followed me out of the glade we had been in, leaving the growing noise of the jabber jays behind. The silence between us was deafening, I could feel it crushing me slowly. I risked a glance back at the white wolf and saw her eyes downcast. 

She won't even look at me.

I make my way through trees, barely looking at her. The times I did her eyes were firmly fixed on the floor, Derek held tightly in her arms. We walked for what seemed like miles - this island was big - and didn't speak. I realized that Selene was tiring though, her arms stiff and aching from holding the growing weight of Derek.

"Do you want me to hold him for a bit?" I asked cautiously. Her eyes met mine and there was a sudden terror in them. As I held out my arms for the child she pulled him away defensively.

"I can manage." Her voice was soft and fear was in her tone. I never saw this side of her before. I'm learning a lot about Selene Wolf today. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, fearing I already knew the inevitable answer. But when it came, I was wrong.

"I see... I see him in you, sometimes. Lupo."


Shellington's POV: I dashed through the thick undergrowth, not wanting to waste a second. I was terrified of heights. But I was even more terrified of what might happen if i didn't at least try to get this herbal remedy.

"This is for Dashi. This is for Dashi. This is for Dashi..." I repeated the phrase to myself as I ran, the ground elevating beneath my boots. I loved Dashi. I wasn't going to deny it any longer.

I saw a flash of blue, purple, and gold out of the corner of my eye. A bird began to fly with me, matching my pace exactly. "This is for Dashi. This is for Dashi. This is for Dashi." it repeated in a perfect mimic of my voice. Jabber Jays. Under different circumstances, I might've been excited. They were... interesting birds, to say the least. I didn't have time to think about it though.

At this point in time, I had reached the foot of a tall mountain. I wanted to turn back, but just then, the jungle behind me burst into noise.

"This is for Dashi. This is for Dashi. This is for Dashi." It was almost as if the Jabber Jays were urging me to climb the mountain. And they had a point. I couldn't go back. Not now. Dashi needed me to climb this mountain, to get that plant and with it, medicine. I couldn't let her down.

My legs shaking, I began to climb the mountain.


Peso's POV: I screamed and backed away, hopping on one foot as if it had burned me and watching as the offending object rolled to a stop a few metres away from me. The eyes were still staring blankly at me and I whimpered again. Kate had dropped it immediately after she had picked it up, a look of repulsion on her face. 

"Who ... who was that?" I whispered, my voice croaky in fear. Kate looked scared as she said, very softly, the words I've been afraid to hear.

"Whoever was last condemned by this island."

"Wha..." I whispered, my voice almost gone. Kate met my eyes, hers were full of dread and steel. 

"It's this island, don't you see? I get trapped in a small space where the walls move in - my claustrophobia. Dashi has pneumonia - you said so yourself. The only cure is Shellington to get that plant remedy for her - up a mountain. And guess what - there's magically a mountain on this island. I didn't see one before, when we were playing volleyball. This island is not a mistake. Someone's planned this."

I knew as soon as she said it that it was true. Kate has a way of memorizing everything, her gift, and I knew if she said there wasn't a mountain, there wasn't a mountain. My eyes drift back to the skull and a fresh wave of terror rolls over me. 

Kate is still talking. "I'm guessing, the Captain and Selene have had their worst fear on this island, Kwazii and Tweak have, everyone. I have, but - you..." She turned as she realized, her eyes widening as they met mine. "You -"

"Death." The word comes off my tongue like it had been squatting there like a malignant fly, feeling acidic and dark in my mouth. Even saying it made me want to curl up in a ball and shake. "Thanatophobia."

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