Chapter 22) Distrust and Giant Spiders

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Barnacles' POV: Shellington's voice cut off abruptly and the radio call ended. I was left shouting his name into the radio, until I realised that he wasn't calling back. But the good news was that the radios were working again. Forcing down my fear about Shellington, what he had said about Dashi, or what could be happening to Selene now, I wondered who I should call next. Who had sounded the worst in the screams in my head? That question made me sound crazy and I laughed despite myself. 

Really crazy, Barnacles, I told myself.

Derek gurgled in my arms and I suddenly found myself wishing I was the father. What a crazy thought! Maybe I was delirious... But Selene had kissed me, even after saying I reminded her of Lupo. But I know where she was coming from there. Any man would remind her of such a traumatic past, I didn't want to take it too fast. Why did I kiss her then? 

I realised I had been fantasizing about Selene for a few minutes and jerked out of my stupor feeling oddly guilty. Who to call..

I chose a name on my radio screen and pressed the button.



Kate's POV: Orpheus and Eurydice, the two tragic lovers in Greek Mythology. The story rang clear as bells in my head. Their love for each other was as true as true love could be. One day, they decided to get married. As soon as they said their vows, however, a venomous snake bit Eurydice, and she died. Orpheus decided to do what no man had ever done before. He was going to get his wife back from the Underworld. He traveled very far, to the land of the west, where he found an entrance to the Land of the Dead. He met Charon the ferryman, who was so shocked to see a living soul, he let Orpheus cross the Styx. He encountered Cerebrus, the three headed guard dog that guards the Underworld, not letting souls escape. Soon, he came to the thrones of Hades and Persephone, king and queen of the dead. He pleaded with Hades, playing a song on his lyre not only of his wife, but also of the world she had left behind. Touched with their tragic love, Hades allowed Orpheus to bring Eurydice back to life, on one condition; he must not look at her until he enters the world of the living. Orpheus agreed to the terms. But eventually, he forgot. He looked to his wife's ghost and she vanished, drawn back to the underworld.

But now, the story was going to have a different ending. Peso was Orpheus, I was Eurydice. And I wasn't dead. I wished I could tell my Orpheus that...


Tweak's POV: The massive spider was spinning a new web, right across the cave entrance. Frantically I looked round, there was no other way out that I could see. I tried to remember the things I had been taught, which wasn't a lot. I wasn't a scientist.

'Normally about the size of a finger nail," I remembered, and looked at this one. It was much, much bigger than a finger nail. About the size of the Gup X. And that was big. Kwazii was listening to me now, I knew he was waiting for some good news. Was there any where this beast was concerned?

"Its web is a silk tangle-web with taut threads bearing sticky globules," I remembered. Well that was accurate enough, looking at the web that enclosed us. The webs seemed to be getting closer, and I realised that was the spider's plan. 

"Kwazii! Don't move! You'll get stuck!" I realised. Kwazii froze even more, clutching my hand as the webs closed in around us.

"Pain develops 5 minutes to an hour after the bite. Symptoms of the bite usually involves muscle cramps, spasms, and sweating. Pain in the stomach area can be excruciating but most patients recover within 24-72 hours." Finally some good news. Kwaziis eyes had a tiny flash of hope in them.

"Just don't get bitten," I muttered to him. Then, as the spider was moving in - Kwazii's radio beeped!


Christian's POV: I burst through the door of the control room and darted into the twisting dirt corridors; weaving through the passageways I knew so well. Right, left, straight, left, straight, left, straight, left, right.

Lupo, I hoped, had assumed I had run for the exit. Not that I knew where the exits were exactly. In actual fact I had circled back to the control room. To check if Lupo was still there, I pressed my ear to the door. I heard the sounds of the Octonauts' torture, and sobs from Selene, but nothing that indicated that Lupo was still there.

I flung open the door ad grabbed the keys. I then turned towards the wide eyed Selene, and unlocked her cuffs. "Come on!" I urged.

Selene glared at me and twisted from my grasp, pushing me against the wall and pressing against my windpipe. "Oh yeah? How do I know I can trust you?!" She demanded.

"No...choice...?" I managed to choke out. She let go.

I gasped for air. Ever get pinned against a wall by a beautiful, yet angry wolf? If not, consider yourself lucky. "Just so you know, Christian, this does not mean I forgive you." She stated, glaring at me again.

I managed a small smile. Although years had passed since we had last seen each other, and Selene was a single mother now, she was still the feisty girl I had fallen in love with back in high school. "Yeah, I think I got the message." I muttered under my breath.

If looks could kill, Selene would have murdered me. But she really didn't have a choice but to trust me. We exited the control room and darted down the corridors.

Unfortunately, we also ran straight into the smirking face of Lupo Wolf.

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