Chapter two

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Little Love Letters


Chapter two

The sun was lightly shining on the green grass, making the little water drops more visible.

The sprinklers obviously sprayed a little while ago. It's very clear that the bench is making my butt awkwardly cold and wet.

What impressed me most was the pink and orange shade shining over the horizon. It was breathtaking.

I hadn't seen a beautiful sunset like this since the day Zac and I had a picnic. He swept me into his arms and kissed me, our first kiss that was. But I have to move on. It isn't always about him and it shouldn't be. I'm so over it.

I close my eyes and I try to think of something different. Something that doesn't involve anything to do with the loser, Zac.

Hmm let's think. What about your first kiss? Well that happened in eight grade, with.. Zac. Moving on.

I massage my templets with my fingers. I have to get over him, I have to. It can't be different.

A sound came from next to me, disrupting my thoughts. It sounded like my favorite song. Yet it was played so softly. I opened my eyes to see a brunette guy sitting next to me. He obviously doesn't notice me looking at him because he is too busy in his own world, listening to Guns N Roses.

He was tapping away on his phone. I caught a glimpse of his face. He has beaming green eyes.

"I- I like them too." I lean in and speak to him. He hadn't noticed me since he had sitten there. He looks at me with confused eyes and pulls away one of his headphones.

"Excuse me, what?"

"I like them too." I try to say it with my award winning smile. He starts smiling as well and replies to my statement.

"Sorry I wasn't listening, got a lil caught up. I'm Jason,"

And then the afternoon went by in an eye blink. Jason and I spent hours speaking to each other. Before I knew it the little golden lights around the park switched on. It was starting to get pitch black.

I was dissapointed that nothing happened between my secret admirer. Not even a text.

I adjust my beanie on my head and stand up. I was sitting under Jason's jacket but he left a while ago. It so happens that he lives down the road from me.

My house is just around the corner, so I start walking. When I reach the bark trees that follow each other next to the road, I stop and amaze myself at the sight.

On each tree, in the middle, a message or symbol is carved out of the bark.

On the first tree appears the same name written on the little letter earlier.

'Elle♡' it said.

I walk past the first tree, catching a glimpse of the next one.

'I' was carefully carved.

I take another step forward to find another word on the tree, and another.

When I sum it all up in my head it added up to a sentence. My heart rate starts spiking as I put the puzzle pieces together.

'I am inlove with you,' had stood upon all five separate trees. I take a deep breath when looking at the last one.


If I were to be in a hospital, that beep thing wouldn't be beating as I think my heart just stopped. C? I don't know any guy with a name C!

This really helps a lot.

I take my phone out of my pocket and I snatch a few images of the trees. I think Ally would love to help me out with this one.

Ally is the tipical supermodel, blonde friend. She is little miss popular. Of course she would know who this person is. She always wanted me to get over Zac and meet a new guy.

I send the pictures to her and stuff the block device into my pocket.

I smile as I look down at the hard tar beneath me.

This person, whoever he is, took my mind of off Zac in an instant. I need to find him. I want him to be my zing.

I examine a little white country house next to the road. The owner obviously painted it as last week the old paint started tearing off.

My eyes look down next to the front door. The linen curtain moved. Somebody was watching through the window.

When the thought hit me I ran home, even if my legs gave in sometimes. It suddenly felt like at every corner, somebody was staring.

After the little encounter at the park, the night sped by so quickly.

Before I knew it, Ally started match making in the cafeteria when break started. "The only C I know is Conner in twelfth grade. If it is him, well then Zac doesn't even match his standards." Ally let out a giggle while almost choking on the piece of chicken she was chowing.

"Well, what if it is him?" I tilt my head slightly to the sun as I was freezing. The cafeteria was ice cold. The only sun that entered was through the small windows on the sides.

"Maybe we should go ask then?" she gets up, tugging on my arm.

"No, no, no Al!" I shout and everybody looks our way. She starts dragging me away from our table, towards Conner's table. Conner was the grade twelve heartthrob. Even the eight graders were hitting on him. Maybe I have a chance as he is only one year older than me.

When we reach the grey table, the group of boys divert their attention to us. I see Conner standing up and walking towards Ally.

"Ally," he says with a raspy tone. No wonder everybody falls at his feet.

"Conner, oh uhh this is my frien-" she gets caught off when he interrupts.

"I know who this is," he was looking at me with his brown eyes. His curly hair was just at the perfect length, making his fingers travel through perfectly to adjust them.

"This is that girl Zac dated," at that statement, Conner's whole little posy started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I walked closer to him. He was taller than me, so I stretched my neck to be closer to his face.

"Because he is a wimp, and you, well you ..are so much more than that." He winks at me and I push him away.

I turn around to see Ally's mouth open. She then takes my hand and leads me to our food on our 'sunny' table.

"It is him!" she shouts-whispers into my ear when we are seated.

"Why would you think that?" I chuckle at my own question. I won't lie, I actually enjoyed being flirted on by Conner. He made me feel special again.

"Because look at him!" she points to Conner who is staring at me. When I look at him he smiles, so I look back down at my fork, jabbing my fries.

I feel the heat rising to my cheeks. There is a good chance that it could be him. But he isn't the type to beat around the bush. If he likes someone he would go tell them, right?

I look at Ally again. Behind her, Zac was looking at me. Instead of listening to what Ally was saying, I looked at Zac. He had those hatred eyes again. They darken when something he doesn't approve of happenings . I then look at Ally again.

"Huh? Are you even listening Elle?"

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