Chapter 20) Radioing And Unpleasant Discoveries

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Peso's POV: I could feel my world collapsing underneath me. Kate ... was dead? I screamed, my mouth not making a sound in the dark and the death down here. These Catacombs... they were evil. I held Kate's hand tightly, still hoping for a pulse, something, anything to tell me that she was still with me. Still mine.

Her body - I couldn't bear to think of her as a corpse, not yet - was beginning to go cold and damp in this darkness. Through my tears I knew I had to get her out into sunlight. Back onto the beach. Even if she was dead - which she wasn't, she couldn't die down down here, alone, underground. She was - she was - claustrophobic. This thought almost made me laugh. 

How can a dead person be claustrophobic? A snide voice asked me in my head. How can a dead person be anything at all?

SHE'S NOT DEAD!!! I yelled in my head. I repeated this until I knew I was yelling it out loud, louder and louder until tears streamed down my face and I almost choked. I lay across her body, holding her close, kissing her repeatedly as if that would bring her back to me.

Then I heard a voice.

It was - Shellington's?

'I'm on top of the mountain, what plant do I need?' He asked calmly. I couldn't see him but my heart filled with hope. If he was here he could help me.

"Shellington! I'm here!"

There was a silence, then - 'I'm on top of the mountain, what plant do I need?"

He wasn't here. He wasn't here really. No one was here for me. I was going to die, alone. Or was Kate going to? I no longer knew.


Kwazii's POV: Just as I was about to call Peso on my radio, I saw a giant shadow cross what appeared to be a giant room at the other end of the tunnel. I was silent as stone, watching, waiting in the stillness, when the same shadow showed itself again, then disappeared as soon as it had appeared.

Tweak blinked. "How...what...? Kwazii? What...did...? She exclaimed, tripping over her words in confusion.

I shook my head, just as perplexed. I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. Silently, we came to an agreement. We were going to check it out. Side by side, hand in hand, we approached the strange chamber-like area.

Soon we entered what appeared to be a giant underground cavern. All along the stone walls were sparkling white silken wbs, reflecting the mere bit of sunlight coming through the the roof of the place. "Webs..." Tweak whispered. I was shaking. The shadow crossed our line of sight once more. Then it stopped, and came in front of us. My mind was unable to comprehend the amount of terror I was feeling as i stared into the piercing obsidian eyes of a black widow the size of the Gup-X.


Barnacles' POV: Derek sniffled and I held him close. I tried to hold back the fact that was yelling in my head. 

"Lupo has Selene!!" I knew Selene wished me to take care of Derek, but I couldn't just sit here! I almost wanted the screams to start back up again, just to take my mind off everything else. No, I wasn't that desperate. Not quite.

My radio buzzed. I was so shocked I nearly dropped Derek as I hit the reply button. 


There was a silence, then: "Hello?" The familiar voice of Shellington spoke in my ear. I was so relieved to hear his Scottish voice.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay. Where are you? Are you hurt?"

"Er..." Shellington sounded hesitant. "Well apart from being up a mountain that seems to be getting higher by the second, still waiting for Peso to get my message by jabber jay, no idea which herb Dashi needs to cure her pneumonia symptoms and the fact she might die any second ... Yeah, I'm fine."


Shellington's POV: The ground began to rumble beneath my feet. I found myself gripping at the soil with my hands. Was the mountain getting...higher? I almost laughed. That wasn't possible...was it?

I risked a look down. The mountain was, in fact getting higher. A wave of nausea swept over me, and I tried to focus on something else, anything else!

"Hello?" Captain Barnacles voice came over the radio. I was shocked. I hadn't meant to call anyone! I must've accidentally called the Captain.

"Hello?" I asked, wondering if I was imagining it. "Oh, thank goodness you're ok. Where are you? Are you hurt?" I hesitated. It wasn't unlike Captain Barnacles to be concerned. But this was a different level of concern.

"Er...well, apart from being on top of a mountain that seems to get higher every second, still waiting for Peso to get my message by Jabber Jay, having no idea what herb Dashi needs to cure her pnemonia symptoms, and the fact that she might die any minute... Yeah, I'm fine." I replied quickly.

I took a shaky breath. At least now I knew that I could contact the other Octonauts. But what puzzled me was that I was sure Peso would have at least gotten the message by now. So why hadn't he responded?


Tunip's POV: Eelean looked thoughtful for the next few minutes as we walked along, ahead of all the other Vegimals, leaving their chatter somewhat behind. She smiled at me every few moments and I smiled back, more happy than I can ever recall feeling. Her beautiful black skin was striking against her vibrant green eyes, and her mouth was in a happy smile. She was stunning.

"So Tunip, what do the Vegimals do on the ship?" She was genuinely interested.

"Well we cook, clean, help Tweak in the Launch Bay. Sorry -" at Eeleans confused look - "that's the engineer. And sometimes we help out on missions! I've ridden on a bowhead whale's head while  rescuing narwhals, I've helped save sea pigs from a crevasse. We even saved all the Octonauts from a snot blob last Christmas."

"Whoa, Tunip." Her face was admiring. "You've sure done a lot."

"Eh..." I blushed scarlet. "It wasn't just me...."

"Well you're the leader. It all sounds so cool and fun! Like having a family."

"As I said, you've got us now," I reassured her. She grinned at me.

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