Chapter eighteen

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Little Love Letters


Chapter eighteen

"What were you thinking?!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "You can't go with him to the dance!" Ally was pacing up and down in my room as I was slaughtered on my bed.

I told her what happened between Zac and I after school ended, and she turned out to be furious. Ally never liked Zac one bit because he messed with me, but she wasn't in control of my feelings.

"You shouldn't have kissed him back!" she clasped her forehead in a posing position and glared at me.

She spoke after a long sigh," You know you kissed for the whole world to see! The school has made up some rumors of you and Zac getting back together.."

"But I'm still trying to figure it out, Al!" I shouted back at her and came to my feet.

"That's not the point! My point is that you are cheating on Conner, no matter what you do. The worst part is that the whole school knows about it." she shrugs herself down on my bed.

"How do you know? It can't be that bad,"

She immediately gives me a questioning look as she moves over to my computer. Her fingers dance over the keyboard as she types.

On the screen, a chat room named FriendsPlace peeked onto the device in green and white colors. The online sight was apparently for the popular and high social class.

I never signed in to it because it would waste my time talking about how Melissa the cow has baloney nipples.

Multiple messages in bubbles popped up, and they were hash tagged SLUT!

I turned my face away from the screen to keep the tears from brimming. Ally couldn't see me as weak and in this state. She was the only one who helped me through my tough times, and I owed her so much already.

There were hundreds of messages all over about the slut I am and how cheating on a guy in a coma is such a disgrace to humankind.

"Even Candice commented," Ally pointed at her username under a white bubble. The chat room was based on a picture, and the picture were in the corner of the page. In it was Zac and I kissing with me against the wall.

Just the thought of it made butterflies erupt. It was such a hot kiss, wether it would bring misery to my life or not, at least Zac and I shared it.

The feeling immediately faded when I read what Candice typed.

'According to Zac, Elle was pregnant with their child. He even said they did it in his father's minivan. I don't know if she got an abortion or something, but she definitely showed him how she peed on a stick! High class #SLUT!'

I turned to Ally, who's eyes were wide as saucers.

"Nobody knew except us." My throat was burning and I couldn't swallow.

"That means Zac told Candice." Ally finished my sentence as she closed the window of the site as it went buzzing with replies to his ex girlfriend's comments.

"He wouldn't Al. He wouldn't. Zac promised.." The tears slowly escaped my green eyes as they became red and puffy.

"I should've told you to stay away from him. You don't deserve what he does to you, Elle." she slowly stroked my hair as we made ourselves comfortable on my double bed.

"It's not your fault." I replied to her, sniffing my way to sadness. It wasn't her fault and it certainly didn't have anything to do with her.

"I guess I was so desperate and naive, I wanted to feel loved again. Conner can't even make me feel better, and I miss him, as a friend. I've always loved Zac though and nobody can replace him." Ally was already handing me napkins to dry my face.

"Well, at least it's holiday break, so you don't have to face everybody until the dance." I could hear Ally smiling sympathetically next to me as she spoke.

"Thank you," I silently mumbled to her as she stroke a strand of hair and embraced me into a hug.

"I'll always be here for you. No matter what Elle. You are one of the greatest things in my life, and I don't want to lose you."

She always makes me feel better. Even her silliest sentences make me smile. This is why we were meant to be friends, soul sisters for that matter.

A silent buzz escaped from my bedside table. Ally frowned as she stood up and walked towards my phone. She stared down at the screen as I waited in anticipation.

"Who is it?" I asked.

I could see anger boiling inside of her.

"It's Zac, isn't it?" I questioned as she looked my way while nodding.

I stood up from my position and followed her actions by taking the phone. I second guessed myself if I should answer and Ally's look summoned me not to.

I shook it off. " I need to hear what he has to say. I'm sorry,"

"Just, don't let him upset or hurt you."

I took the bull by the horns and answered. As soon as I slid on the screen, breathing came through on the other side of the line. It sounded as if he had been running a marathon.

"Zac?" I decided to slice through the silence between us but as I said his name, it hurt me even more.

"I'm so sorry, Elle. I can explain!" Zac's raspy voice echoed through my ear.

"Sorry isn't enough, Zac. How could you?!" Ally was standing beside me as she held my hand for support. You can do this Elle, she kept whispering into my ear.

I heard a scurry on the other side of the line as Zac pleaded." I didn't tell her, okay! I saw her and Ashley talking after school the other day. It wasn't me! I wouldn't do something as immature as that, to tell everybody. It was partly my fault too!"

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand with my sleeve. "I don't believe you."

Zac tried to fix what he had said but I ended the call and threw my phone against the wall.

"It's going to be alright." Ally softly spoke as she sat me down with a blanket.

"I promise."

That's the same thing Zac said to me before he left. He promised me, and look where I am today.

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