Chapter six

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Little Love Postcards


Chapter six

I managed to catch small glimpses of the moon, casting a sort of soft light. It took me away from my thoughts for a few seconds, but they keep creeping in.

I can see Conner looking over at me from the driver's seat. I caught him the one time and he's cheeks flushed, which I found utterly adorable.

I don't want Conner to be a rebound. He is much more worth than that. I don't even know where this is going, but I hope we only stay acquaintances at the moment.

"Ally probably told you where we are heading off to." Conner spoke after pulling into a narrow street. "Yes, it's quite amusing,"I smile sweetly at him as he chuckles. "Well I remember I told you I'd take you on a carnival date, and now I'm doing just that."

"I don't like prying, but how much do you remember after.. you know?" It didn't feel right changing the topic to something so disturbing.

"Well, mostly everything." He keeps his eyes straight ahead on the road, nearing the entrance of the packed parking lot.

"Mostly?" I question.

He sighs before continuing,"I remember the last few days with you, and that picnic we had at the fountain. But the rest is all black."

I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him slightly, but he seemed very surprised by my actions. I immediately draw back.

After he found a parking space, we bought our tickets and entered a extremely crowded place. "Wow, it's even more beautiful than I remember." I breathed, remembering the days we used to ride on the ferris wheel for ages, only to return the next day.

Fairy lights of different colors hung around every corner. Candy floss stalls and little game benches were all over the place. Hundreds of kids were running around, chasing each other with water guns. I finally felt normal, with no problems or any type of heartbreak.

Conner and I walked around, examining a few stalls of our interest. Of course he has a fear for heights, so we had to scratch the ferris wheel off of our list.

A few candy flosses and corn dogs later,a big sign overhead makes Conner stop in his tracks. His smile grows bigger, and I can't help but picture him as a small little child.

Food Contest.

"I'm definitely not going to do that." I point my finger at him as he has a twinkle in his eyes.

"Why not?" He stupidly grins. "Lets make a deal. If I win, you have strip for me."

"Are you out of your damn nucket?" I ask him with my hand on my hip. If he really thinks I'd-

His laughter booms through me as he pulls me over to the woman asking for entries. "I'm joking with you. You are so gullible Elle." He pinches my cheek in a warming gesture. "I'm still going to do it."

I couldn't even protest against him because he had already signed up, making his way to backstage where all the contestants are sent

to go. I was pushed into an overcrowded space with people who smell like beer, standing in front of a stage with five chairs on it.

When I look back, I think I'm hallucinating at first when I see blonde hair, in the same exact haircut, move swiftly at the entrance. But then I see her. The same little girl who opened the door two days ago at Zac's house.

I see her hand is in a woman's hand. And she is truly beautiful beyond, with long waves of brunette hair and stunning blue eyes which I can manage to see from afar.

I feel a twinge of jealousy when she catches my eyes, only to move away and focus on a man next to her.

Oh my.

My lips slightly part as he looks straight at me. Emotions and unspoken words flash across his stunning features.

I can't help but examine closely at the only shot I ever have of seeing Zac. His hair is flawless, looking like waves flowing on top of his head. His face is more structured, looking like he got more bone in his jaw. He is wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a plaid shirt. Even through the sleeves, I can see his ripped arms.

He was staring so intently at me that I got lost in his pools of blue. I snapped out of it when somebody bumped into me with a cup of beer, spilling a few drops onto my legs.

I didn't have time for a distraction away from him as I looked back to the entrance. The lady, girl and Zac had gone.

"Ladies and Gents, I welcome you to the greatest contest in town! Tonight the chosen food is hotdogs!" A few members of the crowd cheer as the presenter starts off the competition. I catch the brunette and girl standing a few feet to my left.

"Shall we call upon our contestants?"

I don't even realize Conner had taken a seat right next to Zac on the stage.They give each other disapproving looks. I keep staring at Zac, as if that will somehow make up for all the time that we lost.

I can't believe that if I said yes to him, I'd be standing here with my own child, being a proud wife. The thought makes me sick.

Before I know it, the timer begins and five men furiously starts gulping down endless amounts of bread and sausages.

Somehow I found myself cheering for Conner, screaming his name as motivation. This seems to alert Zac as his eyes meet mine once again. A feeling I can't put my finger on shows behind his expression. Jealousy?

In five minutes time the presenter stops the timer."Well, two guys will be eliminated at this point. The ones who consumed the least hotdogs need to leave the stage immediately."

I look over at the other contestants, who all seem purple in the face. They desperately gulp down the glasses of milk placed next to them.

My eyes skim over at Conner, who seems quite relaxed and stable, whereas Zac seems a little off of the edge.

"Now we have a top three!" The chubby presenter shouts over the microphone. An old man with a beard stays seated on the stage as two unfamiliar men leave.

It's only Zac, Conner and beard-man.

Once again they start eating like scavengers. Conner places two hotdogs into his mouth, desperately trying to chew and swallow. I found myself laughing at his puffed up cheeks, making him look like a chipmunk.

In no time, Conner raises his hands in the air and cheering surrounds my ears. His plate is completely empty, which means he won.

I find myself jumping up and down and Conner sees my reaction. He bends down from the stage, as I was standing at the front,and kisses my cheek. I slightly gasp at his gesture but pull myself together."The winner is Conner!" The presenter exclaims.

I follow my eyes to Zac who yet again has his eyes locked to me. He seems stunned after looking away,down at the floor.

For once I feel great, showing Zac what he had missed. It's his fault.

I was ready to go back to him and create the life we both had desired together.

But that's long gone, old sport.

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