43) Memories and Holograms

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Kate's POV: The pain had increased almost ten-fold, and I was no longer sure how much longer I could pretend it wasn't excruciating. But I had to. I clenched my jaw and stared Damien down as best as one could with spots dancing in one's vision. Memories danced in my vision, all painful. Part of me focused on these memories. This is why you're fighting, they seemed to whisper. But then, something strange began to happen. Different memories flashed before me.

I saw Shellington and Peso first finding me back on the island that I had lived on for two years, how adorable Peso looked when he had jumped a foot in the air when I made myself known. I saw me telling Peso everything, us watching the fiery sunrise, then embracing. How he had kissed me so passionately before we had entered the catacombs. I had told him I would come back. That was what was keeping me this strong.

"There's nothing...you can tell me... that will make me... give up." I growled.

Damien smirked, seeming to read my mind. "Did I forget to tell you that Fiona has your little boyfriend?" He murmured.

I blinked.

God, no...

But I had a feeling he was telling the truth. With that, my anchor of strength that was Peso dissolved. I screamed in agony, unable to be strong any longer. I couldn't ignore the pain. Not the pain of the poison, but the pain that he was also here, in this hellhole.


Tunip's POV: Finally I found a window, quite high up but no higher than some of the times I had to jump. I just hoped it led to a good place. I summoned up all my strength and leapt - up into the air - and grabbed onto the window with one hand. I peered through and could see nothing but an empty room, with a swinging open door.

Aha. I pushed hard on the window, heaving with all my might and nearly losing my grip a couple of times. But eventually it gave way and I tumbled inside, my small arms burning with the exertion. Quickly I recovered and headed for the door - but then I heard voices and flattened myself inside the room next to the door.

Kwazii' s voice, begging and desperate. Lupo' s voice, polite and calm.

And screaming, so much screaming. Kate gave one loud bloodcurdling one before muting quickly. And I could hear from the room next to me Tweak crying out. At one point she screamed Kwazii' s name.

And I heard Lupo ask quietly: "So then Kwazii. What's it to be? Your beloved sister or the lovely engineer?"


Peso's POV: I was unfocused, terrified about what was going to happen to us, what was happening to Kate. My lips were bloodied from where Fiona had run along them with her knife, but I didn't care. I did notice, however, that Kate's screams had stopped. I wasn't sure whether or not I should be worried or relieved. Screams could mean that there's no more torture, but they could also mean that the torture had killed her. No, Peso, don't think like that! Kate is still alive, and you are going to help her.

Fiona smiled, and pulled something out from a pocket she had on her dress. It looked like a box of some sort. "Would you like to see your girlfriend?" She whispered in a sing song voice, as she pressed a button on the side of the box and an image flickered. A hologram, I immediately thought. I noticed Shellington was paying close attention as well; Kate was one of his best friends, after all. I looked at the hologram, an image of a bloody Kate, trying to be strong, and immediately felt a mixture of emotions: horror, anger, guilt. Suddenly, I heard her scream, this one louder then before, and ending quicker. The Kate in the image suddenly went limp, and I shouted her name.

I tore my self away from the terrifying yet mesmerizing hologram, and turned to Shellington. He looked shocked, more than anything else. Then he turned to me, and the message in his eyes was one I agreed with, one I hoped I was also conveying. We need to get out of here.


Selene's POV: We were both shocked into silence. I suddenly realised with a jolt that Dashi was wearing different clothes. I was sure just a minute ago that she was still wearing her pink skirt and cute hairclips. That was just - Dashi. Carefree, pink, bubbly Dashi. But now she seemed to be wearing black trousers and an off-white shirt - totally different from any other time I had seen her. The memory - thing seemed to be working in stages. Twisting our memories as well as hers. And I realised it actually was changing the past.

Dashi was squirming in her chains. Reaching for something, though I couldn't tell what.

"Dashi?" the Captain asked. "Are you all right?"

She flashed him a cold look, and I realised she was getting worse. She wasn't even smiling any more.

"Shut up. I'm busy."

"Busy doing what?" I asked.

"Busy trying to escape," she answered coldly, not looking up. I suddenly saw her pull out a knife from where it must have been concealed on her leg, underneath the trousers.

"Dashi!?" he said in total shock.

She looked up again. "It's a dangerous business, living in the slums sometimes. You have to be able to protect yourself."

"But you don't -" the Captain started, and quickly I cut him off, knowing it would be bad to tell Dashi she was wrong.

"You live in the slums?"

"What's it to you?" the dachshund asked sharply. I noticed she was preparing her knife around her wrists and I realised at the same time as Barnacles did what she was trying to do.

"Dashi no!" he yelled. Dashi was already cutting through the metal with a grimace of pain on her lips. Because to cut through the shackles, she had to cut a little of her skin as well. But she refused to cry out, to make any other noise other than grunting as she worked. And it did work. Because soon one of her hands was free.

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