Chapter ten

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Chapter Ten


Everything happened so fast.

I'll be honest. I did try to facade my anger the whole night and possibly have succeeded at pulling my hair out. British model?

Zac must've been using me as his toy. Throwing me around and sneezing on me. Now that's a thought.

After the little deli-run-in, I went back to the hotel trying to find Zac. I didn't know if I should ask him about the media and the model. It took an hour or so to make up my mind. If he wanted to tell me, he would. So I should just give him space until he does.

Anyways, when I went into my room, I found a sealed package with my name and a rose on it. There was also a card, on which stood: Meet me at the Eiffel at seven.

I searched everywhere for Zac in the joined rooms, but I couldn't find him to ask him why he didn't just message me?

I slid the package box open, and inside laid a beautiful, elegant black dress. It was as sleek as could be. Not to mention that the tag said Chanel.

I also managed to find another card on my bed saying "Out working. A really important deal popped up."

So that's where he's been all day.

I rummaged through the hotel closet to search for elegant black shoes to match, and thankfully I brought the ones my mom bought me for christmas last year.

I'm just extremely upset that Zac would keep his relationship with that model secret. He could've at least given me a thumbs up before we came on the trip.

I'm thankful that we are taking this slow, but do I really want this?

Isn't it time to move on? I've gotten over the heartache once, can I again?

Ringing me out of my thoughts, the room phone disrupted me. "Hello?"

"Miss Parker?" A gruffy voice replied over the other end of the line. Obviously somebody didn't get much sleep last night. "Yes, that's me,"

"We have a limo waiting outside the main entrance for you." His voice came to my alarm. "Already?" I jumped up, almost dragging the cord phone with me by stupidity. "God dammit."

The receptionist's voice came through quietly " Miss?"

I sat back down on the bed with the phone against my ear. "Take your time." he said before disconnecting.

I quickly zipped the dress by my hip as the back was almost completely empty and slipped on my shoes while heating the curling iron.

Time definitely doesn't wait for anybody. I was already a few minutes late.

The spirals I created came out perfectly and I reapplied the basics of makeup onto my face. Throwing everything into my small purse, I speed walked as fast as I could to the elevator and into the lobby.

A lot of heads turned as I tried my best to walk my Tyra Banks. Of course it didn't really work out that way. High heel shoes, even with the tiniest heel make me uncomfortable.

I got the feeling that they were staring for a much different reason. Maybe I came into the papers as Zac's high school sweetheart? Do they know?

Of course Zac has made the covers of Mens magazine, and even Men's Health. I do admit that I bought those issues.

And I might have pasted the posters included onto my bedroom wall of my apartment. Just maybe.

"For you madam," A butler greeted me in French while opening the limo door. I couldn't believe my eyes when I climbed in. It even had champagne in a little bucket. It's not like I'm getting married.

But the strange thing is that I know Zac. He doesn't like champagne, and he wouldn't pick me up in a limo. Maybe he wants something different in our relationship. A little spice?

I must admit that the city is even lovelier at night time, when couples stroll beside the rivers under the moonlight. Vibrant little french restaurants were packed with outgoing people who live for laughter.

The most breathtaking, was the golden lights across the city. The Eiffel soon came into view and little lights covered all its masses. Come to think about it, maybe a date on The Eiffel Tower was a little cliché, but it did make my heart melt.

"Bonjour madam, please follow me." A little man in tux lead me to the elevator after we arrived at the tower. He walked very fast, and I struggled to keep with.

Before I knew it I was taken to the middle of it. He must've known that I'm afraid of heights, and he obviously went through a ridiculous amount of trouble for me.

When the elevator doors opened, my breath hitched in my throat. A little table with candles were set up, and roses were scattered all around.

What caught my attention the most was the silhouette of a well built man standing by the railing, looking out into the city. I shyly stepped closer, wanting to do nothing but place my lips onto his.

"Zachary, you really didn't have to do this." I picked up a rose and walked towards him as violin music started playing. He even hired a violinist. Could this be more cliché?

He turned around, and because of the night sky I couldn't make out his beautiful face structures. They seemed... different.

"One thing you'll learn, my dearest Elle, is that Zachary puts his work first."

A face came to view and it was different. In fact, I had seen it that exact same day. "I- I don't understand. I thought Zac was behind this." I frowned at the man in front of me.

"So you thought. His priorities aren't right, Elle. I'm here to show you that... And I kinda still have to pay for your camera."


Da dum..

I'm sorry I took so long to reply! It's going hectic at school!

Please do me a favor and check out my new book! It's called The Romeo and Juliet and yes it does have romance, but it's more about murder and a spy!

Yours sincerely, El.

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