Chapter 2) Splitting Up

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Selene's POV: It was dark in the bushes compared to the bright sunlight outside. The Octonauts blinked as their eyes adjusted to the dim light. The sunlight had been almost totally blocked out by the thick layer of ferns and branches they had just come through. It was like a totally different island! Peso shivered.

"It's kinda creepy..." He said uncertainly. I had to agree. I rubbed my eyes and suddenly realized something, something that made me jolt and jump backwards slightly. 

"Where's Derek?! He was with the Vegimals! He can't have disappeared too! He's just a baby!"

As I was hyperventilating a hand rested on my arm and a calm reassuring voice that I could never get tired of hearing said: "Don't worry. He's right here." I whirled round and there my baby was, in the Captains strong arms nestled gently and snoring. I signed in relief. 

"Thank you... I was worried there for a moment."

"Worried? You were terrified there matey!" Kwazii' s jibing voice was a welcome relief to my terror. I gave him a withering look and turned to the rest of the Octonauts. "Let's go."


Peso's POV: I was thoroughly freaked out by the eerie darkness looming overhead. I could barely see ten feet in front of me. Something brushed against my hand and I jumped slightly. There was a slight giggle. I looked over and saw Kate looking at me. "Don't worry, Peso. It's just me. You seemed a bit tense, so if you want to hold my hand..." Suddenly I was thankful for the darkness. No doubt I was blushing furiously, and the shadows hid it. "Um, sure..." I said. As soon as her paw gripped my flipper, I felt braver. I walked a bit more confidently. In fact, I all but strutted.

And then, of course, I tripped over something. I fell, pulling Kate down with me.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Kate! I'm such a klutz! Kate shook her head and said, "Don't be sorry, Peso. If you hadn't tripped over it, we might have missed it." Kate raised her voice. "Captain? Peso found something!" The others came over to us as Kate helped me up, then picked something up off the ground. It was the volleyball. But there was no sign of the Vegimals around here either.


Kate's POV: My face was bright red and my hand was sweaty as I clutched Peso' s hand though I was trying to act normally. Luckily it was dark so it didn't show, I hoped. Peso seemed a lot calmer now. As I helped him up and grabbed the volleyball the other Octonauts came over.

"What did you find?" asked Kwazii and Selene at the same time, then scowled at each other as though it was the other's fault they had spoken. I could just see Tweak roll her eyes and I held back a giggle. 

"Oh just the volleyball. No sign of the Vegimals though."

"I hope they're all right..." Shellington said. Dashi moved closer to him in the darkness, I think they were holding hands too. The Vegimals were like children to him so it's understandable that he's worried. 

The Captain took control. "Okay I think we should split up. They're not here and the radar showed this was a big island with lots of underground tunnels as well..."

The Octonauts nodded. 

"So all we need to do is decide who to go with..." continued Barnacles. I immediately looked at Peso then looked away again, trying not to look too eager. So embarrassing...


Kwazii's POV: "I'll go with Kwazii! Tweak said.

I could've sworn I saw Kate smirking at me. She knew all too well about my crush on the mint green bunny.

The captain nodded. I silently celebrated, and managed to keep my cool when I saw Tweak smiling at me.

Shellington instinctively grabbed Dashi's hand. No doubt they were going together. Selene, holding Derek, walked over to the captain. "I-I guess that leaves us two, Kate." Peso stuttered nervously.

Kate giggled in response. Captain Barnacles looked over at Selene for a second, before turning away, clearing his throat. "Alright, that's settled. Keep your radios on, Octonauts, and call us if you need any help."

"Aye, Aye, Captain." everyone else said. With that, we went our separate ways.

There was something strange about this island, something that made me uncomfortable. I just wasn't sure what. I shook my head. It was probably nothing, just overactive nerves. Either way, I was glad to be alone with Tweak.

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