50) Old Acquaintances

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Peso's POV: Both of us helping to support the other, Kate and I walked, well, limped, in my case, towards the sound of Shellington sobbing. It was a slow process, as I couldn't feel my leg because of the cut off blood circulation, and Kate was occasionally spazzing. The poison in her system must have picked up again now that she was moving. It felt awkward to depend on her, yet at the same time, it was completely natural. Everything I did with her felt natural. I guess that was what love felt like.

After what seemed like forever, we reached another cell, this one with a crying Shellington, a bent over Dashi, and a trying-to-be-comforting Tunip inside. The door was opened. "Is it just me, or did Dashi change clothes?" I asked Kate.

She looked at me, confused. "What do you mean? She's wearing the same pink skirt and barrettes as she normally does. Are you sure you're feeling alright, Peso?" She replied, unsure whether or not to be concerned.

But Dashi was wearing a white businesswoman-like shirt and black trousers. Since when does Dashi wear trousers?

Shellington just seemed to notice us then, Dashi seemingly still oblivious to the fact that we were here. "P-Peso? K-Kate? Wh-what are you doing h-here?" He asked, evidently holding back tears.

"We heard you crying from down the hall," Kate murmured gently. "And we wanted to find out if everything was alright."

Shellington sniffled. "Dashi doesn't remember me... Lupo altered her memories somehow... she's like a totally different person..." He whispered.

I nodded. "I kind of noticed. She seems...different. More mature, less bubbly. Although, she didn't say anything to us, so that might just be the new outfit talking. But we all know Dashi. Shellington, I know you'll stop at nothing to get your girlfriend back."

Kate looked confused and concerned. "Peso, what new outfit? Dashi's wearing the exact same outfit as she normally wears." She insisted.

Shellington's eyes widened. "Kate, according to these notes, Lupo was uncertain if his Memory Flame, which I'm guessing he used on Dashi, would affect anyone with an eidetic memory. You don't see the white businesswoman-shirt and the black trousers?" He asked.

Kate shook her head. "No, I don't. Is that what you see?" She replied. Shellington and I both nodded.

Shellington sighed. "It could just be a coincidence, but we might be on to something. I-I need to think this through..." He muttered to himself.

Kate and I both were thinking the same thing, and we spoke as one. "What can we do to help?"


Christian's POV: I crept around the corner, followed by a group of quietly chattering Vegimals. I couldn't understand their language, and I found myself wishing that Eelean was here to help me. We had made our way through the window just barely, I needed a push from a few of the Vegimals to get me through. Tunip may have been able to fit through easily, but I was a lot bigger than him.

I heard footsteps suddenly and gave a quick intake of breath to alert the Vegimals. With their keen hearing they had already heard. I watched as my former best friend walked quickly past, heading down a tunnel in the wall. Lupo was walking quickly and his eyes were focused. He looked like he was concentrating on something, and I knew he was a keen inventor. But a half smile lingered for a moment on his face, making him almost look - pleasant.

I hadn't seen Lupo's smile without a cruel motive for a long time.


Kwazii's POV: I was not too happy to see the two insane criminal foxes in front of me, and I unfortunately gave out a very undignified shout when I all but ran into them. I tried to weave a path through them, but to no avail.

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