Chapter 24) Conquering The Spider

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Shellington's POV: I ran down the mountain as fast as I could, no longer worried about the height, but rather about Dashi. Was she alright? Would the berries work? I had no idea. I had to trust Peso's medical knowledge. I just had to.

Darting through the forest of shadows, almost pitch black, I saw a purple feather float down in front of me. "This is for Dashi. This is for Dashi. This is for Dashi." The Jabber Jays had started up the chant again. They lifted my spirits. I was suddenly filled with adreneline as the birds chanted.

Soon enough, I had reached Dashi. I slid to a halt, and poured the medicine into her mouth. She swallowed it, and almost immediately, the shaking subsided, and the fever went down. "Shellington..." she whispered. All it took was that one word, and I had an uncontrollable urge to kiss her, right then and there.

So I did.


Selene's POV: Christian automatically stood in front of me and I shoved him aside. I didn't need him to protect me. I still couldn't trust him.

"So Christian is being the hero in this tale is he?" laughed Lupo. Christian snarled beside me and I joined him in an angry retort.

"Go back into your hole Lupo. I'm getting out of here."

"We're getting out of here!" added Christian happily. Who did the deluded fool think he was? Maybe I was being a little hard on him but I had had a VERY long day. I had seen my friends in fear and pain and I wanted my new boyfriend and my baby son so badly.

"Shut up Christian," I hissed at him. He fell silent.

"Ooh, trouble in paradise?" Lupo mocked. I gave him the death glare.

"Say what you want, but I'm leaving." And I made for the corridors leading to the lift, breaking into a sprint. To my surprise, Lupo wasn't pursuing me. I was nearly at the lift, I could nearly touch it, when I heard a bloodcurdling scream behind me. On reflex I spun round, to see -

Lupo holding a knife in Christian's stomach.

I felt sick.

Christian was screaming, but his eyes were in mine, pleading.

Lupo was laughing, saying something, I wasn't listening.

My mind was racing.

Do I get out of here? 

Or save the person who risked his life for mine?


Eelean's POV: I saw Christian Raccoon step in front of the white wolf, who I assumed was Selene. The black wolf, Lupo, was laughing. He said something I couldn't make out. Obviously, Selene and Christian weren't happy. They angrily spat out a response. "Ooh, trouble in paradise? Lupo said mockingly. Selene said something, I wasn't sure what, and then made a break for the elevator. She was going to make it!

But just then, I saw something that would stick with me forever.

I saw a knife plunge into Christian's stomach. For a moment, nothing else existed. This man had let me and my new family escape, not caring about any consequences.

I ran towards Lupo, and I barely heard Tunip call my name. "Hey!" I shouted.

And Lupo turned around and saw me. "I was wondering where the Vegimals were." He said cheerfully. It was sick. But his attention was no longer on Christian.

I sent a glance to Selene. "Get Christian and get out of here!" I shouted. I hoped she could understand.

Just then, I felt a hand slip into mine. I whirled around and saw the Vegimal I was slowly falling in love with. Tunip.


Captain Barnacles' POV: My mind was blurring. In a total daze my knees seemed to give out under me and I sank to the floor. For some reason I could hear the screams again, getting louder and louder as I panicked more and more. My crew. My friends. All scared and hurt and in danger. And I was useless.

Then one of the screams stopped. I could tell, but I couldn't tell who it was before they spoke in my head.

"Barnacles. Snap OUT of it."

My Selene.

Her voice sounded so lifelike I looked round expecting to see her next to me but she wasn't. 

"How are you helping anyone by sitting around like that? You've only radioed two people so far and already you're panicking." Selene was stern, abrupt and strict but it was so like her I smiled.

"Get off your polar bear behind and help!" As I stopped panicking the screams faded away, as did her voice. I almost wanted to panick again, just to hear her voice. But she was right. I assumed I had hallucinated that conversation, but Selene was the only one able to snap me out of it. I got to my feet, renewed. Time to be a Captain.


Kwazii's POV: No. That did not just happen. That gargantuan beast did not just bite my Tweak. She cried out, half in surprise, half in pain. The sound was enough to snap me out of my shock. "Tweak!" I called.

Slowly, I felt all my anger fade, replaced with fury. This was how Kate had described how it felt when she had punched Damien Fox in the face after he shot me. I saw a sword a few feet away. Maybe one of the spider's last victims was carrying it? Either way, I dove for it. It was a bit heavier than I would have liked, but I couldn't be picky.

"Hey!" I shouted at the spider.

The next few minutes were a blur of motions, some mine, some the spider's. I didn't know what I was doing. All I knew was that this spider's venom was causing Tweak pain, and that was not okay. I slashed and stabbed, while the spider shot silk at me and tried to bite me.

Soon I was standing on top of the gigntic black widow, the sword embedded in the red hourglass mark on its back. It wasn't moving. Tweak was staring at me, her green eyes wide.

"What...just..happened...?" I muttered, staring at the body. Then something weird happened. The body of the spider started sparking. It was a machine.

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