Chapter 21) Quitting and Enduring

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Peso's POV: I felt tears well up in my eyes once more. I was completely alone. Kate's body was here with me, sure, but her crystalline blue eyes were cloudy and distant, no longer holding that lively spirit that I had always loved. Her silvery fur seemed to glow in the near darkness, emitting a faint light behind the boulder I had taken refuge behind. No, the boulder WE had taken refuge behind. I still had trouble believing that Kate was really gone, despite that every fact said she was. Maybe that was because I didn't want to believe it.

Suddenly, a beautiful bird of blue, purple and gold landed on Kate's stomach. It looked me in the eye and said, in an exact replica of Shellington's voice, "I'm at the top of the mountain. What plant do I need?" A Jabber Jay, I realized. Kate had told me about the strange birds. She said they were bred in laboratories by evil scientists who specialized in making strange, half living, half robotic animals called Muttations. Jabber Jays were trained to listen to conversations of anyone who opposed these evil scientists. But once the other people realized what was going on, they began to speak nothing but lies when the Jabber Jays were around. Some people even retrained the Jabber Jays to help everyone they could.

"This is one of the retrained Jabber Jays..." I realized. Clearing my throat, I spoke to the Jabber Jay. "Shellington, there should be a lot of ivy on the rocks up there. There should also be red berries growing on the ivy. If you mash those berries into a poultice, and give it to Dashi by mouth, it will heal her pneumonia symptoms." I was well aware that my voice sounded strained and broken, but that was to be expected under the circumstances I was under.

The bird repeated my message, probably to make sure he got it right. After he repeated my directions word for word, I nodded. He flapped his wings twice, as if to say thank you. Then he seemed to notice Kate. He tilted his head in contemplation, studying her. I found it unnerving. Then the colorful bird looked at me once more. "She's not dead!" He said in a perfect imitation of my own voice.

Next it said, "I need to stop thinking about Greek Mythology." I began to sob. The voice was Kate's, filled with amusement and joy. The bird let out what sounded like a chirrup of annoyance, and, with his talons, wrote in the dirt. Then he flew off, not saying another word. I looked at what he wrote in the dirt. There was a message. It read "O + E need a happier ending."

O + E.

Greek Mythology.

She's not dead. The pieces of the Jabber Jay's puzzle came together, as I remembered the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. I couldn't help but smile. If what the bird was implying was possible, he was a genius! "Let's give Orpheus and Eurydice a happier ending," I whispered into Kate's ear.


Tweak's POV: I wasn't really afraid of spiders like Kwazii could be, but that didn't mean to say I could look a gigantic spider in the eye and not be terrified out of my skin. My ears twisted up automatically and I could feel myself shivering. Kwazii beside me was rigid, and I knew he would be exactly like the last time, when that wave of spiders had chased us...

The black widow flexed, and I could see the red markings on its hairy back as it moved towards us slightly. Its web, I saw now, was large and made up of lots of smaller webs all around the room. Kwazii shook with fear beside me, and I grasped his hand tighter.

" the black widow venomous?" His voice was hopeful and his black eyes stared into mine. Did I tell him the truth or a lie? I decided the lie wouldn't help him.

"It's the most venomous spider in - in North America." I remembered this from a text book. Kwazii stared at me, too terrified to move or speak again. The spider was creeping now, around its web. Our eyes followed its progress, until both of us had to move our bodies in order to see it. It had gone to the entrance where we had entered this new cave, and was - was making a new web.

Shutting us in.


Selene's POV: The cuffs were heavy on my hands, but not as heavy as my heart. I was an idiot! I should've known that Lupo wasn't going to stop torturing my friends! But Christian...quit? Why was he working for him in the first place?

Lupo turned to face Christian. "You quit? YOU QUIT?! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN QUIT?! YOU CAN'T QUIT!" the black wolf shouted.

Christian didn't flinch. " I just did, Lupo. I'm not like you. I have a heart. And I'm not going to let any casualties happen."

I stared at the raccoon, shocked. Was he serious? He didn't seem to be afraid of Lupo.

Lupo seemed just as shocked. "No one defies me, Christian. No one," Lupo growled. Christian glared at my ex-husband, a look of pure hatred in his eyes. Then, he did something I didn't expect. He ran out of the room. All I could think was, where is he going?


Shellington's POV: The light was disappearing from the horizon and I could already see stars high up in the sky. The mountain was still rising, no doubt about that. It was shaking and I had to hold on to a boulder to stay upright. My face was hidden in my fur, but as I risked a look down the contents of my stomach came up to greet me and I was nearly sick. My eyes blurred and I let myself cry, almost feeling relieved to let myself go. A patch of my fur was wet with my tears after a few minutes. Just as I was about to fall asleep, despite my terror and worry, a voice came floating up to me. It was an exact mimic of the only voice I wanted to hear at that moment barring Dashi's cheery tones.


"Shellington, there should be a lot of ivy on the rocks up there. There should also be red berries growing on the ivy. If you mash those berries into a poultice, and give it to Dashi by mouth, it will heal her pneumonia symptoms." 

Pesos voice erupted into song as more jabber jays joined in at different points so it sounded jumbled and mad. I was glad I heard it when I did, or I could have missed it.


Eelean's POV: I couldn't stop smiling as we were wandering found the dirt corridors of the island. It sounded amazing, being an Octonaut. But I was certain that I had heard one of the names Tunip said sounded familiar. I stopped in my tracks suddenly realizing what it was. Wasn't Selene the name of the girl that Christian's boss wanted... Something with? I was certain that's what it was.

"Tunip...?" I said, before spilling my concerns. His eyes widened at each word, making me even more worried.

Tunip's face was almost emotionless. "Unfortunately, from what I know, it does make sense." He said.

"We have to help her." I said determined. "But how?"

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