58) Patching Wounds

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Barnacles' POV: Since neither Selene or I had major injuries Peso had instructed us to go get some rest. When he was in medic mode and helping hurt people no one could argue with him. After I was totally sure that no one needed my help and everyone was okay, I consented to go up to my room. Selene held Derek in her arms, the toddler was nearly asleep. We walked together in silence up to where the Octo Chutes parted.

"Go and get some rest," I instructed Selene softly.

Her chestnut eyes were wide and full of emotion.

"Please Captain. I don't want to sleep alone tonight."

"You - don't?" I asked. I had been wondering, since we were ' together' now, would Selene be scared because of Lupo?

Selene nodded decisively. "I can't be scared any more. Just seeing Lupo in you isn't the way to go on. I love you, Captain, and I can't sleep alone tonight."

"If you're sure?" I asked. Selene took my hand with her free one.

"I've never been surer," she told me insistently. She was a strong woman, and I admired her because she was willing to fight her memories to be with me.


Upstairs, when we're snuggled visibly in my bed and Derek is snoring peacefully in his basket that someone had the presence of mind to go and get, Selene is talking softly to me in her silvery voice.

"I wonder where the others are sleeping today."

"Some in the Sick Bay," I assumed. "Some in their rooms."

Selene stared up at me, her eyes intent. "Kwazii really loves Tweak, doesn't he? And Shellington loves Dashi. And Peso loves Kate."

"And I love you," I told her softly.

She smiled, and the image of her is clear in my mind.

"What do we do after this?"

I contemplated that for a moment. "Heal. Tweak's not going anywhere for at least a couple of weeks."

"Tweaks going to be delighted by that," Selene said with a little laugh. "You might have to tie her to her bed."

"A few of us have bullet wounds," I said quietly. "Those are no picnic. We all need to recover mentally."

"True," Selene agreed.

"Then we're going to help Christian," I said decisively.

"No doubt," agreed Selene.

I had a last thought. "I wasn't as badly injured as some of my crew. Some were tortured! I can't help feeling that I got off lightly. And that's wrong, as Captain. I should be taking my crews pain on my shoulders. Look, Tweak was tortured by Cera! And bitten by a black widow. Kwazii and Kate lost their parents for a second time today. Dashi lost her memories. Peso had to watch his girlfriend die."

"You had to listen to their screams," Selene reminded me gently. "And look, do you really think being injured will make you a better Captain? Surely it's better to be strong for everyone, to help them out in their time of need, than be injured yourself and not be able to help as much?"

I had no argument to that. Selene smiled. "Thought so. Now enough chat. We'll need to be up early in the morning. And let's have a good and peaceful sleep, until Derek wakes us up at 2 am screaming."

I smiled. "Goodnight Selene."

She snuggled up to me, her body was warm through her cute light blue pyjamas.

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