Chapter 18) Prisoner Of My Own Mind

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Christian Raccoon's (now has a name not just '???') POV:

When Lupo came into the room I was totally unprepared. Luckily I was by the monitors so I was able to hide my guilty face. Behind him was one of the Octonauts I had seen on the screen, Selene Wolf. I recognised her immediately, she saw me and her eyes widened. Selene, Kwazii, Kate and I had gone to the same school, along with Lupo. Lupo was my best friend back in school and I always had a secret crush on Selene. I pretended I didn't care when Selene and Lupo got together, but deep inside I wished she had gone for me. Now I'm working for Lupo, and when I heard that he tortured her... 

"Christian Raccoon?" Her voice was as cool and silvery as I remembered. I nodded dumbly, she remembered my name. Lupo wasn't really concentrating, he was looking around the cavern. My heart froze. I moved away from the screens to check whether the cage was open and pretended I wasn't looking.

There was a gasp from Selene and I looked around fast. Her face was shocked and her eyes wide, looking at the pictures on the screen. I quickly moved my body to cover them again, but she had already seen them. The Octonauts, in fear, pain and danger. 

She moved her eyes to mine, they were full of pain and fury.

"You - monster." She muttered. I felt my hopes shatter into a million pieces.


Dashi's POV: The burning cold seemed to get worse by the second. I was struggling to hold on. I wanted to slip away, let go, but I knew the cost of ending the pain now. I knew that If I did, I would die. I would never get to tell Shellington how I feel about him. Despite everything that was going on, I smiled. Shellington was my tether, the sole reason I was holding on to life. I wanted to be with him so much it hurt. I knew I had it bad.  A song ran through my mind, and the chorus fitted quite well. 

If we're not stupid, we'll both hold on for dear love.

Fight our way through this, it's not worth just giving up.

'Cause I've got some fight left in me,

And I don't see it ending this way

Fight our way through this, and hold on for dear love, love...

Yes, I knew I had it bad. But I didn't care anymore. I repeated the chorus. I would hold on for dear love.


Barnacles' POV: I held Derek lightly, feeling a rush of emotions. Derek had just said his first word, I knew this. Selene had told me that he was a bit late saying his first word, probably because he had been through such trauma... and his first word was Dada! Me! I knew Selene would want me to keep him safe, and that's what I have to do... but I have to save her. How I needed Dashi or someone right now. To look after Derek. I pressed my radio again in annoyance, wishing it would come back on. I needed it so much...

"Dada," gurgled Derek again. Then - "Mama." This was said with longing. I felt tears fill my eyes. 

"I know. I want her too," I tell the two year old solemnly looking at me, my voice breaking. Derek looked up at me, his amber eyes and his black fur so much like Lupo's...


Kate's POV: I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. Whatever was in that dart entered my body, feeling as cold as the waters in the Southern Ocean. I would have shivered, but I couldn't. I could see everything, hear everything.

Peso had screamed when I hit the ground. He dragged me behind a boulder, out of range of the darts. I felt his flipper on my wrist, checking my pulse, and heard his sigh of relief. I must still have a heartbeat. He didn't let go. Then something weird happened. My heart stopped. Peso's eyes widened."No! Kate! You can't die!"

I was confused.

I didn't feel dead. I felt more like... I was imprisoned in my mind. Was that what death was like? I didn't think so. I'm alive, Peso. I wanted to say.

"Kate, please! Don't die on me! You have so much to live for! Think of Kwazii! Dashi! Shellington! Tweak! Selene! The Vegimals! The Professor! Captain Barnacles! Me..."  Peso's eyes were filled with unfallen tears. He was trying to be strong.

"Peso, I'm alive! I'm not ready to die!" I wanted to scream. I wanted to tell him that I imagined it would be a long time before death claimed me. But I couldn't. Peso hugged me tight. I wanted to hug him, to kiss him, to tell him that I was fine. But I couldn't. I was a prisoner of my own mind.


Tunip's POV: I walked beside Eelean feeling like I was floating on air. Was it possible to love someone you'd only just met? Well Peso and Kate managed it all right... 

"I've never had a family before," Eelean said softly. Her voice was full of sadness. "Never knew my parents, never had any brothers and sisters. I was born on this island, down here, alone."

"You've never seen the sunlight?" I gasp, realising. Eelean looks at me  sadly. "No. I don't even remember much from when I was born. I've spent a lot of time in that cage. Whatever was on the food they gave me, I doubt it was healthy."

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