Chapter twenty-two

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Little Love Letters


Chapter twenty-two

Conner and I spent the whole night talking to each other. After a while we got bored and watched a horror movie on the little black television against the wall.

That was not a good idea. Note to self a) do never watch a horror movie at one in the morning.

b) especially not a movie which is situated at a hospital.

c) or any other movie that will make your arm hairs stand up while the person next to you fell asleep.

I was surprised I was able to close my eyes and sleep, but my heart pounded from adrenalin. Not to mention that Conner and I were sharing a bed.

His arm was draped over my waist, which was probably a natural instinct though. But his touch didn't have an effect on me. It felt so normal.

I woke up when the sunlight beamed through part of the blinds we forgot to close. Ally had left Conner and I to peace last night after I had a conversation with my mom. She also came to relax me a bit.

I was now currently lying next to Conner. His breath was steady and managed tickling my neck. It was a soothing sound.

I propped myself up on my elbows when a buzz erupted my phone.

Ally told me she was on her way and had very important news to tell me. I felt gibberish inside. I never did well with any news or surprises.

Popcorn laid scattered on the hospital floor and a little giggle erupted from me as I thought about last night. The nurse brought popcorn after she saw us watching a movie( which was mental orientated). It occurred in a hospital, which made my blood run cold.

A ugly face of the demon had popped up and I threw the popcorn in the air. Seconds later a old grumpy man came peeping into our room. He watched as the popcorn bowl made its way to his feet, rolling on the one side.

Lets just say old people don't like to be bothered much. We managed to escape him attacking us with his walking stick.

Conner startled next to me, opening his hazel eyes. First they were really wide upon seeing me next to him, in bed. But then he must've realized and remembered our movie night. Well first movie night.

"Morning," I smiled and slid off the bed making the dip bounce back. Conner wiped his eyes and grunted under his breath. "Hey,"

"Wow, what happened here?" He looked around the floor at the scattered heaps of popcorn.

I laughed," I'm sorry."

"Now the doctors and nurses will think I'm a messy pig thanks to you. I don't even think we were allowed to eat popcorn in here." He got off the bed and picked up the bowl.

"Well I said I was sorry," I heard soft voices coming from next to me and realized that the television was still on. We probably both fell asleep. The last thing I remember was that the girl in the movie was being chased by a person who looked extremely burned and ugly.

"You know, you don't need to be sorry. I should be." Conner stopped in front of me and smiled. His muscles ripped through a white shirt. I had to stop myself from ogling at him.


He sighed and slid a hand through his messy waves. "I forgot you, and you are a really amazing person."

"I only remember being in love with Candice. And I still am." he spoke softly.

"Wait, so technically while you were with me, you still had feelings for ..her?" I looked down to stop from tearing up.

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