Chapter 12) "You're Causing Those Screams?"

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Dashi's POV: I couldn't do much else but lie down and look up into the broken sunlight seeping through the branches. I felt so cold, yet I was burning. I just wanted to sleep, but I knew what that meant. I had to pull through this. The world around me shifted, and I felt as though I was lying in a snowbank instead of the damp forest floor.

Oh please, make it stop!

I wasn't sure how much more of this I could handle. But Shellington was going to face his worst fear to help me. He was so kind and thoughtful.

Suddenly the forest exploded with the sound of Shellington chanting. "This is for Dashi. This is for Dashi. This is for Dashi." Despite all the pain I was feeling, I couldn't help but smile.

"" I whispered. "" I could hold on. I could wait until he got back with the herbal remedy. I knew he could do it. And when he did, when I was better, I would tell him. I would finally get the courage to tell the sea otter I loved him.


Selene's POV: How was he here? How could Lupo be here? I backed away fast; Lupo looked amused. 

"Hello Selene. I've been waiting for you."

My mouth wouldn't utter words at this point, I just gasped trying to find what to say. The handsome wolf in front of me looked like - my Lupo, before he went insane. Before he tortured me. His eyes were calm and he was smiling. I had to force myself to remember that he had changed, he wasn't the same man I had fallen head over heels in love with.

"Of course," Lupo's silvery voice continued, "I could have revealed myself at any time, but I felt it fitting you should get a dose of fear as well before I told you what is actually going on."

 "You're ... you're going to tell me what's going on?" I murmured, feeling that I should be angry, furious with this man, but unable to remember why. Lupo nodded, moving over to me in two light graceful steps and touching my arm.

"You're my queen..." he breathed in my ear. Derek whimpered in fear. I felt I should do something but my limbs felt so heavy...

"Selene!" A loud voice sounded in my ear, breaking the spell and I realised just in time Lupo has been seducing me in that magical way of his. I stumbled backwards into - Captain Barnacles!

The Captain wasted no time, quickly going up to Lupo and punching him squarely in the face. Lupo stumbled backwards, holding his nose and crying out for the first time since I'd known him. I cheered and Barnacles met my eyes. I knew all at once that I loved this polar bear, no matter what traits he might have. He would never go insane like Lupo. I hoped the wink that I gave him conveyed it all. 

Suddenly Barnacles stumbled and fell to the ground, holding his head and crying out. His eyes were terrified and glazed as Lupo got to his feet behind him, pressing down on a button on a remote control. 

"I hope he enjoys these screams. Some of yours, perhaps? Some of his dearest friend Kwazii's? " I realised what was going on.

"You're causing those screams?!"


Tunip's POV: Escape. The word sounded sweeter then any amount of kelp cakes. I looked around the room. There wasn't much in here besides cages and monitors showing different scenarios. I tried not to pay attention to them, tried not to watch the Octonauts in dangerous situations.

I saw a ring of keys by one of the doors. Probably the keys to the cages, I thought. But they were out of reach by any of us. I looked around some more, looking for something that I could use to get them. My eyes landed on a rope not too far from Codish's cage, then to a small hook on the floor.

"Codish," I called. The small Vegimal lifted his head.

"Yes, Tunip?" He asked a slight quiver in his voice. He was obviously terrified.

"Can you toss me that rope?" I asked. The terrified Vegimal nodded, eyes wide. Stretching as far as I could, Codish grabbed one end of the rope. Like a cowboy might, he swung it over his head and sent the other end towards me. I grabbed it and gave my thanks. I then grabbed the hook from off the floor and tied it together. Like all the Octonauts, I knew about fishing and hated the idea of it. But maybe, if I could hook the key ring, I could free us from this cage.

Eelean seemed to realize what I was doing. "Clever, Tunip!" She cheered. I did all I could not to blush.


Peso's POV: I touched the solid wall behind us in disbelief. How could it just have closed up? I stare at the wall, thumping it in annoyance and avoiding looking back at the darkness in front of us. Kate is still studying the sign, her eyes narrowed in concentration. A moment passed, then Kate sighed.

"I guess youre right, Peso. We have no choice but to go through."

"For once I wish I was wrong," I murmured, meeting Kate's eyes for the first time in minutes. She chuckled and I felt a glimmer of hope. The darkness didn't seem so - dark somehow when we were chatting like this. Her smile disappeared almost immediately after it had begun, turning back into a frown. Frowning didn't suit her. I leant forward and, without knowing at all what I was doing, pressed my lips to hers.

I kept my eyes firmly shut for an eternal second before I felt the pleasurable sensation of Kate's smooth palms on my cheeks. I rested my flippers on her shoulders, having to stand on tiptoe to reach her. We kissed for a good few seconds before gently pulling apart. She smiled, and I knew the catacombs would be all right, whatever happened, because Kate was with me, and we were together, and she loved me, and I loved her, and it was all so good and happy and amazing...

Kate offered her arm to mine, seeming to sense what I was thinking, like always. She could read me like an open book.

"A trip into the catacombs for a little while?" She asked with a hint of a laugh in her tone. I forced the terrified whimper that wanted to make itself heard down and smiled back, making my tone equally as light as hers.

"Anything for you, m'lady," I answered. Kate smiled and we walked together forward into the blackness.

Together we could do this.


Kwazii's POV: It didn't make any sense. How could our radios not be working? I wasn't sure. Tweak's inventions were too good to just stop working like this.

She kept shaking her head and muttering to herself. I felt kind of intrusive, suddenly. I knew Tweak preferred to not have anyone watch when she was working like this. I decided to examine the camera some more.

Despite being underground, the camera was fairly clean, meaning that it had either been put in this tunnel recently, or someone took care of it regularly. Questions buzzed around in my mind like flies near garbage. Why would someone put a camera in here? Did people go into these tunnels often? Was the entire island under supervision? It seemed unlikely. Then again, who was I to know what was likely or not? And L.W... what could it mean? I was sure I knew what it meant, but I couldn't think of it.

Tweak groaned. "I don't get it! I don't know what's wrong!" She buried her face in her hands. I came over and sat next to her.

"Tweak, its okay, matey. You'll figure out what's wrong, and you'll be able to fix it like you always do, me hearty. It's nothing to get your ears in a twist over."

Tweak looked over at me, unfallen tears in her eyes. "No, Kwaz. It's not okay. What if the others were trying to contact us? They couldn't, because our radios are broken. They could be in trouble or something, and it's all my fault! I'm a failure!"

I was shocked. I had never seen this side of Tweak before, and I wasn't sure how to handle it.

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