Chapter 16) Escaping and Darts

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Eelean's POV: I squeaked and fell against Tunip as the raccoon looked round. Everyone held their breath. The raccoon's eyes were confused, but as they fell on us they widened. I knew this was the end. We wouldn't be allowed to escape again. I pressed my body against Tunip, he returned the gesture. We closed our eyes together.

"Go." My eyes shot open, I could hear Tunip questioning in confusion. It was the raccoon who had spoken, and his eyes were crinkled in a half smile.

"I'm not a cruel man," he muttered, nearly to himself. "I'd never hurt you. Go."

My mouth stretched in a relieved smile. Tunip had already registered their good luck and was ushering the other Vegimals out of the cave, with Codish on his back. 

"Come on!" he yelled to me. I gave him a hand signal to wait and ran over to the raccoon.

"My name's Christian. Christian Raccoon." He said to me. I quickly hugged him around the knee, as high as I can reach. He smiled suddenly. He had a nice smile, I thought. I chattered at him, even though I knew he wouldn't understand. 

"Thank you."

He smiled again, wider. I think he understood."You're welcome. Now go."

I followed his instruction, running after the retreating Vegimals. My new family.


Kate's POV: Peso and I were running for our lives. This was, unfortunately, not a new experience for me. Darts continued to whiz past us as we ran through the catacombs. What wasin these darts? I didn't want to find out.

Peso was starting to slow down.  I picked up speed and basically dragged him behind me. We were not going to die. We were not going to die. I repeated the line in my head over and over. It was a mantra. We were not going to die. I would ensure that at the very least, Peso would live to see tomorrow.

"No matter what happens Peso, just know I love you. I always did." I murmured.

Peso looked at me, his eyes wide. "I love you too, Kate. I always did." He replied, fear evident in his voice.

I dared to look behind us. More darts were whizzing past. One was headed straight for Peso! Quickly, I made a decision that could very well cost me my life. I shoved Peso out of the way. He fell down and picked himself up. There was a questioning look in his eyes.

The dart embedded itself in my arm, and Peso's eyes widened.

"No! Kate!" he screamed as I fell to the ground.


Tweak's POV: My body shook with sobs, loud and helpless. Kwazii was saying something, but I couldn't concentrate on his words. All I could hear was the mantra my father used to drill into me constantly.

'Never make a mistake. 

Never show pain.

Pain is a sign of weakness.

Never feel.

Emotion is a sign of weakness.

Don't let them in.

Never fail.

Failure is not an option.'

I find myself whispering the words under my breath, unable to stop and think. Kwazii's voice was growing louder and more concerned but I managed to shake my head.

"Never - show - pain," I gasped. 

"I know you were under great pressure. But you need to calm down, Tweak. You need to fix the radios, remember? People could be counting on you," Kwazii assured me, his voice urgent.

"Never - let them - in," I whispered, my voice hoarse and unrecognizable as mine.

"Let me in. I can help you! You helped me with my arachophobia, remember. Tweak?"

"Never fail." My voice is gone. I managed to rasp one last phrase, one that my father told me was true every day. "I failed."

"You didn't fail, Tweak. How could you have failed?" Kwazii's voice is soft. "You're the most talented, bubbly, strong person I know. "Failure is not an option because you can't fail. You can only do better. And that's why I love you." And Kwazii pressed his lips to mine. 

We kissed, gently and passionately for what seemed like minutes. When we pulled apart, Kwazii smiled at me.

"Why did you let me in?" he asked quietly.

"Becuase you showed  me that I'm not a failure," I answered. He smiled and caressed my cheek again. I loved the feeling.

"Why do you love me?" I had to ask. Kwazii grinned, that familiar sparkle back in his eyes.

"I guess I like idiots," he answered.


Shellington's POV: I gasped, and backed away from the edge of the mountain. God, I hated those bullies. The forest was still exploding with sounds of my own voice. If Peso was in the forest, he would have definitely heard it. A thought struck me. What if Peso was in the tunnels under the island? Could the birds get there? I wasn't sure. I hoped they could. I needed the kind medic to tell me what to do so I could help Dashi! That was what mattered to me right now. Not the height, but Dashi.

I risked a glance back down, and before I was overcome with vertigo, I saw one of the Jabber Jays enter one of the tunnels close to the mountain. I knew Peso would be able to hear my message now. Still, I felt guilty doing nothing. But there was nothing I could do. I had spent most of my time on the mountaintop looking straight ahead, or occasionally risking looking down. But I had not risked looking up. Nervously, I darted my gaze upward, and gasped at the amazing color stained clouds. "Dashi would love this..." I whispered. A crazy idea struck me. Maybe, just maybe, after I got back to Dashi, I could show her this amazing view.

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