53) Tricks Of The Trade

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Peso's POV: A gargled cry came from my open mouth as Lupo held the flame next to Kate's head and I watched her eyes glaze over, going glassy and wide.

"Kate!" I screamed. Kwazii was looking horrified, still shouting for her to run, just as Damien rounded the corner. Lupo had a sadistic smile on his face as he closed his eyes in bliss, supposedly messing around in my girlfriend's head. Shellington had already gone through this with Dashi, I didn't know whether I could bear it happening to Kate, just as we had got together. Just as we were beginning to be happy.

We were all frozen in that second, all watching Kate's memories sucked out of her head. Kwazii was running now, running back towards her. I could do nothing but scream. And Shellington was just still watching, watching as the flame that had stolen another girl's past sucked away my Kate's.

The only person who actually worked was Dashi. A look of furious concentration on her face, she sprinted towards Lupo, grabbing the flame from his hands and away from Kate's head. Lupo snarled in recognition as he noticed the flame was no longer in his possession.

Dashi turned from where she was ten metres away, barely panting, a look of cool comprehension as she glared at Lupo. "I assume this is what you did to me."

I wasn't looking at them. I was watching as Kate slowly got to her feet, her face a blank mask. We were too late.

"Katelyn," said Damien simply. Kate turned her head to him, and the lack of fire or fear in her eyes told me the truth.


Damien cackled, and the sound was terrifying.

"Come to me, my lovely. Come to me, my lovely little Maegan."

Kate walked over to him slowly, no emotion on her face.

"Kate!" I yelled. "It's me! Peso!"

She turned her head. There was no recognition, nothing. I instantly knew how Shellington felt. Empty.

"I -" she paused. "Don't know you."

"Yes!" Damien shouted in triumph. But I wasn't listening to him. I was watching as Kate, my Katelyn Cat, was leaving me forever.

Suddenly Kwazii did something that surprised me. He dived into Damien from behind, sending him over onto the ground. I hadn't even seen him go behind them.

But the thing that really shocked me, really really shocked me, was that at the exact same instant, Kate spun and landed a kick straight into Damien's chest before punching Lupo squarely in the face. And the fire was back in her eyes, and the clinical mask was gone from her face. She was Kate again.

Lupo sprawled backwards on the floor, holding his nose and crying out. Kwazii was scuffling around on the floor with Damien, a real catfight.

Kate jogged over to me, smiling so much her face was alight with joy. I hadn't even realised I had been silently crying, tears streaming down my face.

"You - you're not...." I stuttered.

Kate grinned. "I never was. Did I mention I'm an amazing actor?"

I couldn't tell whether to be furious or amazed. Instead I pulled her into a passionate kiss. My Kate was back. She had never left.

"But - but how?" I asked.

Before she could answer there was a slightly annoyed yell from Kwazii. "A little help here, sis?"

"Soz Kwaz," Kate yelled, winking at me before flipping backwards, a move I'm very familiar with from seeing Kwazii do it, and launching herself straight into the fight.

The Island of Fear (complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora