55) Octonauts Reunited

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Kwazii's POV: The doorway was right ahead of me. I noticed a few things as I ran towards it, not daring to look back. The lock had been picked and the door kicked open. I smiled as I remembered how Selene would always pick locks at the foster home. She was quite good at it too. I used to say to her, "I bet you'll become a spy one day. A good one, too." She would always laugh at that. I ran into the doorway.

"Barnacles! Selene! I'm her-" I began before cutting off as I saw Tweak on the ground, bleeding out.

Cera was talking on the radio. "No, I haven't killed any of our shared victims yet, but the rabbit is close. Have you?" The radio was turned up loud, so we could hear the reply.

"Yes, I have killed someone. The penguin." I saw three sets of eyes widen around the room, and had to force back a laugh. I conveyed a small half-smile and a quick wink to the Captain, hoping that the message was clear. I wasn't paying attention to the conversation anymore.

I was crouched down next to Tweak, and nothing else was there besides us too. "Tweak..." I whispered, smiling and crying all at once. She looked at me, fear in her eyes.

"Cera- she mentioned... a-a trap... I-I tried to hold out, and... be strong, but...I'm not sure if- if I was strong...strong enough...to help..." I shook my head, smiling.

"Tweak, you are the strongest person I know. And I admire that you wanted to protect us. But did you really think we were just going to leave you here?" I replied. She tried to get up, but ended up hissing in pain.

Fervently, I leaned forward and kissed her. The world around us was nonexistent right now. Now, the planet had a population of two. Two young lovers, who would fight through each battle they faced together. Together, they would conquer the world, and live happy lives. Lives that I couldn't imagine living without Tweak by my side.


Shellington's POV: I followed Kwazii into the small cell, noting that nearly all of us were here. Kwazii was now bending over Tweak on the ground, and I saw them kiss passionately, though Tweak looked in a bad way. Selene and Barnacles were facing up to Cera, identical looks on both their faces. I had seen Kate and Peso quickly dart into a room a few metres behind us, where I assumed they had seen someone. And Dashi - Dashi 2 was behind me, just standing in the doorway, a complex look of both sadness and coldness on her face. I realised I was staring at her, wishing I could kiss her like Kwazii and Tweak were doing now. Like Kate and Peso had done countless times. Like we used to. Before she was changed.

"Yes. I want to be who I was before. I want to be... happy." Dashi's words from before echoed in my mind. This Dashi didn't seem happy. With her grey clothes and hair tied tightly back in a ponytail, she seemed very clinical. Serious. Very unlike the casual, girly persona of Dashi. My Dashi. The real Dashi. I had found myself talking to her before like she was normal. I felt sorry for this Dashi 2 all of a sudden, my fury and coldness from before beginning to melt away. Not completely, but I knew that taking it out on Dashi 2 wasn't going to help. Even so, when Dashi 2 met my eyes and didn't smile, just met my eyes, I looked away. I couldn't bear it.

And for a fraction of a second, I saw the hurt in Dashi 2's eyes.

Did she still have feelings for me?


Christian's POV: I was surprised to see most of the Octonauts in the room where Tweak had been. They were all there, except for Kate and Peso. Tweak and Kwazii had just pulled away from a kiss, and the mint bunny had given me a nod of recognition. She was clearly in pain, but doing her best to hide it. I knew what that was like, and it's not fun.

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