Chapter 53: The Grudge

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"Are you going to train?" Romelle asked as she stomped off. Avrigg turned around quite confused.
"Yes, I need to blow of some steam," Avrigg said as she held the bottle of water tightly in her hands.
"Oh," Romelle said as she quirked a brow, "I wasn't aware you could blow steam."
She laughed slightly at her girlfriend's comment, Romelle always managed to make her smile somehow, even if her comment was genuine.
"Now, it's an expression," Avrigg explained, "it means that they have to calm down."
"Oh," she nodded, but her facial expression changed, "why do you need to calm down? Have I upset you?"
Avrigg frowned as she watched the anxiety in Romelle's eyes, she dropped her bottle of water on the floor and grasped her face, pulling her in for a long lasting kiss.
"You could never," she whispered as she watched the anxiety in her girlfriend's eyes disappear.
She hadn't told Romelle the real reason yet, and she was afraid of what might happen if she did. The real reason she was so angry, was because of Nina. The obnoxious girl had crawled her way back into her life just when she got someone good. Nina had been following her around and harassing her, even though they were both adults now, a part of Avrigg would always be anxious and insecure. And Nina is just the one to trigger all of that. If she told Romelle, she would defintely leave her.
"So, then what's on your mind?" Romelle asked her pretty, lilac eyes glinstering in the uv light of the Atlas.
"It's nothing," Avrigg said, "probably just stress. I'm worried about my sister, we haven't heard from them in a few days."
She was worried about her sister, but she had learned that Maisey could easily take care of herself and she trusted that Keith would keep her safe no matter what. So she wasn't as worried as most sisters would be if they were in such a situation.
"Maisey? She'll be fine," Romelle shrugged, "I saw how she defended earth from when everyone was still unconscious and the zaiforge canons were about to fire. She is strong just like her sister, she will be fine. So what is really bothering you?"
Avrigg kissed her once more.
"Nothing, fruitpie," Avrigg said with a smile on her face, "I'm going to the training deck now. I'll see you at dinner."
But the training didn't last long because she had to go to the bridge, voltron was calling.

"Atlas, we have managed to track down a robeast," Allura said.
"You've found one!" Coran said amazed.
"Where is it?" Shiro asked, "did you engage the creature?"
"Unfortunately we were too late," Allura said, "it attacked the Olkari and stole the remains of the weaponized cubes."
"Is Olkarion okay?" Coran asked. Maisey bit her lip, the loss of Olkarion was a lot to bear.
"No," Keith said softly, "Olkarion is gone."
"Oh no," Coran gasped.
"The loss of Olkarion was devastating to us all," Allura said, "but we were able to acquire some vital information."
"We learned from Olkarion that the robeasts are traveling via wormholes," Keith explained, "which leave behind unique energy signatures. Pidge created a program that can identify those signatures and pinpoint those exact locations."
"We're sending over the readings for Pidge's program right now," Allura said.
"Are you telling us these are all robeasts?" Coran asked after he saw the readings.
"We're not positive, but they could be," Pidge said.
"There's more," Allura said, "after studying the map, we noticed the signatures all radiate from one epicenter: Oriande."
"Wait, so Honerva could be on Oriande?" Coran asked, "but I thought only worthy Alteans could get there. Could she have the mark of the chosen?"
"Or she managed to trap that White lion that tried to kill us somehow," Maisey shrugged, "either way, we don't know much."
"We need to rendezvous to come up with a plan," Keith said.
"The Baltuf Nebula could be a good rendezvous point for both," Coran said.
"Send us the coördinates, Coran," Keith said, "see you soon."

"Coming up on randezvous point, straight ahead," Pidge said as they neared a rather dreadfull looking planet.
"It kinda looks like a depressed peanut, doesn't it?" Maisey asked.
"Peanuts are not supposed to be depressing," Hunk sighed, "but it does look like that."
"Why is it a depressing peanut Pidge?" Lance asked. Allura, Keith and Pidge sighed since they somehow managed to be 'weird' again.
"Why is it when something stupid is said it is always you three?" Allura asked Maisey, Lance and Hunk since Pidge ignored Lance's question.
"Believe me, princess, I've been asking myself that question for almost three years now," Hunk said.
The three friends had to hold back their laughter.
"Anyone else find it weird that Shiro changed the rendesvouz point the last minute?" Hunk asked getting back to being serious again.
"I'm reading high CO2 and low oxygen levels," Pidge said, "we'll need our suits to breathe if we go out there."
"I'm not going out there," Hunk grunted like a five year old.
"They're here," Keith said, "Atlas, we have a visual."
The atlas was nearing the peanut planet, as Maisey was calling it right now, but just as they got closer they noticed that it wasn't the atlas.
"Paladins, get airborne immidiatly," Keith said but just as they tried to get away a beam struck them to the ground, making it impossible for the lions to move.
"Emergency ejection," Keith said as they all got out of their lions.
They ran as fast as they could while their were Galra fighters shooting at them, they managed to hide.
"That beam has the lions pinned," Hunk said.
"We must have been set up, but by whom?" Allura asked.
"Guys, we have incoming, it's closing in fast," Pidge said.
It was a drone and it began to fire immidiatly.
"We need to lose it," Hunk shouted.
"Isn't there anything we can do to throw it off our scent?" Lance asked.
"Yeah, I've got an idea but I need a minute," Pidge said.
"I'll buy you some time," Hunk shouted as he turned around and started shooting.
"Got it!" Pidge said, "it shouldn't be able to detect us anymore."
"Then let's get out of here," Lance said.
The drone started to leave but it looked like it changed it's mind. It just flew in the sky until it saw the Paladins again and it began firing.
"I need something to draw it's attention," Keith said as they hid.
"On it," Allura said as she got up threw her whip around a tree and managed to break it down. The tree fell towards the drone and since it was so busy with the tree it had not seen Keith's sword flying towards it.
"Good job, Keith," Lance said, "I mean, I was just about to do that but it's cool."
Keith grunted upon his comment and Maisey couldn't help but grasp his hand into her own. They had been in the lions for days now and she really wanted to be closer to him. So she took the small oppertunity to hold his hand.
Pidge had managed to hack into the drone to only discover they were tracking them with their suits. They would have to remove their suits.
"You guys go ahead without your suits, get to the lions," Keith said, "I will keep my armor on and go to that vulcano."
"I'm coming with you," Maisey said stubbornly.
"No, you're not," Keith said, "it's way too dangerous, if there are too many I can't protect you there."
"Excuse me? I don't need any protection," Maisey said as she folded her arms, "I am coming to protect you."
"It is too risky," Keith said.
"So? Being out here without our suits on is too risky as well," Maisey sighed, "I'm coming and you can't stop me."
"No, you're not," Keith said, "you are staying here."
"What? You let me come save Shiro and and almost dying in the process but now you don't want me to come?"
"That is exactly why you're not coming," Keith said as he bit his lower lip, "I can not risk losing you."
"You won't but I might lose you if you don't let me come," Maisey said, "I. Am. Going. Keith. Kogane. Got it?"
Keith grunted as he glanced at Lance, nodding towards him. Maisey frowned upon him, not sure what he meant, until Lance wrapped his arms around her making it unable for her to follow Keith. She watched him ran off towards the vulcano. Maisey grunted in frustration.

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