Chapter 9) Who Would Be Watching Us?

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Selene's POV: Derek was still upset as I spoke to him, but his wails had deteriorated into a whimper. "Shhh... It's okay...Mommy won't let anyone hurt you..." I murmured.

Everything was silent around me. The birds had stopped wailing, screaming and laughing. The Captain was looking at me, a look of amazement in his eyes. "How...?" He shook his head. "You amaze me, Selene. You really do."

I suddenly felt self conscious, which was rare. "Thanks Captain..." I replied, a slight blush building up on my cheeks.

Derek was completely calm now. I smiled at my baby boy. Captain Barnacles cleared his throat. "I-I hope whoever that Jabber Jay was mimicking was bluffing." he sighed.

I nodded. "The others are very capable of handling themselves. They learned from the best, Captain. They learned from you." I replied.

The Captain looked at me. "You always know exactly what to say." he commented.

I chuckled slightly. "I have a talent for that." I replied coolly.

Then Captain Barnacles did something I didn't expect.

He pressed his lips against mine.


Dashi's POV: I lay shaking on the ground, curled up in an attempt to keep warm. Shellington was talking on his radio, I couldn't quite decipher the words from where I was. After a few moments I could  see Shellington nodding. My vision was beginning to blur. I remembered this happening deep in the snow when I was four, being so so cold and just wanting to sleep.... But now I knew I mustn't sleep, mustn't give in to the warm fingers pulling me back...

Shellington came to sit beside me. His face was unreadable; normally I could read his face like an open book. His hands were clasped and his eyes down to the ground. Usually I would have asked him what was wrong, tried to help, but my head was being slowly taken over by voices, yelling urgent voices banging on in my head. My limbs were getting curiously hot and I wondered why, if I felt so cold, was I getting hot? The voices were increasing in intensity - my own?


Shellington finally looked over at me and met my eyes. "You all right?" he asked softly. My mouth was parched and I couldn't summon the words to say anything. The only thing I could say was -

"" I rasped. A complex mixture of emotions flickered over Shellington's face: confusion, denial, worry, then fear, the leading emotion that stayed on his face. Shellington was scared, very scared.

"Wha is it?" I asked slowly; just getting comprehensible words out was beginning to be a challenge. Shellington's eyes had never left mine. 

"I know a way to help you."

I couldn't smile, I couldn't hug him, I couldn't do anything. All I could manage was a questioning look in my eyes. He took the hint.

"A plant that grows on top of ..." He gulped, "mountains."

I knew his fear of heights. I had often helped him with it back on the Octopod. Mountains would be his worst fear. 

"But I have to do it. I'm scared, but I have to do it." He was almost talking to himself now. I gained enough strength to whisper his name. 

"Shel...ling...ton..." He looked at me again, and love was in his eyes. Why did it have to be when I was like this?

Gently, he pressed a kiss to my hot forehead and I wished I could return the gesture. "Don't die," he said softly.

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