Chapter seven

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Little Love Postcards

Chapter seven

After Conner won a gigantic teddybear, I actually felt sorry for Zac. Maybe he wanted to win the stuffed animal for his little girl.

I was overwhelmed. The world seemed to be spinning too fast under my feet at the moment and I couldn't keep my balance.

We walked back to the parking lot with our hands entwined. Conner had a seemingly huge smile on his face, and a huge stuffed tummy.

"I'm sure you'll be another pound up tomorrow," I said smiling up at him. He stopped and quirked an eyebrow. "This-" he said while placing his hands on his stomach,"is made of steel. You see." I laughed at him as he lifted part of his shirt up to reveal a few of his abs.

"Now now,Conner. Don't be full of yourself." I pointed out.

"Excuse me? Who won that amazing-fluffy-adorable-creature for you?" He pushed me against a wall while placing both hands above my head. It's not the first time somebody had attempted to do this move.

Conner's face came closer and closer. His breath fanned over my face. "You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen," He spoke.

I was shocked and couldn't manage to move. This was wrong in so many ways. Conner can't be classified as my rebound, and I guess I wasn't clear with the 'staying friends' bit.

I jumped away from him when somebody cleared their throat. Startled, Conner moved away.


"Conner, could I please have a word with her?" Zac spoke softly. I knew he was trying not to raise his temper.

"Go ahead." He replied, still standing tall.

Zac's eyes flickered to me and back to Conner. "Alone."

Conner scanned my face for reassurance and I nodded shyly."Well then, Elle. I'll be waiting in the car then." He said while walking away, giving a glance back at us.

"Elle..I-" Zac started but came up with a loss of words. "I couldn't believe I was seeing you with him,again. I can't-"

"Don't you start with this," I snapped, taking him off cue. "You have a wife and a child! How am I supposed to believe that?"

His face paled as I clutched the teddy tighter. "Olivia is married to my brother, who is currently in the army.Chelsea is their little girl." His words were soft and reassuring, and I was shocked to be honest, and to a loss of words.

I remember Zac's bigger brother taking care of us like a father when we were little. He looked exactly like Zac, so that explains the similarities in the little girl.

"I didn't know that,sorry." I mumbled. His face softened and he stepped closer. "Do you know how much I've missed you, Elle." He stroked my cheek, and everything just felt right. It felt like it was meant to be at that moment. But I wasn't going to give in so quickly.

"I knew you'd come back. I knew you would look for me." He said, breathlessly.

"Why did you send the ring?" I asked while he took my hands in his, rubbing his thumb where his ring would've been.

"I wanted to remind you that you could always come back. I'd always be here for you, and we could start again. I knew it was crazy to propose so early, but I really didn't want to lose my only light of sunshine." A tear slipped from my eye, which he swiftly kissed away.

"I thought I had lost you when I knocked on your door, and Chelsea answered. I was so broken." I admitted while he pushed away and led me to the parking lot. "I want to keep talking to you and all, but it's late and I know your mom." He said, lighting the mood ever so slightly.

After a few moments of silence, he spoke again,"I-I'm going on a business trip in a few days, to Paris. I don't want to leave you here alone, without me and I can't cancel the trip."

I gasped at him as we neared Conner's car."What are you saying?"

"Well, would you want to come with? It would be a great way to fix things and-"

"I'll think about it." I said, winking at him and walking away.

My answer was obviously yes, but I wanted to make him doubt himself. He wasn't getting me back so quickly.

I looked back over my shoulder and waved at him, who only seemed to have his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face.

Everything seems to fall into place. It all makes sense now, and I was too naive to realize the obvious truth.

I'm smitten by Zac.

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