46) Finding Each Other

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Shellington's POV: I was incredibly disgusted by the fact that Fiona Vixen had kissed me, but at the very least, I had the controls. With my lips still touching Fiona's, (gross!) I pressed a button on the control, and immediately, the shackles on our wrists opened with a click, and I fell unceremoniously to the ground. I was both annoyed and thankful for that. At the very least, she wasn't kissing me anymore.

Fiona was just comprehending what had just happened, and she growled. "You little sneak!" She exclaimed as Peso and I ran for the door. I used the knife to pry open the door, and Peso and I ran out, slamming the door behind us and immediately sprinting down the corridor,trying to get as far ahead as possible.

"I cannot believe she actually did that!" I muttered.

Peso smiled slightly. "When we get back to the Octopod, I'll decontaminate you." He joked.

I laughed. "You're spending too much time with Kate!" I said mid laugh, before realizing I shouldn't have brought her up at the stricken look on the young penguin's face.

Fiona was chasing after us, her gun out, preparing to shoot at us. We sped up, just about to round a corner, when a bullet embedded itself in my shoulder. I cried out in pain but shook my head sharply at the concerned looking Peso. We would carry on.

Soon, I realized we were following a blood trail. "We must not have been the first to escape..." Peso murmured.

I nodded before skidding to a halt. to my right, there was a cell. Kate's cell, and unfortunately, the hologram was not a lie. The door had a window in the top, which we peered through. Her face was matted with dry blood, her right arm and left side a nasty shade of green, and her body limp in her shackles.

Peso's eyes widened. "Oh, Kate..." He whispered. I used the knife to open this cell, and Peso unlocked her shackles. She fell to the floor with a groan, and Peso sighed in slight relief.

"Peso..." She muttered, her blue eyes full of fear and pain. "Leave me..." She groaned. "I'll only slow you down...."

Tears filled Peso's eyes. "Shellington, I'll stay with Kate. You go help the others."

I glanced down the hall, hearing Fiona's shouts. "Are you sure, Peso?" I asked.

One look into his eyes, and I knew he wasn't going to give in to any argument. Not that we had time for one. I nodded, running down the corridors once again. Only one thought resided in my mind. I'm coming, Dashi.


Kate's POV: As Shellington raced out of the room, Peso bent down next to me, caressing the good side of my face and carefully avoiding the swollen patches. I couldn't help a moan of pain. Peso withdrew his hand quickly, looking worried.

"No, no, carry on," I whispered quickly. Peso resumed the light stroking of my face.

"I don't have my medical bag," he whispered. "But as soon as I find it I will bandage you up."

"Always fancied my fur red..." I joked quietly. Peso smiled, but there was pain in his gaze.

"How do you do it?" he asked with a slight hint of frustration in his voice. "Stay happy and joking even when you're - like this?"

"Hope," I replied simply. "Hope that you're going to come and find me. Hope that my brother is kicking some enemy butt right now. Hope that none of my friends are hurt. It keeps me going."

We shared a comfortable silence. Peso had moved his stroking to my injured side, now a nasty shade of green and bruised. I was not a squeamish person, but I was unable to look at the injuries.

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