Chapter thirteen

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He stayed silent.

I could hear his breathing on the other side of the line. He wasn't denying anything.

"What is she to you?" I asked over the phone, which I was clutching a little too hard.

"I- I... She.." He kept stuttering.

It hurt. It pained me, like my heart was thrusted out of my chest. A sob escapes my mouth, and I hang up.

I throw my phone against the wall and start gathering my things.

Before I knew it, I was running outside in Paris streets barefoot. My heels started killing me and my dress made me trip a few times.

I called Luke on the public phone. He answered on the second ring. "You are either in a lot of trouble, or you just forgot that it may be morning there but it's still night here." His voice sounded sleepy.

"I'm sorry, Luke. I just.. I need you." I leaned against the wall with tears escaping. "What's wrong, Elle?" He spoke softly.

"I need to come home. I can't stay here." I replied.

"I'll book the next flight for you." He sounded awake now, like he was already doing what I asked. "Thank you."

"Elle?" He said while I curled the phone cord around my finger. "Yes?"

"I need to talk to you. I have something really important to say, and I don't know how you will react. But, I'll tell you when you arrive." He said quietly, like he was afraid I might shatter into pieces and disappear.

I frowned upon his words, trying to figure out what he would want to say to me. "Alright."

"Please tell me what's wrong when you come home too." He sounded lost, almost. Like he was afraid of what might come next. I heard it in the way he spoke,"The next flight is in about two hours. I'll email the proof of payment to the hotel. You just need to fetch it at reception. Please just come home. I miss you."

I could imagine him sitting by his computer with his glasses framing his eyes. I smile. "I miss you too."

Before I hang up, I remember that he doesn't know. "Oh and Luke? I have a twin brother." He started talking frantically after I pulled the phone away from my ear.

Laughing, I put the phone in its lock. I know he won't sleep after I told him that.

Then reality hits me. I have to go back to the hotel to fetch my bags and the proof of payment. I just hope I don't run into him, but I probably won't because he went to my brother's house.

Brother. It still feels strange. My mom isn't going to hear the end of this.

I hail a taxi, and a cab stops right in front of me. After climbing in, I think about the whole situation. I know I rejected Zac's proposal because it was too early, and we were too young. I needed to get away, so I went to university. I didn't think we'd get together again when I came back for holiday. And now, I'm stuck in Paris. It was all because I wanted to take it slow with Zac, but when I finally gave in, the British model shows up.

I don't even know her name. I don't think I want to.

I need to get away, again. University is starting soon anyways. Zac isn't going to stop me from going back.

It's like I'm always running from him.
He is toxic, like he poisons my veins each time I see him. It's not good for me.

So I need to ask myself, is it really worth it? I don't even know Zac anymore and I feel completely distant.

I can see what would've happened if we did actually get married. He would've gone to work till late at night. I'd be one of those wives.

Lonely, and always wondering if I was the only one.

The driver pulls over at hotel and I tell him to wait as I go up to the room and grab my things.

I literally throw my clothes into my bag once I'm inside my room. I am thankful that there is no sign of Zac. Before I leave the room, I brush through my hair with my fingers. The curls have evened out, and my hair is so long.

I need change. That's what I'm longing for. If I'm going to be a stronger and confident woman, I need to look like it, too. Maybe an appointment at the hairdresser isn't such a bad idea.

I drag my bag to the door, still in my black evening dress and heels. At this moment, I couldn't care less.

The elevator finally arrives, and when it opens I gulp.

Zac stands looking down at the ground with tears running down his cheeks. He wipes away frantically, and then he spots me. "Elle,"

I can't move my feet, so therefore he comes towards me. "Just listen," he pleads.

At the last moment before the elevator door closes, I jump inside before he could make it. "Elle!"

When it starts moving down, I pace back and forth. This is one of the hardest things I've ever done.

Once I'm inside the lobby, I take a breath and steady myself before walking to the reception. "Miss Parker, we believe this is for you." The lady says as she hands me the paper.

I thank her and start walking towards the hotel doors. I hesitantly climb into the same cab as before, just slow enough to hear Zac calling for me again. When I turn around, he is held up behind the doors because of an elderly couple.

The cab starts driving and he becomes further and further away. Just standing on the side of the road, breathing frantically.

And I ask myself again, is this really what I want?


Hi beautiful people.

I am so thankful for the reads that I've received in the past month. Thank you for every vote and comment!

As my Christmas gift to you, I will post the next chapter in the next 24 hours.

Please feel free to comment ideas or about what you want to happen next in Elle's life.

I love you dearly.


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