Chapter 4) Affairs of the Heart

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Kate's POV: I found myself falling through the earth. I was wondering how it was possible to even be falling this much. Then I crashed into some ropes and got hopelessly tangled up. As if that wasn't enough, the ropes that were keeping me from falling more, snapped under my weight. I continued falling, the ground coming up fast. "This would be a stupid way to die..." I thought.

 BAM! Jarring pain shot up my right arm. I winced slightly, but didn't cry out. Unfortunately, I was accustomed to pain like this. I looked at my paw. Oh man, it wasn't supposed to face that way, was it? I then looked around me. I was in what appeared to be a small supply closet, only there was nothing in it. I began to hyperventilate. Was it just me, or were the walls getting closer? "Help!" I called, though I doubted anyone could hear me.


Dashi' s POV: I was trying hard not to shake as hard but my limbs just kept twitching without my control. 

"Lost! We can't be lost!" My voice rose up an octave in fear. Shellington squeezed my hand tightly. 

"We'll find a way out of this Dash. Just you wait." I rested my head against his warm shoulder. To my surprise it felt icy cold, unlike a few seconds ago. I tried touching it experimentally, still feeling the coldness under my numb fingertips. 

"Shellington your skin! I it's f freezing cold!"

Shellington touched his fur in confusion, his face changing in an instant as he brushed against me.

"Er... Dashi? It's not me who's cold. You're burning up."


Peso' s POV: 

"Kaaateee!" I screamed in terror as I watched Kate disappear in front of me. Coming up as close as I dared to the edge of what was now a gaping chasm, I looked down to see - nothing. No sign of where Kate had gone,  nothing. It was just soil and twigs. 

"Kaaatee!" I cried again, hoping she could hear me. There was no reply. The forest had turned silent all of a sudden, it was deathly and ominous. I gulped back my automatic fear of anything creepy and prepared to shout a third time when -

"Help..." It was faint and faraway but there was no mistaking Kate's silvery voice. It was laboured and broken, but still Kate's.

"Where are you?" I yelled at the very top of my voice, no longer caring about who - or what - might hear me. Kate was the only thing that mattered now.

There was a pause, then - "Pes - Peso?" 

"It's me! I'm going to get you out of there!"

"The - the walls are closing in..."

My eyes widened. Of course. Kate's claustrophobia!

"Hang in there! I'll just come down and ..."

"No Peso." Kate's voice was shallow and her breathing was laboured and terrified. "The walls are - actually moving in."


Selene's POV: As Captain Barnacles and I walked along the uneven terrain, Derek cradled in my arms, I couldn't help but think how much he looked like his father. The same calm demeanor, the same black fur, even his eyes looked like Lupo's. The man I once loved. The man I was always running from, but never could escape.

I remembered what he was like before he became a psychopathic killer. Kind, helpful, mature, loyal, brave. No one really knows why he went insane. But everyone had agreed with one thing; when he went crazy, a fine young man had been lost to his own mind. He had kidnapped me and Derek, working for the man who had made my life torturous. I was kept captive for three months, beaten every day. Until he came.

Tweak and Kwazii had heard my screams, and told Captain Barnacles about them. Later that night, he and several other Octonauts had come and rescued me. It was the best day of my life. They took Derek and I into their makeshift family without hesitation. But I was still worried that Lupo might come again. Or...or that one of the Octonauts might become like him. I looked at the Captain, who was looking at me. His warm blue eyes met my chestnut ones, and I blushed and looked away. 

Captain Barnacles was so much like the old Lupo...I was afraid to fall in love again. But no one can control affairs of the heart.

Tweak's POV: What seemed like a wave of blackness was sweeping rapidly down to greet us. I wondered what it was, nighttime didn't sweep - did it? It was very close now, close enough to see the hairs on the tiny legs and the venomous gleam in each ones eyes - wait - legs? 

Beside me I got my answer to what this wave of blackness actually was as Kwazii jumped backwards and a inhuman scream came from his mouth, garbled and broken. We could both do nothing but stand and stare upwards, transfixed and horrified by the thing - things coming at us. I wasn't too scared of them generally but even this was a bit much...

Kwazii grabbed my hand tightly, and I had no time to reflect on the simultaneous joy, tingling and excitement I felt from that action as Kwazii was in such a state. His eyes were wild and open widely as he managed to get one word from his shaking mouth.

"S sp spi SPIDERS!!!"

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