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The next few days were ponies and butterflies. I was living on cloud nine. How could you have such strong feelings for somebody over such a long time, and they never go lost?

I smiled repeatedly. And each night when I was missing Zac, I would watch romantic comedies. I know that is silly, but it's the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

Zac was on business again, and even though his main headquarters are in the Big Apple, he had to go to Los Angeles for a week. And the sad part is that college starts when he comes back.

Ally and Luke are out at a party. Because I'm whipped, and because Luke and I aren't really on speaking terms, Ally left me for the night. Usually she would watch the cliché movies with me, but it's just me and my laptop.

I clicked on Bride Wars. It was the kinda movie I've watched so many times, but I always forget what happens. It just started playing when my phone buzzed.

I hope you are thinking about me. Z.

I smiled and greedily typed back, Oh so you are back from planet Mars where no cellphone connections are available? When did the UFO land?

I payed attention to the movie again, where it shows Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson as little girls planning their dream wedding. My attention span is very short, since I looked back at the reply on my phone.

I'm sorry I couldn't call you, and you have every right to be worried or mad. But I'll make up for it.

Okay, I'll admit. He did get a little smile onto my face. I typed back, With what? Welcome back sex? I giggled so hard, even though that wasn't going to happen. I kept typing, Or what about the whole florist shop. Oh wait, you've done that already.

I press play on the movie again. So it is pretty obvious that it's about weddings. I get a slight chill every time I think or say that word. Maybe out of excitement, or perhaps fright? Fear?

It just seems so real to me. Yes, Zac has proposed to me and I said no, but it feels as if it might happen really soon.

I didn't really dream about weddings as a little girl, but in my teen years it mattered to me. It mattered to find the perfect guy, and to spend my entire life with him. Before I had met Zac, I wanted to fast forward into my life so that I could see the guy standing at the altar. I wanted to feel assured that someday my Mr.Right would show up so I didn't have to worry about being single.

Now I feel like I am living the future. This is what I wanted, wasn't it? I wanted a guy who would be cheesy and cliché, but also romantic. He had to be confident, but not arrogant. Smart, handsome and really respectful towards me. Zac also understands how I think, and I can talk to him about anything. Is he the one?

Elle, look outside.

I frowned so deep that I might have needed botox.

Why? Should I be worried?

After I replied, I walked up to the window of my apartment.
It showed a view of the street, and at the end of the street laid a park.
Something did seem very different. Our street didn't have fairy lights on an ordinary day.

Come outside.

I followed his orders after putting on my hoody. When I opened the front of the building, a breeze wept my hair out of my face. There was no sign of Zac.

My phone buzzed in the front hoody pocket. Follow the lights.

I obeyed his words and started walking to the right of the street. It was very still, but the lights made it easy to see where I was walking.

Then at the end of the street, there he stood. All poised and good looking. I couldn't take another second away from him, so I ran as fast as I could and jumped into his arms with my legs around his waist.

I held him so tightly, and he let out a breath of air into my hair. "It feels so good to have you back inside my arms."

I giggled and pulled out of the hug, but my legs still surrounded his waist. "Zac, I missed you so much. Please don't leave again." I pleaded while looking intently into his eyes. He smirked, "So where is my welcome back sex?"

I laughed and nearly fell out of his arms, "Not gonna happen big boy."

I looked down and played with his leather jacket collar. "By the way, you were only supposed to be back in four days?"

He shut me up with a kiss, and in between it he answered my question.
"Well.... I am.... The Boss.... Aren't I?"

I pulled back and found the ground with my feet again. My arms were still around his neck. "Then why did you go in the first place?"

He chuckled and answered, "Well I wanted to see how much you would miss me."

I bit my bottom lip and pushed him away, "Oh, I didn't at all."

"Well you sure kissed me like you did." He pulled me closer by the waist. "Guess what? I did too. Now shhh, I've got something to show you."

He grabbed my hand and led me towards the park.

What seemed to be such a lovely evening with popcorn and Bride Wars turned out to be so much better.

I was playing the lead role in my own romantic comedy.

Hi. I know it has been so long, and I'm truly sorry.

I'm also sorry that this chapter had some technical issues. At first it posted half of it, and then it posted the chapter twice. I fixed it now.

Yet again I want to thank you. You guys are my rock, and you keep me motivated to write. Nothing more that I could ask for. Thanks for the votes.

Something exciting. I want to change the book cover again. Any ideas?

Love, El.

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