52) Changes and Refusal

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Peso's POV: Lupo opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish for a few seconds as Dashi gave him a death stare, her arms folded. With the grey trousers and starched shirt that I could see but Kate couldn't, she looked very severe. Kate's hand met mine, and our fingers intertwined quickly. Hers were warm.

Dashi's voice, when she spoke next, sounded uncertain but with pain clearly evident there. "I spent my childhood with you. At least I think I did, I don't know any more. Maybe that's all a lie. I still don't remember my recent past, but I'm guessing that's all fabricated too. Great." She sounded bitter, and angry. Very unlike the Dashi we knew.

"Now change her back," Shellington threatened, his voice unforgiving.

Lupo grinned suddenly. "No can do. You'll just have to get used to your little girlfriend now. Never mind that she knows that her memories are false. She's still changing, and soon she'll be a totally different person to who you knew."

"Change - her - back," Shellington hissed again, his teeth gritted.

"Happy memories, Lupo," Dashi reminded him. The pain was still laced into her voice, but when she next spoke, it was gone and the mask was on her face again. "I don't want to use my knife again, but I know how to use it. Apparently you taught me. I'm guessing that's not true."

"Some of it is true!" Lupo blurted.

Dashi gave him a cold look. "Yeah, right. Like you actually care about me. Like anybody actually cares about me."

"I care about you Dashi! I - I love you!" Shellington said insistently.

Dashi shook her head. To my vision the clips were gone from her hair and her hair was longer and tied back in a tight ponytail. "Don't be a hypocrite, Shellington. You cared about the other me. The one you claimed you knew. I may know my past is a lie, but I'm still that person. For now."

Shellington looked horrified and devastated all in one. I knew how he felt.


Kwazii's POV: I wasn't going to go down like this. Not today. Not ever. My hand was slowly inching its way upwards, towards Damien's hand. "You killed my parents." I growled, venom in my voice. "My twin sister is badly injured and I haven't seen her since I was forced to leave her with you." I knew she was relatively safe now, that she was with Peso, and that he could take care of any injuries that she might have. "But you're not hurting Tweak one more bit!" I shouted, shoving away Damien's arm and quickly ducking towards the door.

In what seemed like one gigantic stride, Damien was blocking the door. I was ready to push him to the side, to get to Tweak and help her. I knew how much Cera hated her. However, there was a faint voice telling me that that wasn't a good idea. I knew that voice to be my logical thoughts, the ones I almost never followed. I knew I needed a plan. I groaned inwardly. Plans were not my strong suit.

But then, I remembered the time that Captain Barnacles and I had to get Peso's medical bag from an Australian river while getting past two angry platypi. Captain Barnacles had created a diversion while I searched for the bag. This was similar, I realized, only what we were after was so much more important to me than Peso's bag. And the roles were reversed. I knew that Captain Barnacles and Selene were nearby and waiting, watching.

I looked Damien in the eyes. "I thought you wanted me dead." I taunted.

Damien growled but said nothing. I twitched my tail three times. A signal. My advantages: I was smaller and faster than Damien, and, apparently also insane. I had a feeling that I was going to die, but I didn't care. If this worked, Tweak would be safe, and that was what mattered.

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