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Imagine a few hundred butterflies, all waving their colorful wings trying to fly.

That's exactly what I felt inside my stomach.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Ally came to view, holding a piece of lace. "Elle, how many times do I have to tell you to relax?"

Smiling at her shyly, I replied, "Probably a thousand more."

Ally shook her head amused, "You look absolutely beautiful. I'm sure if that doesn't make Zac cry, nothing will."

I tilted my head back and laughed. "Thank you for everything, dearest." I said and squeezed her hand.

A knock on the door startled both of us. "Do you mind if I talk to the bride?"

"Sure thing, Luke." Ally gave me an encouraging nod and left the room. I wiped my hands on my dress as he came towards me.

"Listen, Elle. I want you to know that I'm extremely happy for you. Even if this hurts me, it was your choice and I respect that." Luke looked down, and for once I noticed his eyes without glasses.

With seniority he continued, "I mean, I can't compete with somebody who has loved you for twice as long."

"Luke, you don't have to do this." I gave him a hug.

"I want to." Was all that he said before hooking his arm into mine.

The walk towards the woods was nerve recking. My dress was restricting me so much that I had to walk slowly. "You look amazingly beautiful by the way."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." He smiled while his dimples showed. I was tempted to poke one.

"If I may ask, why did you pick a forest?" I knew Luke was only trying to calm me down.

I chuckled at his question. Everybody seemed infatuated by the choice of setting. "It just makes me feel at home. I can only imagine what it looks like with fairy lights in the dark. I always wanted a wedding like that."

"So you have one now." He finished and I nodded.

"A church felt too open and not so intimate."

We arrived at the back of the aisle, out of sight of course. Tobias came into view and relieved Luke of his duty.

Luke gave me a thumbs up and disappeared behind the curtain to take his seat.

"Wow, sis. I'm so happy I wasn't there to keep all the boys away from you. That would've been one hell of a job." Tobias hooked his arm into mine while Ally put the vail over my eyes.

"Thank goodness Zac was there." I pushed him with my elbow in a teasing way.

"Yes, I'm actually grateful for that." Tobias finally admitted.

"Elle, are you ready?" Ally handed me the bouquet of different pastel colored roses. Her eyes showed so much love and spirit. "Yes, Al. Thank you for being my maid of honor."

She gave me a quick hug after saying, "It was indeed a honor."

Violin music started playing, which meant that the ceremony was starting. Allison winked at me before heading in front of the curtain with the flower girl, Zac's little niece.

I took one deep breath, knowing that if I pass the curtain I would walk past every person I care about in this glamorous venue. All I'm hoping for, is that it's perfect.

The traditional wedding song starts, and Tobias squeezes my arm giving me courage. "I love you, sis."

We walk down the aisle. My breathing stops and I can't even hear the music.

There he stands. In his tuxedo, with a hand over his mouth. His eyes glisten, and mine are watering too.

When Tobias lifts the vail, and kisses me on my cheek, I see Zac smiling brightly. He looks at me with so much love that I feel overwhelmed.

I take a moment to look at the scenery. It looks like something our of a story book. I have the perfect wedding.

"You look beautiful." Was whispered into my ear.
He wipes a tear rolling on my cheek.

I know I'm the happiest that I've ever been with him by my side.

I feel like Cinderella, except I'm Elle.

The End

Do you know what the most amazing thing is? The support and love that I received from all over the world with this book.

People from the United States, Philippines, India, and Europe. Many other places too.

Last but not least, South Africa.
Thank you for the love, you guys.

Sadly this book is over, but feel free to read my other books if you liked this one!

Love, El.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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