40) Kate Tries To Offer Herself

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Kate's POV: I was watching Damien explain- something to Kwazii. I could barely hear my brother when he was shouting at him before. Whatever it was, it seemed to shock and horrify him. Another wave of pain surged through my body, and I cried out once more. Stupid! I thought. Come on, Kate, you've handled pain before! Be the strong girl you've always had to be!

Damien looked at me, and I glared at him, hoping that my eyes conveyed a look of placid determination instead of a look of terror, which was what I was actually feeling. "You'll - pay..." I managed to get out, though even that was a struggle.


Damien laughed. "Well, well, Katelyn. Even with painful poison that feels like acid running through your body, and half of your face a mangled mess, you still manage to have the same spirit as Maegan did! But we both know what happened to her...." He shouted, quite loud, as so to tell the entire world.

I cried out again as another wave of pain came, along with more memories. Watching as five year old Kwazii was thrown into a brick wall, Damien stabbing a kitchen knife a mere millimeter from the top of my head after he had made a death threat when I was nine, and other painful stuff. I didn't want to know what the others were going through.

Somehow, we had to get out of this. But how? Kwazii and I were both chained up, and I could only guess everyone else who had been captured was under the same circumstances. But I had to be able to do something! I grit my teeth. "Damien, I'll... make a deal... with you... You can.. have me, and....I won't fight....or give you...attitude, but...you let the.... others free.... And I want to... see them leave..." I managed.

Kwazii shook his head fervently. Damien looked like he was considering that for a moment. Then he shook his head as well. He said something, I couldn't make out what, then turned his attention back to Kwazii. Well, it was worth a shot, I thought. Another wave of pain was sent through my body and I thought "Seriously?"


Shellington's POV: I could hear Tweak moaning softly in her chains, moving slightly and hissing in pain. I still had no idea why she had a shackle around her neck and around her waist pinning her almost completely to the wall. I was just glad I didn't have that restriction.

"Tweak," Peso said softly but urgently. "Are you all right?"

"So hot...burning..." Tweak muttered, trying to move around and hissing as her wound opened even more.

"It's infected, Tweak. You have to stop moving around. You've got a fever," Peso informed her worriedly.

Tweak murmured something that sounded like: "Just my luck," then I heard a key in the lock and stiffened. Peso's eyes widened as he registered the form coming into the room. Fiona!

She was holding a short sharp knife in her hand and had a sadistic grin on her face. She smiled at me and Peso, then went over to Tweak fastened to the wall.

"Hello my Victim. I'm saving you for someone special who can't wait to hear your agonized screams," she crooned, bringing her knife up to Tweak's face and tracing it gently without breaking the skin. "Such a pretty face. Such a shame."

"Stop it!" I yelled. Fiona turned to me, still holding the knife to Tweak's cheek.

"Hello. You were my second choice as Victim, you know. I didn't choose the penguin originally, but since he delivered himself nicely into my hands and my boyfriend only wanted the cats - well I took my share."

"Damien' s got Kwazii and Kate?" I asked in horror. I knew how he felt about them and what he had vowed to do to them when he got to them.

"Oh yes. But you don't need to worry about them. And your girlfriend's safe as well. Safely away."

"What have you done to Dashi?" I scream at her, losing my hold. Peso is staring past Fiona, his eyes wide.

"Oh, you'll find out. Maybe we'll let you see her," Fiona said in a sing song voice, annoyingly cheerful. All I could think about was Dashi. So I almost didn't register the second person coming into the room until Peso says her name.



Kwazii's POV: Did Kate really just offer herself for the freedom of the others and me? I hoped not. Damien stared at her for an agonizing moment, before shaking his head. "No, I'd rather just have all of you die." He replied to her.

I wasn't sure if she could here him. He then turned to me and frowned. "I see that cut on your head has healed nicely, Kwazii. That's a problem. How about I fix it?" He asked, holding a knife just above my forehead.

"Kwazii!" Kate shouted. Damien began to bring the knife down in a slashing motion. Instinctively, I brought my hand up to deflect the blow, closing my eyes as well. There was a sound of sharp metal cutting rusted metal. My eyes flew open, and I realized that one of my hands was free. Barely conscious of what I was doing, I grabbed the knife out of Damien's hands and slashed at the other chains. Damein bellowed in rage as I freed myself.

I looked at Kate, preparing to free her as well, but one look in her eyes and I saw a placid look of determination. Free the others, she mouthed. I'll distract him as best I can. You go and free the others. He would expect you to free me first. Use that to your advantage. I nodded, tears in my eyes. I hated leaving her, but I knew that I had to. Damien, not expecting any of this, had left the door open. he seemed to realize what I was thinking, and slashed at me with another knife he happened to have. I did my best to dodge it, and ran for the open door. I barely realized my side was bleeding, but that wasn't important. Kate was right. I had to free the others. That was what mattered.


Barnacles' POV: Dashi was looking at us with a blank look in her deep brown eyes, though concerned. I dreaded the worst.

"Dashi?" I said tentatively.

"Hello. Who are you?" she asked again, giving me a half smile.

My heart dropped down into a chasm. She didn't remember us. She didn't remember being an Octonaut.

"Dashi. It's Selene. It's me. Please, please remember us," Selene begged.

"I've never met you before. I'm sorry, do I know you?" Dashi asked again.

Tears came to Selene's eyes for the first time.

"Oh Captain..." She whispered.

"We'll get him to reverse it. We'll get him to give her back. Whatever it takes," I murmur.

"Why are we in chains?" the dachshund asked politely. The coolness in her voice is heartbreaking in itself. Is this what Dashi would be like - if she wasn't an Octonaut?

"That's a good question," Selene answered. She was blinking away the tears.

"He had Derek," I say to Selene.

"I know. At least he's not hurt - yet."

Dashi was staring at us, her eyes lacking the warmth I was used to seeing in them. She was kind hearted, compassionate, always smiling. But she could be hardworking as well, business like. This Dashi seemed different. She seemed colder somehow, the vacant look in her eyes a side effect of that. Her body was tenser and she seemed to be a lot more business like. This alternate Dashi seemed like part of her self that we knew - the bit that made her working and able to follow orders. Logical. Cold.

"Dashi?" I asked, my tongue like lead in my mouth. I was dreading the words coming out of my mouth. "Do you know who Shellington Sea Otter is?"

Dashi stared at me, and for a glorious moment I was sure there was recognition in her eyes.


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