Chapter 19) Love At First Sight

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Tweak's POV: I felt a lot better now that I had let Kwazii in. I noticed he was talking to a bird, but I didn't pay much attention to what he was saying. I had to fix the helmet radios, but I no longer felt pressured. My head was much clearer. I took out a screwdriver and opened a small panel on the collar. My eyes widened.

"Well, no wonder the radio isn't working!" I murmured. "Someone's bugged it!"

Kwazii looked at me. "How...Why would someone bug our radios, me hearty? Why would anyone cut off our connection to our crew?"

I shook my head, mystified. Carefully, so as not to damage the fragile software, I pried the small, black bug off of the motherboard. I then did the same to Kwazii's radio. I handed Kwazii's radio back to the cat, and now, it was time to see if the radios are working.

"Lets call Peso. This is probably going to sound crazy, me hearty, but that bird was looking for Peso, and it spoke in Shellington's voice," Kwazii informed me. I gave him a look. It did sound pretty crazy.

"Um, okay." I said. Kwazii activated his radio and called Peso.


Selene's POV: I could see Dashi, lying on the forest floor, pale as a sheet and breathing hard, Kwazii crouching next to a crying Tweak, Shellington clinging onto the top of the mountain, fear on his face evident to all, Peso crying over a motionless Kate, and Barnacles. Holding Derek, whispering to him. My eyes filled with tears at this last sentiment, at all of my friends who I am unable to help. I told myself it's not real, but it is. Is Kate breathing? I can't tell. Is it live? Probably.

"Stop this. I'm here now, with you, now stop hurting my friends," I growled thickly though my tears at Lupo. He was smiling enjoying being in power. I glanced at Christian Raccoon and was somewhat pleased to see his face sorrowful and brooding. He should be sorry.

"Why would I stop? Why now?" Lupo asked me with a laugh. I glare at him in hatred and fury.

"You - promised me." 

"Since when did I keep promises? Our marriage vows? Did I swear to keep you safe, forever? Tell me I kept that promise. Tell me you actually believed it."

My eyes brimmed with tears as I remembered the wolf I married. It wasn't him that I promised eternal love to. Not the man in front of me now.

"If I ever get out of here alive, I am going to kill you. Slowly," I promise Lupo. "And I, unlike you, don't break my promises."

"Go ahead, sweetheart," Lupo laughed, coming over and shackling my paws behind my back with iron handcuffs that restricted my movement and weighed down on me. I gasped as they dug into my skin. Lupo grinned madly, going over to Christian.

"You have done well, my friend. Now where are the Vegimals?"

Christian suddenly looked very guilty and terrified. I knew he had the Vegimals, but why was he guilty?


Eelean's POV: Tomminnow, the only other female Vegimal in our group, was bouncing as she walked. "I can't wait to tell Shellington about our adventures! He'll be so shocked! He won't know how to respond! It sounds kind of like one of Kwazii's stories. Do you think he'll believe it?" The small Vegimal, half tomato, half minnow, was rambling on and on.

I turned to Tunip. "You mentioned that Shellington was the only Octonaut who could understand you. But who's Kwazii?" I asked him. I felt completely comfortable when I was talking to him.

Tunip laughed. "Kwazii is the Octonauts lieutenant, as well as the cryptzoologist. He's an ex-pirate who has a way with Tomminow. She loves to listen to his stories." He explained.

I nodded. "I'd like to meet the rest of your family. They seem like great people."

 Tunip smiled. "They are great people. And I'm pretty sure that you could join the Octonauts family, but its not up to me. But if it was, you would most definitely be an Octonaut crew member."

I smiled. "Is it possible to love someone you just met?" I wondered. Tunip looked at me, his eyes wide. I realized I had said that aloud. I looked away, a blush spreading on my cheeks.

"Actually, I was wondering the same exact thing." Tunip said. "And if I've observed anything about relationships on the Octopod, it's that it is possible. When Captain Barnacles saw Selene, it was practically love at first sight for him!" I smiled. It was possible, then. But the names stuck in my head. I was certain I had heard one of them before...


Shellington's POV: I stared up at the clouds. It looked like an artist had smeared their paints over the clouds, all purples and pinks and oranges and blues. Kate would love it. It was beautiful. I realised it was a sunset, but with the clouds in the way, it made them glow beautifully. Then - A sunset?

That meant it was nearly night. I mentally calculated, what time was it when the sun set? I mean, it was summer, so the sun set late, around nine at night. 

I might have to spend the night up here, alone.

And Dashi might have to spend the night down there.

She could die.

The remnants of cloud were drifting away now, burned off by the retreating sun.I knew it wouldn't be long before night fell.

And then I'd be on my own.


Christian's POV: My eyes refused to meet Lupo's. I felt so terrified, so guilty, even though I knew I had done the right thing. "They were never here." I lied.

Lupo grabbed my arm. "Tell the truth, Christian, if you know what's good for you."

That got me angry. "I don't see why you want to hurt them! Why you want to hurt any of them! What did the Octonauts ever do to you?" I snapped.

Lupo snarled. "They stole Selene!" He growled.

I looked him in his fiery amber eyes. "Selene is not property. She is a beautiful young individual who deserves a prince, not a psychopath who likes to break people!" I huffed for air, about to say the words that I wanted to say for a long time. "I quit, Lupo! I QUIT!"

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