Chapter eight

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Little Love Postcards


Chapter eight


n. pl. ser·en·dip·i·ties

1. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.

2. The fact or occurrence of such discoveries.

3. An instance of making such a discovery.

My discovery was somewhat brutal and stupid. How could loving someone be such great of an influence in your life, that you would pack up all your belongings and leave?

My discovery didn't make sense to me at all, and I was somehow regretting saying yes. Not only yes for the trip, but yes to the question "will you be my girlfriend?"

If I didn't say yes, I wouldn't be in this situation right now. I wouldn't have to face Zac every day.

I shut the dictionary and followed the steps to downstairs. I can't help but feel guilty for Conner. For the second time he had to be rejected. Well, on the first time he couldn't even remember me.

Zac has a convention to attend, where all the top accountants of the world get together for a learning course. He, who is representing for our country, casually invited me with. It was all rainbows and bunnies until I searched the convention online.

Let me tell you one thing: a chair wasn't the appropriate seating of choice.

Even famous actors attend the glamorous convention to get in touch with their inner accountant.

Another part I was missing, was the fact that Zac was the best accountant in the country. I didn't even know he could add.

He owns his father's business, and is definitely a wealthy man.

So do make a note sometime that the stupidest guy in your math class can somehow become the richest man in the world.

"Are you ready?" Zac came behind me and put his arms around my waist, while kissing my cheek.

"Zac, I told you no hands,"

I turned to face him as he pouted. He still resembled the guy I grew up to know. Not the one in business suits and ties. Either way he looked like eye candy right now.

"This isn't fair. I thought we were supposed to reconnect, but you push me away. I don't know why I agreed to not touching you." He still pouted while I zipped my luggage closed.

I giggled as he, despite my protest, tickled me before leaving my bedroom.

After the carnival, Conner took me home in silence. I had an idea that he understood. We didn't speak once, except a few goodbyes.

My mom was a different story. She made me swear to be safe, in a few different ways.

The next morning after I told my mom what Zac asked me, Ally and Luke popped out of no where. They agreed that they would visit us in Paris after the second week because they always wanted to go to France.

Zac came over while I finised packing. I spoke to him over the phone this morning and told him I'd go with him. He booked the first flight he could get and came to fetch me.

I picked up my suitcase and dragged it till the front door, where four faces were watching me expectantly. "You need to start lifting," Luke smiled at me, but I noticed something unsteady. Maybe it was the way he glared at Zac, and visa versa.

"No, she doesn't. She is beautiful and more than imperfect, as you're stating it." Zac bit back at Luke's comment.

I smacked Zac on the arm before saying goodbye. Luke gave me a little box and a peck on the cheek. "I'll miss you," he whispered.

When my bag was loaded in the trunk, I climbed into the passenger seat while Zac started the car. "What was that?"

Zac didn't even blink after I asked that question. His hands tightened around the steering wheel.

One thing I noticed, is that Zac is completely possessive and jealous.

The drive to the airport was very short. We pulled into the parking lot while two men in suits awaited us. "VIP? I should've guessed." Zac's dimple popped at my statement.

The well dressed men led us inside as we checked in. To say we were getting odd stares, like Zac was the president of the US, was an understatement. "Let me guess," I whispered beside him as we walked while the men dragged our luggage. "You don't have a jet, do you?"

He simply chuckled, "Maybe." I could somehow still see the down to earth Zac. The money didn't get to his head, in a way. Something was keeping him on the ground.

"What are you looking at?" Zac asked. I hadn't noticed we had come to a stop at a terminal gate. "I just don't understand how you became like this." I chirped.

"Like this?" His eyebrow lifted. "In a good way or a bad way?"

"In a good way, I suppose." I replied while smiling at him.

"Mr Kenny and Miss Parker," A woman's voice said behind us. We both turned around to see a fairly young lady behind us. "Would you please follow me to your seats?" She politely asked.

We entered the gate as our tickets were scanned. There were lines at the terminal, but we skipped to the front, which made me feel very guilty of course. It looks like Zac is a very important man indeed.

We did however climb into the front of a plane. "See, no jet." Zac mused.

"Seats A1 and A2. We hope you enjoy your flight with us." The lady spoke. "Business class isn't any better, young man." I pointed out.

The flight was bumpy, and to see that Zac was burning to touch me was quite hilarious. It was in the way he peeked at me while he thought I wasn't looking. His fingers twitched closer to mine on the arm rest. He would get up and go to the restroom ever so often, just to bump into me every time.

I was having such great entertainment watching him. I did agree to come with him, only if he kept his hands to himself.

So maybe I was playing hard to get, but I didn't want to give into him that easily.

I don't know much about the man he has become, and I feel as if we need to reconnect and get to know each other like strangers would.

I feel like he is a stranger.

He came back from the restroom, squeezing past my legs,letting his fingers caress my thighs "for support."

I gave him a glare, and he knew he had been caught. His smirk showed his dimple on his right cheek. It wasn't so prominent before.

"I have a question," He said as he sat back down. "Yes?" I replied.

"Why do you have to be so beautiful?" He leaned closer, but I pushed him away fiercely. "Excuse me?" I gasped.

He laughed while my cheeks lit up. "I can't do this silly bet anymore,of not touching you." He said stubbornly.

"Elle, are you blushing?" I hid my face in his hands. "How long has it been since you spoke to a guy?"

"To be honest," I pointed out after my shame vanished,"Guys have spoken to me, but my mind was only on you. So I guess, long ago."

"I can see that," His eyes twinkled in amusement. "I love seeing you blush at my comments, even after so many years."

I moved further away from him in my seat as he leaned closer again. "It shows I still ignite a fire inside of you." He whispered into my ear.

I quickly mumbled that I needed to go to the restroom while unbuckling my seatbelt. He chuckled as I sped off.

My cheeks were burning at the moment. I probably looked like a christmas tree.

I opened the restroom sliding door before splashing my face with water.

As I stared into the little mirror, I didn't know how I was going to survive without giving in. He was right. He did ignite something deep down in my stomach at a few words.

Nobody has ever succeeded in that. Not even a hot personal trainer.

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