Chapter 30) Braver And Closer

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Dashi's POV: No one had an answer for that question. What to do with a manical madman? I tried to keep my eyes away from him but he was staring at me, his amber eyes locked on mine. I recalled my harsh words which I had tried to say with such confidence. Did I really hate my cousin?

Shellington pressed close to me, seeming to read my mind. Our hands clasped and it was like a lifeline to me.

"Well we obviously can't travel, not with two people injured," I began.

"I can travel!" cut in Tweak, trying to stand up defensively. I caught her arm as she stumbled, hissing in pain and pressing her hand to the wound.

"You really can't," I told her sternly. Peso came over and took her other arm, supporting some of her weight.

"There's no cure for a black widow bite, but i can make the pain go away for a little while," he offered Tweak. She gave a single quick nod. I knew how much she hated for others to see her in pain or weak. Peso quickly pressed another syringe against her neck and Tweak's eyes rolled back in her head. I caught her as she fell unconscious for the second time today. Kwazii darted over and helped me hold her. It hurt me to see Tweak helpless like this, but I knew she would be in too much pain to be conscious right now.

"She should be out for half an hour or so," Peso said, his voice apologetic.

I continued with what I had started saying. "We can't travel, so let's stay here overnight. It must be about eleven."

"Later, I think," Shellington said. "It was getting dark when I was up on the mountain, and that was two hours ago."

"Good idea, Dashi," Barnacles said. "Lets set up camp for the night here."

As I helped Peso and Kwazii lie Tweak down on a flat piece of ground, I tried not to think of Lupo, just there, watching me.


Selene's POV: Derek had already passed out in my arms, and no one could blame him. I chuckled lightly. All of us had had a long day. I was glad all my friends were safe.

Kate padded up over to where I sat and plopped down next to me. "So, Selene? You and the Captain, huh? He's liked you for a while, you know."

I smiled. "And I him. I'm not going to lie, at first I was afraid that if I fell in love again, it would end up as bad as last time." I confessed, glancing over at Lupo.

Kate nodded. "That's understandable." She replied.

Lupo growled from inside his cage. "I swear, when I get out of here, I will kill you all!"

I dismissed the comment with a wave of my hand. "Oh, go eat a sock, Lupo." I said.

Lupo sneered. "You better watch your backs, Octonauts, because I'll-" The evil black wolf was cut off, because Kate had thrown one of her wadded up socksat him, and it had landed in his mouth.

She shrugged. "Sorry. He was getting annoying." Everyone burst out laughing, and Kate grinned.

I smiled. "And Lupo, thank you. If it wasn't for this island of yours, Captain Barnacles and I probably wouldn't be together now!" I told him sweetly.

Kate laughed. "Burn!" She called out. Lupo looked utterly confused, and completely ridiculous with Kate's sock still in his mouth.

Captain Barnacles came over to me, and Kate got up and went over to Peso, whom Eelean had taken a great liking to since he helped Christian. The Captain sat down next to me and smiled. "Fate has a funny way of working." He commented, looking at all the other new couples.

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