Chapter 26) "Who's The Lucky Guy?"

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Barnacles' POV: I was about to call Tweak back when my radio beeped again and Peso's - sobbing came through?

"She's gone! She's really gone!" He sobbed. It broke my heart to hear Peso so distraught.

"Peso?! What's going on?! Who's gone?!" I shouted into my radio. Peso gasped as he realised I was listening. His voice was muffled as he spoke, still trying to hold back tears it sounded like.

"K...Kate ... she's d - d - dead!!"

My heart stopped for a split second. Kate? Dead? No. It couldn't be.

"A dart just hit her and -" Peso descended into inaudible sobbing again. My mind raced. Going from my own experiences so far, I knew things were rarely as they seemed here. And I had somehow lost my panicking along with the screams. I effectively conquered my fear by realising I could help...

"Peso!" I yelled into the microphone. Tweak would have me for that later. For a horrible moment I thought the mic was turned off, but then Peso's shaky voice came over the radio.


"Conquer your worst fear. Stare it in the face and say 'I'm not afraid!' Then you will be cured, and Kate will too. It's as a result of your fear that she's harmed. That's part of your fear."

The young penguin wasn't crying any more. He was quiet, only saying one word when I stopped speaking. "Death. I have to face - death."


Peso's POV: Death. I knew I had to face death. But the question remained: how? If the catacombs and Kate weren't enough, then what was? And then, the answer hit me. I had to die myself. I began to cry again. I didn't want to die! But Kate... If the Captain was right... If it was the only way... I was going to have to. I loved Kate too much to live without her. I remembered a song that Kate once sang. I smiled at the memory. Softly. I began to sing.

"Love only knows

If we'll give into fear and choose life undercover

She said love only knows

If it's special enough then we'll choose one another

Oh, love only knows

How your arms pull me in like the tide pulls me under.

She said love only knows

Just how long we can run before we lose each other

And we need each other

And I


Live without you and I won't."

I sighed. I couldn't do it. If I did, I wouldn't be respecting Kate. She wouldn't want me to kill myself, especially not for her. "There has to be another way..." I whispered.


Tweak's POV: My eyes were wide as I watched Kwazii take down the gargantuan beast. It was incredible, he was so focused and yet violent. When he was standing on top of the beast he finally spoke, with a confused look.

"What - what just happened?"

"You saved me," I said softly and in awe. "You conquered your fear and you saved me. Oh Kwazii.."

Kwazii jumped down from the spider's back with a flourish and stared at the sparking body. I could see where pieces of the skin had peeled, revealing metal work.

"Well that's a relief," I said. "It's good to know that there aren't actually five foot spiders around."

Kwazii had been staring at the body in a trance like state, but shook his head and snapped out of it

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