56) The Final Sacrifice

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Tweak's POV: I gazed up at Kwazii's face above me, just taking in his features and feeling utterly dazed. Half by my intense love for this cat, half because of the fact my side was completely ripped open.

"Don't you dare knock me out again," I told him adamantly.

Kwazii chuckled. "I doubt you'll need much help with that."

"Adrenaline patch," I informed him wearily.

The smile faded from Kwazii's face. "Who would do that? Cera's a psycho."

"And this is news?"

Our quiet conversation had evidently not been heard by anyone around us. Damien was advancing on Kate, who was cowering against the wall, holding back unfallen tears in her eyes. I felt sure that Fiona and Lupo could not be far away. Peso was gripping the silver cat's hand tightly, murmuring something to her, but his calming techniques that I always found so effective when I was stressed from work didn't seem to be working much on Kate. Damien was laughing again. He did a lot of evil laughing, this guy.

"Kate..." Kwazii whispered. "She knows."

"Did you?" I asked.

Kwazii met my eyes, and there was intense sadness in them. "I found out a few hours ago, just a little while before she did. When I was attempting to rescue you."

"Oh Kwazii..." I whispered, my voice full of sympathy and horror.

Kwazii gave a little shrug. "Kate's taking it harder though. I mean, I'm sad. But I did all my mourning years ago, when they first died. I spent weeks wearing black and only talking to Kate. It just seems pointless to mourn again."

"Good point," I agreed quietly.

Kwazii's expression turned hard. "No. Now all I feel is anger. He killed my parents. And he will pay."


Shellington's POV: I barely heard Damien accidentally admit that he had killed Kwazii and Kate's parents. I knew Kate well enough that she had never really gotten a chance to grieve for them. Mostly because she didn't allow herself to grieve. Kate's emotions always bottled up inside of her, until she couldn't hold them back any longer. Then they all just flooded out of her, like a dam that had broken. Then the dam repaired itself for the next time she had to let it all out.

Dashi, the one I knew at least, wasn't like that. My Dashi would write what she felt in a journal, and if she needed to, she would come to me for help. I had always felt honored that she would come to me. Needed. Special. I remembered when she had told me that Lupo killed her mother. Her cousin had killed her mother. She had cried, and while others might see that as a sign of weakness, it was actually a sign of strength. They both were. Holding it in, and letting it out.

I shook myself out of my thoughts. You can think about things like that later. We still needed to get to the Octopod, and find out how to get Dashi's memories back. Part of me wanted to take away every single painful memory of hers, so she wouldn't have to suffer. But the other part of me knew better. 'If you did, I might not have all the great people in my life now.' Kate had told Lupo, when he had "offered" to take her memories. And I knew where she was coming from. I believed that things happened for a reason.That there were no accidents or coincedences in life. But first thing was first. Before I could help Dashi, we all had to get out of here. But how?


Christian's POV: I was the first one to register Lupo and Fiona coming into the room. Shellington was staring at Kate with a faraway look on his face, while Peso was trying to comfort the silver cat - well not so silver any more really. Tweak and Kwazii were conversing in low voices on the floor and Selene was - Selene was -

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