Chapter 14) Flashbacks to Failure

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Tweak's POV: My fingers fumbled on the radio I was assembling, slipping on the smooth metal. I could feel the burning gaze of my father on my back, hear the tension in the room by the silence that surrounded me. I didn't look round, just kept working. I knew if I showed weakness in any way, there would be consequences.

The tiny metal component fell from my fingers and inwardly I cursed.

Never make a mistake.

I bent down quickly to get it, picking it up and keeping working. Slotting the radio transmitter and receiver into the thin slot I had created, I checked over my work for any glitches before putting it aside. Still I didn't dare to look around, taking up my next project and placing it in front of me. My fingers ached from the work I had done so far that day, and I could sear I heard the tendons of my wrist creak as I flexed it.

 Never show pain.

His footsteps were deafeningly loud in the silent room as my father stepped up behind me. I held my breath.

"Three minutes, two seconds." It was all I could do not to cry out in  anguish. I had -

"Failed. Again, Tweak. Failure." I knew he was right. He always was. I turned to face him. His piercing black eyes stared into mine, no expression on his face as usual but disappointment. And anger. Bowing my head, I said what I was expected to say, what I always said.

"Yes Father. I am a failure."

"You will do this again. Again, Tweak. Until you get this right." His footsteps moved away, where he stood back behind me, where I couldn't see him. I knew if I didn't get this right, well -

Never fail. 

Failure is not an option.


Shellington's POV: This couldn't be happening. My radio couldn't be broken! Not now, of all times! I put my face in my hands. Why did the radio have to break when I needed it most? I had to get in contact with Peso somehow. But how?

A flash of color distracted me. Blue, Purple and Gold. Jabber Jays. The idea that came was so ridiculous, I had to force myself not to laugh. But it was worth a shot. I had to try. "Can you deliver a message?" I asked the pretty bird. Not Dashi pretty, mind you, but still pretty.

The bird cocked his head, as though asking what I wanted. "I need you to find Peso. Tell him 'I'm at the top of the mountain, what plant am I looking for?'"  

I wasn't sure If the Jabber Jay understood what I had just said, But it repeated what I said. "I'm at the top of the mountain, what plant am I looking for?" It mimicked me. I nodded. The Jabber Jay flapped its wings twice and flew down the mountain.

Once again, the forest below me exploded into sound. "I'm at the top of the mountain, what plant am I looking for?" An absurd number of my voices called out. I was surprised how calm they sounded, considering the original owner of the voice was acrophobic and atop a mountain. But now all I could do, was wait and hope that Peso got my message.

"Dashi, Please hold on. I'll be back as soon as I can." I whispered, my voice carried by the sound of the wind.


Selene's POV: I glared with hatred at the man I once loved, wishing I could punch him in the face like Barnacles had done but knowing he would probably break my wrist. Instead I crouched next to the polar bear, cradling his head in my hands. His eyes were staring into mine but it was obvious he could hear nothing but the screams inside his head. Lupo stood behind him, the smirk on his face was enough to drive me completely insane. I snarled at him. Lupo still just smiled. He looked like he was waiting for something. But what?

"You're - screaming." Two words from the Captain, uttered with such pain and fear in his voice. 

"I'm not. That's an illusion, nothing more. No one is really screaming, I promise you. I'm right here," I comforted him. 

"Ah yes, a nice recording from your torture Selene. Plenty of screaming that time I recall. Plenty of scars too," Lupo butted in cheerily. I gave him the death glare.

"Did you want to do something with us, or are you just going to sit and gloat?" I ask sardoniclly. Lupo looked slightly abashed for a split second, then he grinned.

"I just wanted to let you know it's all because of you, Selene. I don't work with Damien any more, it's not Kwazii and Kate I'm after. They're your friends, you're putting them in danger. And your dear friends, some won't survive too much longer." My eyes must have widened, as Lupo laughed.

"Oh yes, time for a status report. Dashi - pneumonia. Shellington - stuck on top of a mountain. Peso and Kate - in catacombs, a nice little touch of mine I think. Did I mention that I disabled the radios? Your friends needed them, so I got rid of their mode of communication."

"Stop this, Lupo. What can you gain from this?"

"You." His answer is blunt. "I want you back with me, Selene. And remember, your friends won't get hurt if you're not with them. No one has dies, and no one will if you just give in now."

My mind raced. My friends were in great danger, and I could stop this. But it would mean putting myself back in his hands. Of the man I feared most. Giving myself up. Could I do it? I looked at the quivering form of the Captain on the floor next to me and knew I already knew the answer.

"Fine. Stop this, and - I'll come with you."

"No... Selene." Barnacles whispered beside me, his hand gripping my wrist tightly, too tightly for me to pull my hand away. Making a decision, I leant in and quickly kissed him, quickly and passionately. Lupo snarled beside me and gripped my shoulder tightly in anger, but I don't care.

"I love you, Captain. But I have to do this. For you, and all the Octonauts." His grip doesn't relent.

"You're not - doing it. I forbid it." I almost laughed. No one has ever tried to forbid me of doing anything. But he doesn't understand what I have to do. 

"I'm sorry, Captain. But you're not in charge of me." And I quickly jab behind his ear, where I know the sensitive nerve clusters are that will knock him out immediately. Painless, but effective. His eyes close and he collapses in my arms, his breathing slow and steady. Next time he wakes, I will be gone. I hate to do this to him, but it's the only way.

Lupo cackled maniacally. I turned to him, my fists clenching. 

"Right. Let's go."


Tunip's POV: I had finished tying the hook to the rope, and I glanced at the keys. Now, the tricky part. I had to get the keys without the raccoon noticing what I was doing.I inhaled, whipped my device over my head, and threw it at the key ring. I missed. I hadn't gone far enough. I pulled my tool back into the cage to try again. The second try, I was too far.

"Just need to find the perfect median..." I muttered. All of the Vegimals were shouting words of encouragement. I could do this. "Third times a charm!" I shouted.

I threw my tool across the room once again. This time, it snagged the key ring. I pulled back. The keys clattered to the ground. I held my breath, waiting for the raccoon to notice the racket. If he had, however, he didn't seem to think much of it. I didn't wait. I pulled the keys across the floor.

Once i had got them, I unlocked the cage that most of us were in. Then I went over to the cages that Codish and Eelean were in. I put the key in the lock, and twisted it. They were free! Eelean cheered, and hugged me. I had heard the term "she made me see fireworks," But until now, I had never experienced it.

Suddenly, the raccoon looked over at the empty cage in the middle of the room. All of us held our breath. I had never felt so scared in my life.

The Island of Fear (complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora