Chapter 27) Coming To Help

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Barnacles' POV: Suddenly I realised what this could mean for the young penguin and my eyes widened. "Peso! No!"

His voice was soft. "It's the only way..."

"Don't you dare. As your Captain and your friend I am ordering you not to dare do that."

"But I have to save her." Then his voice cut off and I was left screaming his name into the radio, my voice hoarse and terrified at what Peso meant. How could he face death?

A full five minutes had passed. I was now sitting numbly on the rocks, after trying to contact Peso multiple times and he never answered. Oh God, Peso...

"Captain?" A voice came over the radio. My eyes widened for the second one in as many minutes, and I spoke excitedly and with joy.

"Selene!" She was safe! For a moment that was the only thing filling my mind.

"Oh Barnacles - I'm so sorry. So so sorry."

"You had to," I interrupt her. "You had to do it. What happened?"

"We gave Lupo a dose of his own medicine. Oh, and I've found the Vegimals, plus one! There's another one, looks like Tunip is getting along with her quite well... Eelean I think her name is. And Christian - that's the raccoon who used to work for Lupo but betrayed him to help us - is hurt. Stabbed by Lupo. But now Lupo's suffering through his worst fear - whatever that is. I don't really care!" Her voice is fast and excited as she relayed everything. I struggled to take it all in at once.

"We need Peso here. I can't bandage very well. And he's dying..."

"Peso is with Kate. She's -" my voice cracked. "D dead."

To my surprise, Selene spoke right away, with urgency instead of the shock I would have expected. "How was she 'killed'?"

I searched my mind through what Peso I said. "Some kind of dart I think."

"She's not dead."


Kate's POV: I wanted to scream. Don't you dare do what you're thinking about doing, Peso! Don't even consider it! I'm not that important, not something that anyone should kill themselves over! I wanted to shout, to kick, to breathe, to do anything to show that I was still alive. But I couldn't. I would have groaned if I could. I felt so helpless! There was nothing in this world I hated more than being helpless. Maybe that was part of the reason closed spaced and being trapped scared me so much.

But no. It was more then that.

I remembered a day as a little girl, around the age of six, at the foster home. Kwazii and I had tried to run away that day, but we were caught by Damien himself. Against Kwazii's will, I took all the blame. I told the giant fox that it was my idea to run away, and that I had dragged Kwazii into it. Damien believed me, and I ended up locked in a small room with two broken, useless legs.

Now, I was technically dead, with a friend (Boyfriend? Crush? What on earth were Peso and I now?) who is thanatophobic, and I couldn't do anything. This was uselessness taken to the extreme. I would have sighed. At least Kwazii didn't know. He would freak out! But he would have to find out eventually...


Kwazii's POV: Tweak was gritting her teeth as spasms wracked through her body, sending new arcs of pain each time she was forced to jerk. I hated that I couldn't do anything other than hold her hand, there was no antidote for this poison, you just had to let it work its way out of her body. And this wait was killing me.

Tweak screamed again, and I clutched her hand more tightly. I could feel the sweat on them as she suffered. Why couldn't it have been me who got hurt? I was the one standing still staring at it! But defeating it had conquered my fear, as Tweak had said. I was no longer afraid of this spider, helped by the fact it was a machine.

"" Tweak whispered, her beautiful green skin pale and blotchy, her eyes wide and frightened. Her ears were twisted up tight. I stroked her arm, trying to make it reassuring. But my hands were shaking too.

"There's nothing I can do!" I told her, my voice rising up an octave as I panicked more and more.

"We have to - get out - of here. Get back - to the beach." Tweak spoke fast, her breathing was laboured and heavy.

"But you can't travel."

Tweak's eyes met mine. They were determined, and showed no sign of relenting.

"Help me stand."

Putting my arms around her shoulder, I gave her something to lean on. Even this movement looked exhausting for the engineer.

When at last she was stood up, she looked at me and there was fire in her eyes.

"Let's go."


Dashi's POV: I was worried about Kate. She was a good friend of ours, and I wanted to help her. I hoped that Peso was wrong, and I knew he probably hoped he was wrong, too. I looked at Shellington. "We should probably try and find some of the other Octonauts." I suggested.

He nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we should," he replied.

"Do you think they could be in the tunnels?" I inquired.

Shellington shrugged. "Well, when I talked to Peso a little earlier, he mentioned something about being stuck underground. I'm not sure what he meant, but he's probably still down there," he said, to himself as much as me.

I nodded. "Well, let's find an entrance, and we could look for them." I spoke softly. I wondered what we would find down there.

Shellington and I walked through the thick jungle, hand in hand. It felt so right, so natural... I felt myself grow warm in an undeniable blush.

Soon we came across a cave, sloping downwards. I heard a scream, and I gasped. "It couldn't be!" I cried. "Lupo?! Lupo Wolf?!" I had mixed feelings about him. He was evil, and I hated him, but at the same time, he was family, and I felt bad for hating him. Lupo was, unfortunately, my cousin.

Shellington looked at me, concern in his eyes. "I'm fine." I insisted. I could tell he didn't believe me, but he didn't press.

"Ok, then. Let's go." Together, we plunged into the darkness.


Christian's POV: My eyes are on Selene through her conversation, her urgent voice carried some of her speech over to me.

"We have the antidote for Kate...need help here...Lupo...send you the coordinates." When she came over to me I smiled weakly at her.

"That him?"

"Yes. He's coming now. And we need to try and contact Peso somehow."

"Peso - the medic?" I assume.

"Yes. He can help you. And he thinks our friend is dead - which I just told him she's not. We have the antidote in this medical bag. I would take it to him if I knew where he was. I sent our position to the Captain so he'll be here soon."

I couldn't help wishing he'd be a while just so I could stay like this talking to Selene, but after a few minutes of her bandaging my wound a bit more and exchanging conversations quietly, I had my eyes closed when Selene gasped suddenly and my eyes shot open. It could be Lupo, making a miraculous recovery from where ever horrible world he was living in now. What could be the worst fear of a murderer? I think the Vegimals tied him up somewhere in the cage I put them in, but I'm not sure.

I was set to protect her from anything even in my hurt state, but Selene got up straight away and ran to the other side of the cavern. I saw a handsome polar bear smiling at her warmly and she ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. He pressed his lips gently to hers and they kissed for a long time, looking like they were in their own little world oblivious to anyone else. I felt a sharp pang of jealousy watching them. Selene looked so happy and he was tall and strong, yet gentle as he kissed her passionately. They were obviously perfect for each other.

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